5 Runfessions for September

Marcia has opened the Runfessional, so let’s dive in shall we?

(This post contains affiliate links)

I runfess that I think I’m starting to turn into a fair-weather runner. First, the heat and humidity made running a miserable experience this summer and there were days when I just punted in favor of cross-training in an air-conditioned studio. Now Mother N is raining on my parade literally and while I’ve done some runs in the light rain, I’m just not up for torrential downpours!

I runfess that while I have made good progress with the ornery hip/hammy issue, things are far from perfect. Some days I wonder if things are getting better or if my pain tolerance is just increasing.

Thanks to my nagging issues, I runfess that I’m trying to resist the urge to explore new shoe options – because, of course, shoes fix everything! It’s been ages since I was properly fitted for shoes, and as I was advising a new runner friend about the importance of being fitted I started wondering if I shouldn’t be following my own advice.

I runfess that none of my nagging issues has diminished my desire to run all the races! I’ve got fall races on the calendar, including one this weekend and the 2019 calendar is starting to fill up. Plus, there’s still a marathon to run. Optimistic or crazy…or a little of both?

I runfess that since I started following the macro life diet plan I have become obsessed with ways to sneak in more protein – I mean c’mon, there’s only so much meat, fish, and chicken a girl can eat, right?  I’ve been on a quest for protein snacks beyond bars, so I was giddy to see Protes protein popcorn in my latest StrideBox!

My latest obsession!

So tell me, got any runfessions to share?

I’m also linking up with  Rachel and Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.




August runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the runfessional, so let’s get to it, shall we?

I runfess that I didn’t last long in the Summer Blowout Challenge my kickboxing studio threw down for the month. While I held it out there as one of my August Goals, I runfess that my body just doesn’t love burpees…check that, my body doesn’t even like burpees. And, with a daily installment of said burpees, it does beg the question…what was I thinking?!

I runfess that the monotony of physical therapy is starting to make me feel a little restless. On the flip side, the work with the PT is paying off, so I’m just gonna suck it up and move on, right? Right.

I returned to the gym this week to avoid the heat and I runfess that some people’s gym-behavior never ceases to amaze me. Can someone explain to me why people insist on talking on their cell phones while on the treadmill (or any machine for that matter!). I sent most of my last run next to a guy who tried to carry on a conversation while attempting to walk/run on the mill. Really the call couldn’t wait?

I runfess that I’ve been wanting to “break-up” with one of my ambassadorships for a couple of months now. I’m not loving the direction they’ve gone with their products and have really come to prefer a competing brand. The ambassador program itself is also lacking and a bit disorganized – I’m not even sure who I should send my resignation email to!

So tell me, got any runfessions to share?

I’m linking up with  Rachel and Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.



July Runfessions

And just like that we’re at the last Friday of the month! Yep July is winding down the runfessional is open, so I’m linking up with Marcia to bear my sweating sole – see what I did there 😉

I runfess that I can’t believe last week this time I was so nervous about flying halfway across the country to hang out with a group of women that I’d never met in person. And now they all feel like old friends and I cannot wait to see them again!

After traveling to Chicago last weekend, I runfess that I can totally understand how air rage happens! I got stuck next to Cologne Man, and if that wasn’t bad enough he proceeded to nod off and was practically resting his head on my shoulder. I runfess that I may have “nudged” him awake and then he decided to take his shoes off and tried to cross his legs – did I mention he was barefoot and sitting in the middle seat?!

I’ve now been following the macrolife plan for a couple of weeks and I runfess that I’m still trying to get a handle on tracking what I eat.

I runfess that I’m now on a quest to find a carb-free wine 😉

Sharing some #runfessions for this week's #FridayFive Click To Tweet

There…I feel better now. What are you runfessing?

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!


Runfessions for June

Happy Friday!

Marcia has opened the runfessional and I’ve got a few things to share, so let’s get to it, shall we?

