Enjoying the downtime

After a great Christmas weekend filled with family, great food and lots and lots of laughter, I’m still basking in the after Christmas glow!

Today we’re digging out from the blizzard that hit much of the northeast. Building snow forts with the kids and romping through the snow with my oversized puppy definitely count as my cross-training for today! 

Had to share a pic of my pup
in between snow dives!

My ITB has now had a full week of rest and, with Mother Nature’s help, it looks like it may get a day or two more. I figure there’s no point in stressing about it — if I hope to get this ITB under control and be ready to race again in February than this is the way it has to be now.

So my plan this week is to enjoy the rest, get in some yoga, another TRX class and, of course, more “cross-training” with the kids and the pup!


Notes to Self

A couple of notes to myself after this morning’s run…..

…too much holiday cheer (in the form of a party and many glasses of a very good Prosecco) the night before a long run is ill-advised

…your kids will always wake up early the following morning, so sleeping off said holiday cheer is never an option

…running with perpetual cotton-mouth is also ill-advised and should be avoided in the future

…getting the run done, despite the holiday cheer and rain — oh yeah did I mention it started raining about half way through the run?! — is very satisfying 🙂


Running Respite

Every year I promise myself that I will slow down and actually enjoy the holiday season, instead of sprinting through it, feverishly checking things off my to do list as I go. Well, with 17 days to go until Christmas, let’s just say that I’m moving at a very fast trot…so that’s an improvement.

And, while I was sure that by this point the frigid temps would have kept me indoors, my running time has become an even more necessary respite. It’s a chance to step away from volunteer commitments at my son’s school, gifts to be purchased (or wrapped, or shipped), cards still not addressed, a Christmas dinner menu still to be planned…the list goes on and on. It’s a chance to focus on nothing except putting one foot in front of the other, while Eminem or the Black Eyed Peas provides a little motivation to fight through the chilly headwind.

It’s a chance to re-group, to recharge and lately, I’ve been feeling very grateful that I’ve found running!


On a chilly morning

On this morning’s run, I discovered….

  • 36 degrees feels so much colder when it’s windy and the whole run feels like you’re running into the wind!
  • I may have been out of my mind registering for a race at the end of February on Cape Cod!
  • running by the bank display when it reads 36 degrees is no better than running by it when it reads 86 degrees
  • …and I’m still wondering who decided banks needed to provide the temperature in the first place!
  • I’m not sure the point of wearing “wicking” material when I’m too cold to generate a sweat!
  • those extending dog leashes should be outlawed if it means people and their little dogs are allowed to take up the entire sidewalk
  • …and why is it you never see a big dog on one of those things?
  • running with a cap with a brim in the wind = a lot of wasted effort to keep the darn thing on
  • despite moments of whining, I’m glad I got out here!
Have a Great Weekend!

Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 things)

  1. If someone finds my motivation, could you please return it to me! I haven’t run or cross-trained in a week — nothing, nada, zip! My mood is starting to suffer a bit.
  2. “I am not my To Do list!” — This has become my mantra this week as I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed by my commitments. (Definitely contributed to #1)
  3. A simple, but heartfelt Thank You to our men and women who serve, to our veterans and their families!
Happy Veterans Day!

A Very Public Thank You!

Mark Remy at Runner World has a great blog post today, declaring today National Married-to-a-Runner Appreciation Day and encouraging his fellow runners to salute their supportive spouses.

I just love this idea! My hubby has been my biggest supporter since the first moment I entertained the idea of starting to run. He pumps up my ego when it get seriously bruised by a bad run or the number on the clock. He listens to my endless agonizing over running routes, workouts and race choices. He never complains when I disappear on a Sunday morning and does what ever he can to help me get my runs in during the week while not disrupting the boys’ schedules. Heck, he spent our 18th wedding anniversary on the streets of Boston cheering me on in my first 10k race and he’s the first one to tell me that I can do a half marathon (he actually tells me he’s waiting for the day I announce I want to do a full)!

I’m not surprised by this support – this is the way he’s always been for what ever new venture I dive into. It’s one of the many things I love about him!

So today I want to say a very public

Thank You to My Wonderful Hubby!!

Why not take a moment and thank your biggest supporter too!



A random Wednesday…

Is it just me or is this week crawling along?

It’s still raining in the northeast, and over the past couple of days I’ve wondered if we should start pairing up the animals two by two?

But I’m trying hard NOT to diss Mother Nature because the forecast for this long weekend looks fantastic! (May the weatherman be right for a change!)

I didn’t do my scheduled run yesterday because my tweeky knee is seriously acting up, so I figured extra rest and ice was a better choice. Hopefully I can get tomorrow’s run in.

I’m trying to put together a playlist for the race — my last few long runs have taught me that the tempo of the second 5K needs to be faster than that of the first 5K.

Is it crazy that this race isn’t done yet and I’m already thinking about running another one?


Open letter to Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature –

OK girlfriend it’s time you and I had a little chat!

Have you looked at your calendar lately?

It’s officially fall!!

Here in the northeast that means, leaf peeping, apple picking and cooler temps! I didn’t slog it out running in the crazy heat and humidity you threw at us unrelentingly all summer to be greeted with more of the same now! I mean seriously, I went out for simple 3 mile run this morning and I’m a dripping mess! And throwing us a bone in the form of the occasional crisp fall day just isn’t cutting it! There is a reason that I and many of my fellow runners signed up for races in the fall….to enjoy the cool, crisp air on race day. Do you see where I’m going with this?

So please, I’m begging you…enough of the hot flashes….embrace your inner ice princess and please cool things down around here and try to keep it that way at least through December!



In no particular order

  • The running gods continue to be kind to me after Friday’s arse kicking! Today’s run was smooth, effortless…an easy 5K. Thank you Universe I’ll have another!
  • I’ve surprised myself that despite the beautiful fall temperatures we’ve been experiencing in my neck of the woods, I now actually prefer to run at 6:30 in the morning – when did THAT happen?!?
  • There are now 32 of you signed on to follow my little journey into madness…er…I mean running 🙂 Again, when did THAT happen?! I have to say your comments and encouragement are SO very much appreciated!
  • Running with Attitude is now a member of Healthy Living Blogs. HLB is a new resource for the health blogging community created by Lindsey of Sound Eats. The site is designed to enhance the positive community of the healthy living blog world. I’m really happy to be a part of this community and encourage you to check out some of the great health-related blogs they support here!
  • There are some CRAZY good giveaways going on in the blogosphere right now — especially if you’re a fan of Brooks Running. Check out “Great Giveaways” in my sidebar!
Happy Running!


It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

For anyone who has kids….or at the very least has seen that classic Staples ad, you know what I’m talking about. Yep that’s right, it’s the first day of school!!

Now don’t get me wrong – I love my kiddos! It’s been a good summer and we had a ball on our vacation! But I am really ready for them to go to school now. I actually bounded out of bed this morning when the alarm went off just before 6. And I swear as I headed out for my run, there was an extra bounce in my step!

[Of course there is a downside to this time of year, the streets aren’t so quiet now as people return to work and kids await school buses….oh and the school bus drivers…yikes! They deserve a whole post themselves…but I’ll save that for another time!]

Right now I’m going to enjoy this feeling that only the first day of school can bring!
