Friday Five – Fave Summer Activities

With temps now dancing just below 90, it is safe to say that summer has officially arrived! After such a brutal winter (yes, I think I’m still traumatized), I am not going to complain about the heat and look forward to making the most of the summer months ahead.

Courtney, Mar & Cynthia have invited everyone to share their favorite summer activities for this week’s #FridayFive linkup, so here are a few of my faves.

Time at the beach

Beach: When you say summer to me, one of the first thing that comes to mind is hitting the beach! I can’t wait to get in some day trips to one of my favorite beaches.  

Hiking: Hiking is another popular family activity.  A well-shaded trail is a welcome escape on a hot summer day.


farmers market


Farmer’s Markets: I could spend all Saturday morning at our local farmers market – great produce, cheeses, wine and other great local finds – nothing better!


Dining alfresco:  Whether at home on our deck or at a favorite restaurant, there’s something about dining outdoors that I just love – I just want to slow down and linger. 


Lazing a day away: Sometimes my favorite activity in the summer is no activity. We’re always so go-go-go in the RWA household, and summer gives us a chance to just hang out. Sometimes doing a whole lot of nothing is perfect!


June’s Ultimate Coffee Date

The Ultimate Coffee Date

Busy morning ahead, but before I get going I’m making a little time to join with one of my favorite link-ups, The Ultimate Coffee Date. Thanks to Coco, Lynda and Deborah, as always, for hosting! Be sure to check out the link-up and see what the other ladies are dishing about.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m in the homestretch on all of the school projects/concerts/field trips, etc. After May Madness, things are starting to wind down a bit. I did spend yesterday in my youngest son’s class room helping out with a project – it was a sea of glue sticks, construction paper and stickers, but I survived and made my kiddo happy so it was all worth it.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I cannot believe my oldest son is leaving for overnight camp in just a few weeks! He’s really excited and I’m excited for him…but I’m going to miss him terribly!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that returning to running after a short hiatus is hard…harder than I thought it would be. Some days I feel like I’m starting from scratch and I’m working on not being too hard on myself.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I survived my 3-day refresh, and did lose a few pounds. I’ve got a lot of thoughts to share on the whole thing, but my boys are waiting and lacrosse calls, so I’m gonna save that for a separate post. 🙂

If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me? 



March Rewind

Smoopy MarchThe thermometer hit 50 degrees yesterday and I can finally see a good chunk of my backyard. The frozen tundra is receding and I can feel that spring is finally just around the corner! So before I wave goodbye to March, let’s see how things shaped up?

Good things for March:

  • March Movement – I consider my goal to move for 31 days a success. I did take a couple of rest days when I was fending off the beginnings of a cold.)
  • Discovered the Arc Trainer and it was love at first workout!
  • Return to Yoga — a big part of reaching my movement goal was getting back to yoga.
  • Reclaiming my morning routine!

Things I could do without:

  • Yeah…I’ve whined enough about the weather….let’s just move on, shall we?

What’s up for April:

  • BAA 5K — this has become a favorite event to kick off Marathon Weekend!
  • #StripatNight – RnR Vegas registration opens today
  • Just looking forward to things finally feeling like spring…and planning to enjoy every minute of it!

How about you – was March a good month? Any big plans for April?


Ultimate Coffee – February

The Ultimate Coffee Date

It’s the first Saturday of the month which means its time for the Ultimate Coffee Date! I’m linking up again with Coco, Lynda and Deborah so grab a cup of your fave beverage and join us!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that almost a week later I’m still giddy over my beloved Patriots winning the Super Bowl. It was an unbelievable game and I must say the final two minutes almost took me out!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m really happy that both my husband J and my oldest son have decided to join me again in running the B.A.A. 5K! This race has become crazy-popular in the past couple of years so we wasted no time registering when it opened on Wednesday. We had so much fun last year – it’s a fun way to kick off Boston Marathon weekend. And, speaking of the marathon, I also submitted my application to volunteer again  – it will be a couple more weeks before I get my assignment.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I was so psyched to finally receive my discount code for the Rock ‘n’ Roll races that I can share with everyone! You can use the code RUNATTITUDE015 to save $15 on both half and full marathons in the US & Canada or £3 (GBP) off international races.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my new favorite addiction is BarkThins! Bark I especially like the dark chocolate pretzel…seriously, I made need an intervention.


If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me? 

What’s your current snack addiction?


October’s Ultimate Coffee Date

Hello October!

Did September fly by as fast for you as it did for me?! Well it’s time to kick off a new month and one of my favorite ways to do that is by joining the Ultimate Coffee Date!  So grab a mug of coffee, tea or another favorite beverage and let’s catch up for a bit!


If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you October is probably one of my favorite months! The weather is perfect for running and the foliage in New England is beautiful – it’s a great time to be outdoors! And, all things pumpkin are plentiful – win!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you we heading out to western Mass to go apple picking tomorrow. It’s a family tradition – we go to a great family run farm that has a wide variety of apples, peaches and pumpkins plus hayrides, an amazing farm stand and a great barbecue. It’s such a fun way to spend the day and I tell you those apple cider doughnuts are killer!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I am on a decluttering kick! After just one month of school, homework, volunteer projects, etc. I’ve lost sight of most of my dining room table and a counter in the kitchen. But, truthfully, I don’t plan to stop there – I’m going after closets, the mini-man cave (aka our playroom) and…our home office. DeclutteringYourHomes

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my husband J and I will celebrate our 22nd anniversary later this month (another reason I love October!). We’ve actually been together 26 years! As cliched as it may sound he truly is my best friend. I don’t know what we’ll do to celebrate but given the way the calendar looks this month, it will probably be at one of the boys’ sport events!


