Friday Five: Fave Running Tunes

It’s finally Friday!! Why do short work weeks always feel so much longer?!

As I mentioned last week, I needed a good power tune to get me through my intervals and this week’s 400-meter repeats were no different. While I find of late I’m using music less for some of my shorter runs, when it comes to speedwork, hill repeats or late in a long run, I like to have my music! So when I heard that Courtney, Mar and Cynthia were inviting everyone to share their “Favorite Fitness Tunes,”  I  couldn’t resist chiming in with my 5 current favorites. Note I say current because my tastes and playlists change often!

music notes

(Links to YouTube videos below in case you’re interested)

Love Runs Out by OneRepublic — The very first time I heard this one on the radio I knew I had to add it to my playlist. I love the driving beat!

Applause by Lady Gaga —  While I’m not a huge Gaga fan, this song never fails to get me moving!

Now that We Found Love by Heavy D & the Boyz — Old school!

Dream On by Aerosmith — Told you my taste is eclectic!  While a slower beat for sure, there is something about this song that always gets me going – maybe it’s the Boston connection 😉

25 Miles by Edwin Starr — OK so Old School there isn’t even a video, just an audio link! Despite its age, it’s a relatively new addition to my playlist and a favorite to hear late in a long run.

Be sure to check out everyone else’s list – maybe you’ll find a new tune for your playlist!



Friday Five: Runfessions

Every month Marcia, from Marcia’s Healthy Slice, shares her “runfessions” – a chance to cleanse your sweaty soul. I love these posts. Marcia always invites her readers to join her and so this time round, I’m in.


Runfession #1 — While I’m feeling better about my training than I have in weeks, I confess that I am no where close to where I wanted to be at this point. But there’s still 8 weeks until Philly…

Runfession #2 — I’m seriously struggling with my motivation…there are definitely days where I want to chuck the training plan, let go of my race goals and just go back to running purely for the fun of it.

Runfession #3 — I’ve decided to take the Smuttynose Half off the table.  While this was never a goal race, I will admit that I was secretly hoping to take advantage of the “flat, fast course” and kick some serious asphalt. Given #1, Coach Bennett and I agreed that if I can’t go and run it really easy that I shouldn’t do it….and I know myself and I just don’t think I can…so no Smuttynose this year.

Runfession #4 — I really miss my running buddy E. She’s been dealing with an injury and it’s been ages since we’ve run together. I’m sure that’s not helping my motivation on some days. But I do so appreciate that she’s one of my biggest cheerleaders!

Runfession #5 — I’m loving my hill workouts…I know right? But I have to admit that Thursday’s hill repeats have become my favorite workout of the week! And I’ve been crushing them!

There….I feel better now! Do you have any runfessions to share?



Friday Five: Working with a Running Coach

It’s Friday and time for another fun link up with Courtney, Mar & Cynthia. Our theme this week? “Five things I love about…”

Lots of things came to mind for this theme, but then I started thinking about a conversation I’d had recently with my youngest son about why I was working with Coach Bennett. His exact words were – “Why don’t you just get out there and run?” Hmm…fair question. So I thought I’d share what I love about working with a running coach.

Coaching roadsign
Customized training plan — A running coach will develop a personalized plan for you taking into account your current fitness level, running history and current goals. It takes all the guess work out of picking a training plan.

Progressing smartly — Closely tied with reason #1, is working with a coach will help you to progress at a pace that will hopefully minimize the risk of injury. Life happens and training runs are missed – I’ve found it very helpful to have someone to help figure out when and how to get the miles in (or, equally importantly, when to let them go!)

Move beyond comfort zone — While progressing smartly, I have also found it very beneficial to have someone to push nudge me out of my comfort zone. (Hill repeats and some of my more aggressive speedwork would never have happened without Coach Bennett!)

Sounding board — A good running coach is definitely part therapist. A coach can help you with the mental side of running – helping to keep you both motivated and focused.

Race strategy — Having someone who can help you objectively review your training, set realistic race goals and map out a strategy for getting there is a huge bonus!

Have you ever worked with a running coach? If not, would you want to?


Friday Five: Running and Fitness Resources

Happy Friday! This week the ladies of the DC Trifecta (Courtney, Mar and Cynthia) are asking everyone to share 5 blogs you love. Well I do read a fair number of blogs and there was no way I could just whittle it down to five. So instead, I thought I’d share five running and fitness resources that I turn to again and again.


International Association of Women Runners — This is my coach’s site so you may say I’m bias. But, if you’re a women of a certain age (ahem…over 40) this is great resource to check out!

