Friday 9!

Well Hello Friday – so glad you showed up! It has been a long week…nothing dramatic, just one of those weeks where you feel like you’re running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off! I was very happy to wake up this morning and know it was Friday and the weekend is coming!

This morning was also my first 9 mile run! I will admit that I was a little nervous about trying this distance. I tweeted before I left that I was going to take on a new distance, and almost instantly I got tweets from so many other runners encouraging me, wishing me a good run and telling me to have fun! It was the nice little boost I needed before heading out the door. I’ve said it before, but I have to say it again – I love how supportive the running community is!

It was a beautiful morning for a run – in the mid-40s and bright sunshine. As I set out, I decided to not focus on the distance, but just run and enjoy the first signs of spring finally creeping into New England. I’m happy to say that it was a fairly uneventful run – took two quick walk breaks first to stretch out my left leg a little and then when I discovered that I cannot run and chew Chomps at the same time 🙂

So now it’s time to enjoy the great weather on deck for the weekend!

Have a Great Weekend!

Odds and Ends

I’m trying to not let cabin fever set in here! We got more snow yesterday so instead of running I cross-trained by shoveling and playing in the snow with my dog – always a good workout!

It was back to the treadmill today – I had thought about running outside but most of my routes are still being dug out and I just wasn’t up for playing Frogger with the morning commuters 🙂 I’m just trying to look at this time on the ‘mill as an opportunity to work on maintaining a consistent pace….but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m starting to go a little stir crazy. I’m crossing my fingers I can get outside for Sunday’s run. My hubs and I were laughing the other day about the fact that it’s turning into one of the snowiest winters on record and we’ve got a race on the decks at the end of February! Truthfully I’m really glad I’ve got this race coming up otherwise it would be just a little too easy to hibernate and wait for spring.

Speaking of races, I’ve just added another race to my 2011 schedule. Jeff at Detroit Runner is sponsoring the “I Just Felt Like Running” virtual 5k on March 5th. He’s got a good group of participants so far and is trying to get at least one runner from all 50 states. Stop by to check it out!

Also, I have been meaning to say a big thanks to Jake at Broken Hearted Runner for including me in his list of top Running Blogs. He’s got a great mix of blogs on the list and I’m honored to have been included. I really enjoy reading about others’ ups and downs, challenges and successes and I can always find something to draw inspiration from!

Have a Great Weekend!

Reflections and a First Run

Got out today amid the fog and light rain to log my first run of 2011!

I have been resting my left ITB for the past two weeks — though I did sneak in 2 miles on the dreadmill on NYE’s day ’cause I really didn’t want to end the year on injured reserve if I could help it.  So the hope today was to just get out on the road and run a slow and steady, pain-free 5 miles. Mission accomplished!

I was also itching to try out some of the new gear I got for Christmas – especially my new Garmin Forerunner 305 (courtesy of my wonderful hubs J)! I am so excited to figure out how to use it to help with my pacing – which, according to my new little running partner, can be a bit erratic.

It felt so good to be out there this morning – I kept thinking about how far I’ve come since that first “run” last January…where 1 mile felt like it went on forever …..and, then I didn’t try to run again until March! Hmmm, yeah I can definitely say I’ve improved in the dedication department 🙂

But thanks to the C25K plan, that 1 mile turned into 3 and I ran my first 5k in June! Followed by:

In between there were miles in the crazy heat, rain, bitter cold and…yes, even on the dreadmill. There was an off and on argument with my angry left leg. There were goals met…and some not. I discovered a wonderfully supportive and inspiring running community. And, I found a piece of myself that I hadn’t tapped into in a long time.

Can’t wait to see what 2011 brings!

Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)

  1. So much for that quick trot through the holiday season I was trying to maintain. The days on the calendar feel like they’re evaporating and when we crossed the 10 days-to-go mark yesterday, I lost my cool and broke out into full sprint mode. If I could translate this into my speedwork, a PR could be in my future!
  2. I haven’t run since Sunday, when somewhere around mile 2 my ITB started whining and by the time I reached just over 6 it was in a full scream! So I figured it best to take a couple of days off. I got through my Pilates class last night and had no pain despite all the side leg work we did, so I’m going to try a run tomorrow.
  3. Hey I’m up to 46 followers – when did that happen! I continue to be amazed and inspired by how supportive the running community is – whether by blog comment, tweet or email I have appreciated all of the encouragement! Thanks for being a part of my journey!