I runfess that long runs and I don’t seem to be on speaking terms. I haven’t run longer than 8 miles in what feels like forever, and double-digit runs are all but a distant memory. With the oppressive humidity rolling in I’m feeling very little motivation to change this any time soon.

With that in mind, I runfess that I’ll probably be remixing at RnR Chicago with the 5K/10K combo – and I’m perfectly fine with that.

I runfess that I can’t take this yo-yo injury situation where one week I feel great and the next I’m hobbled so I finally went to see my doctor so I could get a referral for PT.

I runfess that I’ve been spending a fair amount of time lately reading running shoe reviews. Ever since my massage therapist suggested I stop running in the new Mizuno Skys I’ve been wondering if my Zealots need to be re-thought as well. They’re getting up there in mileage so I need to either start scouring the internet for deals on this model of Zealots or consider a new shoe. I’m toying with returning to the Brooks Adrenalines. Of course, all my woes will be resolved with the “perfect” shoes, right? 😉

I runfess that with a wide open fall in front of me I’m struggling with going local vs. destination races. As a Rock’n’Blogger, I receive free race entries, so beyond Chicago, I’m leaning towards running RnR Philly again in September, and my husband J wants to consider San Antonio if he can make his schedule work. And, while I always enjoy a racecation, it certainly starts to put a dent in the wallet. On the other hand, there’s no shortage of races around here in the fall and there is a lot to be said for rolling out of your own bed on race morning. I’m watching entry fees rise so I’m gonna need to make some decisions soon (especially if travel is involved!). What’a runner to do?!

So tell me, have you found your “perfect shoe”? Local vs destination races?

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!


Runfessions – Long Weekend Edition

Can I get a Halleluiah that the long weekend is here! (Can you tell it’s been a long week for me?!)

I’m ready to dive into this Memorial Day Weekend, but first, Marcia has opened the runfessional so it’s time to share a few runfessions so I can go into my weekend with a clear conscience 🙂

I runfess that as I sit here on Friday morning making plans to head to the expo this afternoon, I still have no idea if I’m actually going to Sunday’s race.

I runfess that I’m having a hard time getting excited about a race where I feel like I’m settling on the distance (5 miles instead of the half) and where I’m concerned about how my hammy will hold up (especially after yesterday’s less than stellar run) …and did I mention now there’s rain in the forecast. I’ve raced in the rain before and usually, my attitude towards Mother Nature is “Bring it!”, but given everything else I’m feeling very “Meh” about the whole thing.

I runfess that despite the recent running woes, I still remain optimistic about my running plans for the rest of the year. I just added RnR Chicago to the mix for July, and am eyeing the Finish at the 50 10K – while I’m not usually much of a summer racer, I figure I’ll be logging double-digit runs for marathon training so why not have some fun while I’m at it.

I runfess that the madness of the typical May schedule around here is starting to take its toll. I’m seriously starting to have a hard time remembering who needs to be shuttled where, which sports bag is going in which car, signing field trip permission slips, etc. Thankfully the end is in sight!

I love going to my boys’ games but watching how some parents behave is getting harder and harder to take. I runfess that I’m tempted to make up t-shirts that say “Your son is not going Division 1 so calm down!” and start handing them out.

Tell me, do you have any summer races lined up? Have you witnessed parents behaving badly?

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!


Spring Runfessions

Happy Friday!

Wowza what a long week it’s been! I’m looking forward to the weekend, but first things first – today is the last Friday of the month and Marcia has opened the runfessional so let’s share, shall we?

I runfess that this year’s weather has really gotten into my head more than usual. I’m not usually such a fair-weather runner, but I am just so done with wearing “all the layers”. Thankfully, Mother N seems to have finally settled down and the past few days have felt like spring!

I runfess I’m more in love with the idea of running than actual running at the moment. My runs have kind of been all over the place lately – I’m either feeling like I’m in a groove or even the easy runs feel ridiculously hard. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. Running has its ebbs and flows, and I’m currently in an ebb.