Runners Connect — A team of running coaches weighing in on all aspects of running and training.

Natural Running Center — A wealth of info on all things “natural running” related, including shoe reviews.

Fuel Your Future with Tina — Tina is an elite athlete with some great training tips to share.

FitFluential — Again, I may be biased here, as I am a FitFluential Ambassador, but I think the FF blog offers a great range of fitness/healthy living posts.

Now, I’m very excited to say I’m off for a date with an Alter G treadmill – a full report coming soon!

So tell what are your favorite running and fitness resources? 


Friday Five: Fall Preview

I cannot believe this is the last Friday of the month – and with school starting for my boys next week, it’s really the last Friday of the summer! While it has been a wonderful summer – I am a Fall girl and love that my favorite time of the year is just around the corner!

Fall preview

So much to look forward to this fall, including….

Cooler Temps — While it wasn’t as brutally hot as some past summers, I’m just much more partial to the crisp cool days of fall. I’m happiest in jeans, boots, sweater…you get the idea.

Apple Picking — One of my favorite family fall traditions!

Cooking — We pretty much live off the grill during the summer – which I must admit is largely my husband J’s domain. But once fall kicks in, I love to get back into the kitchen and dive into some of my favorite recipes and to try out some new ones!

Football —  If you’ve been around here for a while then you know I’m a huge football fan and cannot wait to watch my beloved Patriots take the field.

Fall Races — Hello Philly Half! Having not done much racing this year, I’m looking forward to running 3 (maybe 4) races this fall.

I could go on and on about the good things of fall! I’m linking up with Courtney, Mar and Cynthia again this week so be sure to stop by and check them out.

What are you looking forward to this fall?



Friday Five: Running Unplugged

DC_linkupI’m joining Courtney, Mar and Cynthia again for the Friday Five, and this week’s theme is “5 Things I Love about….”

So I want to highlight some benefits of running tech-free – aka running “naked.”  During  the past coupe of weeks I have been really struggling with my pacing. I’ve been getting most of my mileage in, but every time I look down at my Garmin during a run I’ve been feeling very defeated as the number staring back at me has not been close to what I was aiming for – cue the negative self-talk!

So at Coach Bennett’s suggestion, I’ve put the watch away for a bit and am running by effort. I’ve actually taken it a step further this week and left the headphones behind as well – no devices of any kind (except my phone in my belt in case my kids needed me!).


Travel Light — There’s definitely something to be said for feeling lighter without all the tech stuff. No cords to manage, no satellites to find.

Less Anxiety — Knowing that I wasn’t going to have my pace reflected back at me, immediately took the pressure out of the run. I don’t think I realized how much having a number (pace) hanging over my head was upping my anxiety level.

Letting My Body Lead — There are lots of variables that can affect a run on any given day (sleep, nutrition, the previous day’s workout, etc.). Running by feel vs. my watch gives my body a better chance to adjust to those variables.

Listening to My Feet — No music means I can tune into my footfall. Is it soft and light? Am I scuffing my feet? When I hear scuffing, I know my form’s starting to fall apart.

Enjoy My Surroundings — Running tech-free not only gives me the chance to tune into my body, but to tune into my surroundings as well.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not ready to give up my running gadgets – they do provide a lot of useful feedback and motivation. But more and more I’m seeing the importance of taking a tech-break.

Do you ever run naked?



Friday Five: Things that Make Me Smile

Linking up with Courtney, Mar and Cynthia again today. DC_linkup

This week is theme-free so I just thought I’d share a few things that made me smile this week.

cool weather The Weather — Most mornings this week have looked like this! Perfect running weather…and unheard of in August!


#IceBucketChallenge — It’s been great to see power of social media used for good with the #IceBucketChallenge to wipe out ALS! I’ve been lovin’ the videos in my FB feed (and yes I both dumped and donated) – but nothing made me smile more than watching my boys take the challenge and want to make a donation! Ice Bucket


AltrasAltra Intutions — These are quickly becoming my go to shoe for the majority of my runs. I have the 1.5’s and heard rumblings that the 2.0’s are a very different shoe and are bumming out fans of the 1.5’s. So to play it safe, I hunted online and bought another pair of 1.5’s that I’ll just store away for later.

dahliaDahlias in My Garden — These have been a labor of love. I planted them back at the end of May and have been nurturing them along. They finally started to bloom this week!

Beach Time — Was so happy to finally get to see this view this week!

Time at the beach


What’s making you smile lately?

Don’t forget to enter my Nuun Energy giveaway!