If we were having coffee together what would you tell me?


Friday Five – Race Day Prep

It’s Friday again already and I’m linking up with Courtney, Mar & Cynthia (aka the DC Trifecta) for this week’s Friday Five! This week’s theme is “Race Day Rituals.” I really have any special rituals for race morning –  but I do have some key things I always do during training to get me prepped for race day.

race day prep

Long Runs as Dress Rehearsal — Every long run is a chance to practice your fueling and hydration strategies.

Train for the Course — As often as possible, I try to pick routes that will mimic the race course. (If you’re facing a hilly course but live in the flatlands, make hill work on the treadmill part of your training!) Best of all, if you live near the course, try to run at least parts whenever you can.

No New Gear — It always amazes me when someone picks up new running clothes at the race expo and then wears them on race day. There are a lot of things you can’t control on race day, so where you can eliminate any surprises – like discovering that cute new shirt you picked up at the expo chafes in all the wrong places!

Go Easy on the Expo — If you’re running a larger race, then packet pick-up can also means a trip to the race expo. While it can be fun to check out the latest gear or a new vendor, be careful to not overdo it and spend too much time on your feet.

Catch Some ZZZs — If you’re like me then the night before the race is usually a rough night of sleep. While you should do what you can to get enough sleep throughout training, life happens right? So I make it my mission to get to bed early during race week so I’m as well-rested as possible come race morning.

Do you have any race day rituals? Be sure to stop by the link-up and check out how others manage their race day. DC_linkup


Training Week 6: Remembering Why

Happy September! Hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend!

I’m getting ready to head out for this morning’s run and week 7 of my Philly Half training. I’m looking forward to a fresh start and to put last week’s runs far behind me.

Week 6 was rough people! I’m not going to lie – I thought about skipping the recap altogether. But with running, you’ve got to take the good with the bad, right?

So here’s how the week shook out:

Monday:   Strength training – legs and core.

Tuesday:   Heat & humidity returned just in time for my 6 miles.

Wednesday:  Played with my kiddos and took a rest day.

Thursday:  7 miles – I could not get out of my head on this run. There was a lot of bargaining with myself during this one.

Friday:   Core work.

Saturday: 3.5 miles – this was suppose to be 9. Despite doing all the things I was suppose to do to prep for this long run (sleep, fuel, hydrating), my body just wouldn’t cooperate. I was so frustrated with myself and finally just stopped, called J and asked him to come get me. A low point for sure….

Sunday: I briefly toyed with the idea of going out to try the nine again, but ended up sleeping through my alarm and opted to avoid the increasing humidity and have a lazy breakfast with my family.

Like I said, happy to put this one in my rearview mirror and move on. Time to get my head back in the game …to remember the reasons I’m out there…My Why.

How do you get out of your head when you’re running?


Training Check-in – Week 1 Done

check in

Yep it’s the return of my Training Check-ins!


I’m once again working with Coach Bennett of IAWR and this time around he’s created an 18-week plan leading up to the Philadelphia Half Marathon. This is probably the longest training plan I’ve done, but with my hip happy again I’m glad to have the time to build the miles gradually.

So how did week 1 go?

Monday — I woke up with my left IT feeling super tight  – actually I had gone to bed that way and a night’s rest did little for it! So I swapped with Tuesday’s cardio cross-training and headed to the gym to hit the bike followed by some serious rolling and a little yoga.

Tuesday — Humidity was back with a vengeance and juggling family schedules pushed my run to the late afternoon but I squeezed 3.5 miles in!

Wednesday — My favorite Pilates Barre class. There were only 3 of us in class this week which lead to some extra torture… attention from our instructor 🙂

Thursday — Tempo run +humidity = uggh, but 4 miles done!

Friday — Yoga
Running with KTSaturday —  With a little help from my running partner KT Tape, 5.5 done. My left leg felt great and I diligently rolled, iced and spent time in my compression sleeves post-run.

Sunday — Rest Day

All-in-all it was a good first week!

How’d your week go?


Monday Motivation: Training Plan Kick Off


Armstrong quote

Training for the Smuttynose Rockfest and Philadelphia Half officially kicks off today! I came across this quote the other day and it struck a cord with me for how I want to approach this training cycle – so much so that I have it taped to my mirror as a friendly reminder for those mornings when doubt starts to creep in and the motivation is low.

Here we go!


Transitioning to Training

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! Mine was spent eating a lot of great food, lazing on the deck and enjoying some great family time – even got some family runs in 🙂

change ahead

But now it’s Monday…and time for me to start to make the transition towards training.

Time to start being more mindful of my eating…to building up my cardio…to getting more sleep…to wrapping my head around being on a training plan again.

I ran a mile trial this weekend to benchmark where I am…and oh my, let’s just say there’s work to be done! But that’s OK. There’s still a couple of weeks before Coach Bennett sends me my Philly training plan and I know I will be ready to take on whatever he sends my way (someone please reminds in a few weeks that I said that, ok!)

Let the transition begin!

Have you started your fall training yet?