I runfess that I’ve been having a hard time watching some of the trainer-led workouts going on at my gym lately. While I do not profess to be an expert, if someone’s doing a plank and they look more like a triangle, shouldn’t you correct them? I watched a training session going on next to me the other day and couldn’t believe it. The trainer seemed more concerned with looking at his phone than what his client was doing. Then again, the trainer was also dressed in jeans…so there’s that!

I runfess that while I was fully committed to Rachel’s Tricep Dips, Push-ups & Jump Squat Challenge, my mojo has waned this week as the number of reps reached the 90s – the dips and push-up are leaving me with jelly arms. I’ve been doing them usually in sets of 20 and admit to not always getting back to finish the final sets this week.

I runfess that today is the 8th anniversary of this blog! (You can read my very first post here). When I realized earlier this month that it was coming up, I had grand plans for honoring the occasion, but then promptly forgot about them in the hubbub of daily life. Perhaps I’ll get it together for a belated celebration in May.

Tell me, do you ever see trainers re-inforcing bad form at the gym? Do you celebrate your blog anniversary?

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!


Some March Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month which means it’s time for some soul (or is that sole?) cleansing. Marcia has opened the runfessional and I’ve got some runfessing to do, so let’s get to it, shall we?

If you’ve been around here for a while then you know that I’ve been spinning myself in knots over the idea of which marathon to run this fall. I runfess that while I really wanted to run Marine Corps, I was starting to psyched myself out over the whole “beat the bridge” time thing, and had stated to rationalize picking another marathon. And, after doing some research I was prepared to announce that I was going to run the Hartford Marathon.

But then the reminder for MCM lottery registration I’d set up in my phone months ago, popped up the other day. I runfess that instead of deleting it, I kept hitting the snooze. I may have also ventured out to the MCM site a couple of times, but was too intimidated to enter.

I runfess that as I was talking to my brother about my decision to not even enter the MCM lottery, something didn’t feel right. I didn’t like the fact that I was shying away from the potential challenge of running MCM. Wasn’t my one word for the year “Brave”?

I runfess that I went back to the MCM site and threw my name into the lottery not long before it closed. “It isn’t like I’ll get in – lots of people apply.” I was still rationalizing, but I also knew I couldn’t just not apply. You can see where this is going right?

I got in! What?! Yep – this appeared in my mailbox on Wednesday morning!

I runfess that I’m both excited and terrified! I had always said if I ever decide to run a marathon I wanted to run Marine Corps – well it sounds like the universe was listening cause I’m MCM-bound! Oorah!

Tell me, what are you runfessing?

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!


Runfessions for February

It’s the last Friday of the month which means it’s time for some soul (or is that sole?) cleansing. Marcia has opened the runfessional so let’s get to it!

I runfess that being stubborn and trying to power through being sick was not my best choice. I was kind of in a bit of denial about sick. Sometimes you need to let go of plans and “must do’s” and just rest!

I runfess that I’m both disappointed and a little worried that I’m going to go into Black Cat undertrained. It’s my first race of the year and I had really wanted to kick things off strong, but two weeks off from running threw a wrench in those plans. Now it becomes a TRB (training run with benefits) and I’ll focus on training for a strong run at the Portland 10 Miler in April.

I runfess that my eating habits have been a bit of a mess lately. When I first got sick I dropped 5 lbs in a couple of days – not ideal but that’s what happens when you live on green tea, water, and soup. As I emerged from my flu fog, I fell into eating whatever felt comforting…yeah no good. I need to start paying attention again.

The Runfessional is open and I've got some #runfessions to share! #fridayfive #runchat Click To Tweet

I runfess that I’m growing tired of Mother Nature’s twisted sense of humor. We had glorious 70-degree weather on Tuesday and Wednesday, only for it to snow yesterday and colder temps have returned. This weather whiplash has gone on all month, and I have to say if I wasn’t over the winter before I sure am now. I have no desire to bundle up again now that I’ve broken out my running skirts – bring on spring!