Friday Five – Race Memories

Linking up with the fun ladies of the DC Trifecta again this Friday. Today’s theme – Race Memories…so come take a little walk down memory lane with me!


Boston’s Run to Remember — My first half marathon! Without a doubt, this will go down as one of my all time favorite race experiences! My whole family turned out in force all along the course to support me, and my husband surprised me by ordering matching shirts for everyone. Best cheer squad ever. I smiled the whole race! (Recap HERE)IMG_0717






Philadelphia Half Marathon — This was the first time I’d traveled to a race. I just loved everything about this race experience – as you can see from this picture 🙂 Loved the course and the crowd support — so much so that I’m going back this November! (Recap HERE)


ZOOMA Cape Cod Half — What made this race fun was all about the people! I was a race ambassador and the other ambassadors were a great group of ladies to get to know. Also got to meet Sarah & Dimity of Another Mother Runner fame. But best of all it was a fun girls weekend with my running buddy E – we both PR’d and had a blast together! (Recap HERE)


The Time I Played Race DirectorYep one of my favorite race memories is of a race I didn’t even run. A couple of years ago I took on the crazy, stressful and very rewarding task of being race director for the local 5K and kids’ fun runs to benefit my sons’ school. I was both thrilled and exhausted by the time the day was done, and I had developed a serious appreciation for all that goes into race planning. A very worthwhile experience and while everyone can’t play race director, I seriously encourage every runner to volunteer at a race at least once! (Recap HERE)

My Son’s 1st 5K — For those of you who’ve been around here for a while I’m sure you’re not surprised to see this one on the list of my top race memories! Nothing better than watching your child push themselves to reach a goal…and being asked to come along for the ride 🙂 (Recap HERE)  picmonkey_image (5)

Be sure to check out the link-up with Cynthia, Courtney & Mar — I’m looking forward to reading about everyone’s memories!




Friday Five: Half Marathon Training Goals

Linking up with Mar, Cynthia and Courtney again today. This week’s theme is “goals” and given that I just started my half marathon training this week it seems the perfect time to share my goals for this training cycle.

training goals


Don’t Miss a Workout! — Goal number 1 is to complete all of my workouts. Scheduling can get a little crazy in the summer when the kids are home, but that just means I need to get creative to stay on my plan (Hello 5:30 a.m. runs!).

Get Stronger —  This ties in directly with Goal #1. I’ve got a fair amount of cross-training built into my plan, plus specific strength exercises to keep my hip happy. I will also continue with my beloved Barre class and adding in some TRX as well.

Fuel Properly — While summer eating naturally lends itself towards lots of fruits and veggies and meals from the grill, I know I could still focus better on my nutrition – especially pre- and post-run. Doing so should also help me return to “fighting weight” which is about 6 lbs lighter than I am now.

Recover Right — Sometimes because scheduling gets a little hectic things like post-run rolling, re-fueling and donning of compression gear gets pushed to the back burner in favor of moving on with the day – however I pay for it later and on my next run…so that can’t happen!

Remember My “Why” — The mental side of training is just as important as the miles I log. After not having the Spring I had hoped for from a running/racing perspective, I will be working hard to keep negative talk and doubt from creeping in. During tough runs it will be important to remember why I’m out there.


Have you set any new goals for the rest of the year?



Friday Five: Some Summer Faves

Hello Friday!

Seriously these weeks are flying by – hard to believe we’re more than half way through July already!

I’m linking up again with Courtney, Mar and Cynthia (aka the DC Trifecta) for my Friday Five. This week’s theme is “Friday Favorites,” so I thought I’d share a few things I’m loving right now.


pineapple bars


Pineapple Outshine Fruit Bars: I am seriously addicted to these things! They’re a mere 80 calories, ooze pineapple goodness and are the perfect refreshing treat on a summer afternoon.


Lazy Dinners on the Deck: Dinners on our deck are truly one of my favorite things about the summer. The meals are slow and easy, tunes are quietly playing in the background, and no one is in a rush to go anywhere.

House_of_Cards_title_cardHouse of Cards: OK I may be late to the party on this one, but we just re-joined Netflix this week and J and I are hooked on this show!

New Recipes: With the abundance of fresh produce at this time of year I’ve been playing with some new recipes. Currently I’m perfecting my peach salsa.

Family Running: This month I have been enjoying getting in some family runs. At my chiro’s urging I have been logging some miles at the track to keep my healing hip happy. It’s been a great spot to run with this little guy 🙂

Track time


What are you loving right now?


