Hot and humid runfessions

Thank goodness it is Friday! Did anyone else feel like this was the week that would not end? Well, not only is it Friday, but it is the last Friday of the month, which means Marcia’s opened the Runfessional…and I have a couple of things to share…

July Runfessions

OK so as you can guess from the title of this post, let’s start with the obvious. I runfess that I am really not enjoying summer running this year. The heat and humidity have been in overdrive leaving my desire to get out for anything longer than a quick 3 or 4-mile run pretty much non-existent.

I runfess that I may have retreated to my treadmill for a couple of my runs recently to avoid the current heatwave.

I runfess that I am not ready to return to a gym or studio. My OrangeTheory studio opened 2 weeks ago and I opted to continue to freeze my membership until September.  As much as I love my OTF classes, I’m starting to watch the COVID numbers tick upwards again and it gives me pause.

On the flip side, I runfess that I have drunk the Peloton kool-aid! While I have been enjoying the Peloton app since the shutdown began, the current Pelothon 2020 Challenge has really helped up my Peloton enthusiasm. It’s given me a chance to check out new instructors and connect with members in the community, and I’m all in.

I runfess that I have finally convinced my husband to go with me to the local Peloton showroom tomorrow to explore getting a bike.

So tell me, what are you runfessing this month?


Let’s runfess, shall we?

Happy Friday!

How are we at the end of June already? It’s the last Friday of the month and once again Marcia has opened the runfessional! So before we step into the second half of 2020, let’s take a moment to cleanse our soles/souls. 😉

I runfess that with every passing year my desire to run during the summer shrinks exponentially! Seriously, looking back I have no idea how I ever made it through Chicago Marathon training last summer!

Having said that I runfess that I have been thinking more and more about running another marathon next year. That means I’m either looking at late spring (May?) or late fall (like November late).

I runfess that I’m going to need to find a few more challenges to push me out of my comfort zone and to help keep my run motivation up. Don’t get me wrong, I will always work out and run but I can also see how easy it will be to fall into a running rut without a training plan to push me out of my comfort zone.

Technically I still have the Detroit Free Press Half on the calendar for October. Amazingly it has not been canceled. Race organizers recently sent out a survey to gauge runner interest. I runfess that it took a high level of self-control to not reply “What are you nuts?!” in the comments section. Instead, I checked the boxes indicating that I had no intention of being there and voted for deferment over virtual.

So tell me, what would you runfess? Do you have any races left on your calendar? Any good challenges to suggest?


A Few May Runfessions

Happy Friday!

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional and I’ve got a couple of things to share.

Mother Nature flipped the humidity switch this week and decided to go right for “oppressive” levels with a dew point of 70. I runfess that every year I say that I won’t whine when the warmer temps arrive, and every year I lie…this year will be no different.

I runfess that the new Adrenalines my boys got me for Mother’s Day have become an instant fave! Given that this pattern is a limited edition I runfess that I may or may not be stalking websites in search of an extra pair to store away.

I runfess that I have mixed feelings as things here enter “Phase 1” of re-opening. We’re still two phases away from gyms and fitness studios being allowed to open their doors, and while I was loving my OrangeTheory workouts pre-shutdown, I will admit that I am in no hurry to rush back. I runfess it could a summer of running and at-home workouts for me.

I could be spending a lot more time with the Peloton crew

So tell me, do you buy extra pairs of a favorite shoe? Are you embracing the heat and humidity?


Runfessions – Stay at Home Edition

While social distancing is disrupting some of our routines, runfessions on the last Friday of the month remains. Marcia has opened the Runfessional so let’s get started…

While I’m trying to not get sucked into “too much” television watching, I runfess that my latest guilty pleasure is “Little Fires Everywhere” on Hulu. I’ve only got 3 episodes left and I just don’t want it to end.

With the Berlin Marathon recently announcing its cancellation, I’m really starting to wonder if there will be any in-person races this year.  Surprisingly, I still have a 10M on the schedule for early June but I fully expect it to be canceled – and I runfess, I’m not really sure I’d be comfortable attending if by some miracle it were to take place.

That being said, I runfess that I need to train for something! While yes running is helping to keep me sane, my runs for the past couple of weeks have just been meh at best. I really need a target so I think it’s time to embrace virtual races or create some other motivating goal.

Do you think you’ll return to racing this year? What are you runfessing?


Runfessions – Corona edition

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional. And oh what a month it has been!

I runfess that there have been days, especially this week where I have just wanted to pull the covers over my head and not deal.

I runfess that I think the thought of having to stay inside has just made me crave outdoor time more than ever. On my non-running days, I have been going out for extra walks. So far, my dog is good with it…but we’ll see how he feels in another week or two.

I runfess that for as much as I love (and miss!) my Orangetheory classes, I’m just not loving their at-home workouts. I guess I really need the studio setting with the coach and all. However, ironically, I runfess that I am really enjoying workouts on the Peloton app. I feel like I’m cheating!

Have you tried any online studio classes? Anything you want to runfess?


Some Runfessions for February

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional. I’ve got a couple to share so let’s dive in, shall we?

By all accounts, this has been one of the mildest winters for the Boston-area in a long time….and yet I runfess that I’m over it. Last month I admitted that I had pretty much split my runs evenly between indoors and outdoors. This month while I’ve run outdoors more often, I runfess that I’ve taken to chasing the 40 and 50-degree temps, which has meant more mid- and late-day runs – anything to avoid an extra layer. I’m turning into a weather weenie.