Weather whiplash!

I runfess that I still haven’t settled on a fall marathon. I’ve talked myself in and out of each of my 3 options, but am having a hard time choosing. I’m waiting for divine inspiration…or for the MCM lottery to open, whichever comes first.

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!

So how was your month? Anything you want to come clean on?


New Year, New Runfessions

We’re quickly bringing this first month of 2018 to a close and so that means it’s time to link up with Marcia for another edition of Runfessions!



I runfess that I have spent more time in the gym…specifically on the treadmill this month. Mother Nature really put us through some just brutally cold weather and, while in the past I’ve been willing to layer up and get out there at all costs, this month not so much. We’ll have to see what February brings.

Since I have been spending more time on the gym mills, I runfess that I’ve gotten very picky about which ones I’ll run on to the point where I’ve been willing to become “that person” who will take the treadmill right next to someone despite others being open. I may have caught the woman on the next treadmill giving me the stink eye the other day.

Despite best intentions and setting my alarm, I runfess that early morning workouts have been few and far between. It’s been tough to leave the warmth of my bed, but the downside has been I’ve been left juggling to get my workouts done in between work, the kids’ schedules, and errands. (Workout or hit the grocery store…hmmm)

I runfess that at my brother and husband’s urging suggestion, I may have recruited my oldest son to join our Run this Year team.  The reality of just how many miles lies in front of us may have started to sink in and they think we may need his young legs (and his fall cross country season) to help carry us to the finish line.

I runfess that last Sunday’s run with my husband was my best run in a long time. It helped that it was 50 degrees out, but I also think it helped that I had someone to run with. I’m usually a solo runner, but it has got me wondering whether I should look for a run group to infuse a little energy back into my runs.

It's the end of the month so this week's #FridayFive are all about #Runfessions Click To Tweet

So what do you runfess? Have you ever been that person at the gym?

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!



Runfessions – Thanksgiving Edition

November blew by in a flash and here we are once again on the last Friday of the month, which means it’s time to share some runfessions so we can roll into the holiday season with a clear conscious. So let’s get to it, shall we?

I runfess that I’m not a fan of Black Friday. I love a good deal as much of the next girl, but dealing with the crazed crowds, or even worse camping out and waiting for stores to open? Yeah no…I’m all set with that.

I runfess that back when I registered for the Harborside Half, which was supposed to be my goal race of the fall, that for the first time I added the option of registration insurance. I hoped I wouldn’t need it, but clearly, there was a part of me that knew my nagging injuries could be an issue. Fast forward to last week and I was one happy camper to receive confirmation that my registration fee had been refunded!

I runfess that my #RunNovemberChallenge streak hit a speed bump. When I woke Wednesday morning I was greeted with a driving rain, so I pushed my required 1 mile to later rationalizing that there would be time after we arrived at our Thanksgiving destination to squeeze it in later. Well, our normally 6-hour drive morphed into 8 and by the time we dragged our road-weary selves into our hotel, there was barely enough time to become presentable before we had to meet family members at a restaurant. You can see where this is going…the mile never happened and the streak is no more.

I runfess that while I have been enjoying this slow and easy approach to my “runner rebuild” there is a part of me that’s feeling like it’s time to kick into gear soon. In the absence of a training plan or long distance target, I can see how easy it would be to get into a short run rut. Time to mix things up!

That being said, I runfess that I almost skipped this month’s runfessions because I wasn’t sure I’d come up with much. November’s been a good month and brought with it the joy of running again. I’m grateful to be running pain-free and to be back in the mental space where I look forward to getting out for a run vs. dreading it.

I’m linking up with Marcia for Runfessions


Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!

Any runfessions to share? Do you do Black Friday?
