Wrapping up Week 5 – BTDT

I’m feeling a bit like a broken record here! Training continues to be a mixed bag as my hip giveth and my hip taketh away. I have been babying this hip/glute thing for a few weeks now and on average I’m lucky if I hit 5 miles on any given run (though I managed 6 on Friday). And, these miles have been, for the most part, s-l-o-w!

I have been trying to be positive and keep telling myself I still have time…but now with Run to Remember just 7 weeks from today, I’m starting to wonder. I was so frustrated after this morning’s run that I wondered aloud to my husband whether I just need to stop running…or at least stop training. Yes..perhaps a bit dramatic… I know that I love running too much to just stop…but right now, it’s hard to love something that is not loving me back.Ā I’ve already been down this road once before this year…where my head and heart are focused on training, but my body just won’t get with the program.


So with just 14 miles, plus yoga and some strength work week 5 is a wrap, and I’m honestly not sure where to go from here. Option 1 is to continue to push along and hope for a turnaround; option 2 is to let go of the half marathon and drop to the 5-miler; and, option 3 is… stop training for any race until my body cooperates.

I’m curious…what would you do?

As always, Iā€™m linking up with Holly and Tricia for the #WeeklyWrap. Please be sure to head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training and life happenings!




  1. I think you still have enough time to get down to the root of the issue. Have you gone to a PT? I think I would start there. My PT gave me so many great exercises to strengthen my hips and glutes as I deal with IT band pain.

    Hope that you start to feel relief soon!
    Kimberly recently posted…Airbnb Brooklyn Half Marathon Training Recap ā€“ Week 6My Profile

  2. Seven weeks is quite a bit of time….you could try to add a slow mile onto each of your long runs, and you’d still have a couple of weeks for tapering. Then, you could potentially(?) switch your registration to the 5-miler at the expo if you have any residual doubts about the distance. Gosh, I hope the aches/pains turn-around for you šŸ˜‰
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Grey Skies, Blue Skies, and Lots of BlingMy Profile

  3. 7 weeks is still away awhile. Why not cut back on running and just focus on strength training? I think if you keep up with that you will do just fine when race comes.
    Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…Weekly Wrap….April 9My Profile

  4. I know I would push myself to continue especially with so much time left. I hope you figure out what’s going on soon!
    AmyC recently posted…Tough Run, Run Love and My Weekly WrapMy Profile

  5. It’s always hard to know just what to do. I think realistally I’d baby it but I would still run. I’d more than likely cut it where I do my major building at the end. You’ve already half way there with your base just add maybe a 7, 9 and 11 between now and the race but I’d leave a taper week.
    Only you know what you feel though, try to be smart about it, no race is worth getting hurt over if you can help it.
    Tricia @ MissSippipiddlin recently posted…Weekly Wrap 88 Taking a breatherMy Profile

  6. Ugh. Such a hard decision. You seem to have been plagued by injuries for a while, which could be a sign that you need a break – but didn’t you take a solid break? I’d be inclined to try a low level of running without training and see if that was pain free, and then just run the races for fun.
    Coco recently posted…A Week Of Running In CopenhagenMy Profile

  7. Oh shoot Michelle, I’m sorry to read this. I wouldn’t pull the plug on the race just yet, because you do have some time, but gosh I feel your frustration. I’ve had my share of hip issues. Just be careful with the strengthening and hip rehab. Sometimes that made my hips ornery too.
    Marcia recently posted…Training Lately and My First Stitch FixMy Profile

  8. I say keep pushing along, babying that hip as you continue to rebuild strength. Slow is still going forward, right?

  9. I completely understand your frustrations but I believe you have plenty of time to work through it! I hope this week goes better for you and maybe make a decision as it gets closer to race week!

  10. I’m so sorry that you’ve been having issues with your hip that have slowed you down. I think you’re still getting decent mileage in the process! Maybe give it a couple of more weeks and see how you feel and if need be, downgrade the distance?

    Hope you feel better soon!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Buffalo Half Marathon Training Week 2 RecapMy Profile

  11. You still have some time, but you should definitely listen to your body. I’ll echo a few other folks and suggest you see a PT for advice. See what they say and access from there. I hope you feel better!
    Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Edible Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (vegan, gluten-free)My Profile

  12. Hmm I don’t know! I might drop down to the 5 miler and let my hip heal so that you do not end up doing damage that might take you out of running for a longer time period. Just my 2 cents
    Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…The Best Ginger Snap Cookies – Sugar Free & Gluten FreeMy Profile

  13. I would still keep training for the half marathon. It’s still 7 weeks away and a LOT can happen in that time. unless you have a strict guideline on when you have to opt in to run 5 miles… hang in there and go day by day. šŸ™ Thinking of you!
    Gina recently posted…Scheels Mankato Spring Half MarathonMy Profile

  14. Good question. I guess it depends on how much you hurt. Is it an annoying niggle, or is it legit pain? If it’s legit pain then I would either pull out or drop to the 5-miler. There’s literally nothing worse than running through a minor injury that could end up blowing up into something major and sidelining you completely.
    Rachel recently posted…Tossed Tofu Broccoli BowlMy Profile

    • That’s actually one of the most frustrating things about this hip/glute thing – some days it’s really painful and other days it’s just a niggle.

  15. It’s so hard to make those kinds of decisions! I think it really depends on the kind of pain. Its usually easier to heal when you’re not training, so it could be worth taking some time off and figuring out another goal race that gives you more time to train. However, you could be fine and it could turn into nothing more, its so hard to say! Good luck as you decide what to do!
    Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…One More Piece of the Injury PuzzleMy Profile

  16. I’ve had so many injuries that I would error on the side of caution and either drop down in the distance.
    Anna @ Pipers Run recently posted…Planned vs Reailty Workouts Wrap UpMy Profile

  17. Ugh. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this still.

    I think I would drop down to the shorter distance. Continue to rehab and heal. Get stronger, and come back better than ever.

    I hope you get some relief soon. Keep hanging in there!
    Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 4.2 – 4.8 + publix savannah women’s half marathon race weekMy Profile

  18. Howdy Michelle! It seems to be the collective thought that seven weeks before your race is enough time to recover while continuing to train. Last week I had a half marathon that I wasn’t sure would happen. I had to take an entire seven days to recover a foot injury less than two weeks before the race. Each day I stretched, elevated my foot, and soaked it in a bucket of ice water. Luckily it got better and I was able to still run the race, with a slower time than expected though.

  19. Ah sorry to hear you are still having problems with your hip/glutes. You still have time but I would take it easy with the running and work on getting your hip better. Listening to your body is always best!
    Sharon recently posted…American River Parkway Half Marathon Training Week 13: 4/3-4/9My Profile

  20. Oh no! This is a tough one! It seems like 7 weeks is still a good bit of time . Have you thought about a run/walk mix? Would that help at all?
    Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Weekly wrap with a change in scenery!My Profile

  21. If I were you Michelle I’d do it – you’re almost half-way there and regrets are the worst! Keep going!!

  22. That is a difficult question! I’ve struggled with hip/glute issues myself and they did improve with regular PT exercises but it was not a quick fix. I had a point where I did too many which created even more soreness. My PT suggested I lessen the number of reps and that did the trick. I do believe you can make gains in 7 weeks time. I certainly would not worry about speed but just add 1-2 miles to your long run a week as long as you aren’t in pain. Good luck! Thanks for linking, Michelle!

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