August Mid-month Check-in

So I blinked and half the month is gone. Am I still working out? Of course, just haven’t been feeling as inclined to sit down and blog about it. The reality of my oldest son returning to school hit me square in the face at the beginning of this month, and so I have been juggling all that goes into getting him ready to go back to campus (hello COVID testing) with a couple of crazy weeks at work, while trying to soak up all the family time possible.

After completing the 4th and final week of the Pelothon 2020 challenge last week, this week felt a little random as I didn’t plan my workouts and just kinda took each day as it came. Also, my cranky hip reared its ugly head last Sunday so had to take that into account as well.

Here’s how the week played out…

Monday — I’ve been sticking to my #nevermissamonday goal and eased into the week with some much-needed yoga.

Tuesday — 2-mile run & Peloton strength.

Wednesday — Peloton strength. This was a great combo that I definitely plan to repeat. I had never taken one of Tunde’s classes since most of hers are on the bike – I absolutely loved her energy! And Chase is always a fave.

Thursday — 3-miles and a massage! Mother Nature finally gave us a break from what felt like the never-ending heatwave.

Friday — Had a full schedule (including a hair cut! yay!) and my hip was actually a little sore from the massage so I took a rest day.

Saturday — 3-mile power walk with my pup plus core work. I had originally planned to run, but I woke up with zero motivation. So I opted for a hilly power walk and enjoyed another cool morning.

Sunday — 4 miles including a Prince-themed Peloton run. As I said in my Instagram post – is there anything better than having the streets to myself and listening to Prince’s music?! Of course, I wore purple for the occasion.

While summer temps will be returning this week, the mornings look like they’ll be relatively cool – perhaps that will help my lack of running mojo…if not, I’ll keep up the power walks. Truthfully right now, I’m enjoying strength training so much more…and I’m ok with that.

Do you find your running mojo ebbs and flows? How is August treating you so far?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.




  1. You still pulled off a solid week, Michelle! You’ll have to try that MW Strength for Runners class I highlighted. Great idea to do the Prince run outside — in the perfect top! I haven’t been in the mood for a 30 min TM run, but it’s the perfect length for my Scooby runs. I’m sure getting your son ready to back is extra-stressful this year, but I’m sure he’ll be glad to be with friends again. 😉

  2. Oh MIchelle, can we do a trade? I have nothing but running mojo and I’m really struggling on the strength front. No, it’s all good, I think our bodies are just telling us where to focus our energy right now.

  3. Boo on your cranky hip, but yay finding some fun in strength training. Massage and haircut — win! Latter is going to happen here before too long too.

  4. This week definitely felt a little bit odd now that Pelothon is over. I hope that they come up with a new, fun challenge for the Fall.

    I hope that your hip starts to feel better soon.

  5. I love that Peloton has added so many yoga for hips classes. Solid week for you despite your feeling over whelmed. All of the school stuff is stressful! Have a great week ahead

  6. After struggling in July, I’m glad I found my running legs in August so I know exactly what you mean. That purple looks awesome on you 🙂 Hope you have a good week Michelle.

  7. I am in a serious ebb right now. I’m doing it, but it is HARD dragging myself out of bed in the mornings. And once afternoons comes, I have zero interest whatsoever.

    I booked a hair cut and color and i am so excited.

    Good luck with back to school on your end!

  8. I took the Prince Ride and loved it! I am planning to take it again.

    I can imagine the stress of going back to school. I am trying not to worry about it since it will be online away, but the work that needs to be done before gives me anxiety.

  9. That Prince class sounds like fun! I’m sure your pup was glad for the power walk on a cool morning!

    You pulled off a solid week- lots of good variety!

  10. Running most definitely ebbs and flows. And it should! Hope your hip settles down. Cannot believe how quickly this month is slipping away.

  11. What happened to summer? Mid-Aug!! Yikes.

    You had a great work despite your hip issues. Hope things improve.

  12. Sorry about the return of the hip pain. I hope that’s better soon! A massage sounds like a good idea 🙂
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly ReviewMy Profile

  13. A good strong week amidst busy and difficult stuff – well done.

    I had a really busy work week the first half of last week so just did runs, noting special and didn’t do the running club’s scavenger hunt. But I am right back on that this week so far!

    With the Peleton strength classes, is there jumping around, or just weights and body resistance? Just trying to work out what I can plan to do in the upstairs room I’m putting aside for exercise …!!
    Liz Dexter recently posted…Book review – Elizabeth Eliot – “Henry” #20BooksOfSummer20 @DeanStPressMy Profile

    • Peloton’s strength classes are all either bodyweight or hand weights and such a wide variety of focuses and length of workouts. I’ve really been enjoying them!

  14. I think it’s pretty much normal for motivation to ebb & flow. The summer has been tough on so many levels!

    I am definitely digging the cooler mornings. Wish they’d stick around longer, but soon we’ll be complaining it’s too cold, LOL!

  15. My motivation came back a bit once it finally cooled off! But I think the overall stress of everything is wearing on me, so even running feels harder. Walking is such a great alternative since you can still get outside!

    • Yes, I definitely think the stress of everything is finally catching up with me a bit. Fingers-crossed the cooler temps stick around a bit longer!

  16. I’ve tried to get a bit more serious about my training over the past few weeks. Slightly more speed work to add to try and regain some of the pace I’ve lost over the last couple of years. Fingers crossed everything seems to be going well so far. 🙂
    Andy Waring recently posted…Running Diary WC 3rd August 2020My Profile

    • That’s great! Are you training for a virtual race or just working on pacing?

      • Just working on y general pace. Spent some time following the 80/20 Running training, which worked in that it stopped me picking up injuries every few weeks, but meant my pace dropped. I’m now trying to get a happy medium of keeping fit AND increase my pace.

  17. As you know, August has not been too user-friendly to me …but I know times are crazy everywhere for everyone. I’m glad you’re kicking buttocks on your strength work; nothing wrong with that!

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