I runfess that I’m bemused by the people at Orangetheory who are so possessive about “their spot” in the studio. I was practically trampled the other day by this one particular woman who felt she needed to beat me to the front desk to claim her favorite treadmill. I  got to the desk first and runfess that for half a second I thought of claiming her spot 😉

And speaking of Orangetheory, I runfess that I have learned the hard way that I must keep my reading glasses with me at all times. The other day I couldn’t read the card on the treadmill outlining the run/row workout block – thankfully, the woman next to me was sweet enough to keep prompting me so I could stay on track. Clearly, I cannot live in denial about my need for reading glasses any longer!

What are you runfessing this month?


January Runfessions Over February Coffee

Happy Friday!

Well, here we are at the end of the month. Is it just me, or did January feel oh so l-o-n-g?

Marcia has opened the Runfessional and Coco & Deborah  are inviting everyone to catch up at the Ultimate Coffee Date, so let’s dive in and chat a bit.

Over coffee, I runfess that I’m losing my cold-weather edge. Despite the relatively milder weather we’ve had this month, I still have no desire to layer up to run. My runs this month have been a pretty even split between indoor and outdoor – seriously, who am I?

Over coffee, I runfess that I had originally planned to kick off my racing season with a 10-miler in February, but given that I have had absolutely no desire to run longer than 5 or 6 miles, I’ve decided to take a pass. Both my brother and husband will be running the 5K option, and I’ve happily decided to join them!

Over coffee, I would tell you that I made the decision to step down from 3 ambassadorships and not re-apply for 2020. While I am still a big fan of SPIbelt, SkirtSports, and Tailwind, collectively I runfess that all the ambassador stuff started to feel like too much. Cutting back a bit feels good. Now that being said, I also runfess that there is one apparel brand I would certainly say yes to if selected.

Over coffee, I runfess that despite my goal to prioritize sleep, I have not been doing myself any favors thanks to staying up to watch the Australian Open. After Wimbledon, I have become a huge fan of Coco Gauff. It was fun watching her make a run through the Open, but the time difference was problematic for sure. It’s time to get back to an earlier bedtime.

Source: Australian Open

So, what would you tell me over coffee? Any runfessions to share?


Last Runfessions of 2019

Happy Friday!

In just a few short days 2019 is a wrap! Before we usher in a new decade, a quick trip to the runfessional is in order. Thanks to Marcia for giving us all a chance to cleanse our souls/soles – let’s get started, shall we?

December Runfessions

I runfess that one of the unexpected “side effects” of my Orangetheory workouts may be that I’m learning to embrace the treadmill just a bit. Every OTF workout has a treadmill block, and dare I say I don’t mind those blocks at all! I’m not ready for a long run, but I consider this progress.

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that I ran a marathon this year given that my “long-run” now is just 6 miles. I runfess that right now I have absolutely no desire to “run all the miles” and I’m perfectly ok with that!

I runfess that part of the reason why I’m content with keeping my running low-keyed at the moment is that I’m just a little obsessed with OTF! I love the way I feel after class!

Do you find you need a break from running? What are you runfessing?


October Runfessions

So here we are once again in the final few days of the month – and what a month it’s been! Marcia has opened the runfessional to give us all a chance to cleanse our souls (or is that soles?) before the new month begins, and I’ve got a few things to share, so let’s get started, shall we?

October Runfessions

Following the marathon, my run coach urged me to take a week off from running. At first, I balked at the idea, however, taking those days off proved to be much easier than I thought – I runfess that I didn’t miss running!

Last month I runfessed grand plans to run a November half marathon so all the Chicago mileage I built up didn’t go to “waste”. Well, I runfess I’m kinda over it. Any of the local halfs I was considering are coming up in the next couple of weeks and, truth be told, I’m just not interested in running long – so now I’m eyeing 10Ks.

If you had talked to shortly after crossing the Chicago finish line, I was pretty clear that 26.2 miles was ridiculously far and that it was one and done for me. Well, it’s amazing what a difference a few days make – I runfess that I’ve started thinking about the possibility of running another one.

OK – your turn….what are you runfessing this month?


Runfessions of a Would-be Marathoner

Happy Friday!

September just blew by, and now I’m staring down just a couple of short weeks before I toe the line of my first marathon. My head is consumed with all things Chicago, and I’m linking up with Marcia to share a few runfessions of a would-be marathoner.

Runfessions of a would-be marathoner

While most of the time I am pretty excited as race day approaches, I runfess that I have had one (or two) panic attacks about Chicago. I have caught myself going to some dark places convinced that I won’t make it through all of those miles. It wasn’t pretty!

I also runfess that I have had to remind myself on more than one occasion that my time doesn’t matter – the goal is to cross the line upright and smiling. No matter what time I finish it’s an instant PR, right?

I went into this training thinking “I could never run 5 days a week” – but, you know what? I surprised myself and did just that! I runfess that I miss having time for other workouts – I will definitely be scaling back to 3 run days a week post-race.

And, speaking of training, I also runfess that I miss running short! Seriously, I cannot wait for a time when 8 miles will be a weekend “long” run instead of a typical Monday.

That being said, I runfess that I am looking for a November half to run – why let this great base of mileage go to waste right?

What are you runfessing this month?
