New Year, New Runfessions

We’re quickly bringing this first month of 2018 to a close and so that means it’s time to link up with Marcia for another edition of Runfessions!



I runfess that I have spent more time in the gym…specifically on the treadmill this month. Mother Nature really put us through some just brutally cold weather and, while in the past I’ve been willing to layer up and get out there at all costs, this month not so much. We’ll have to see what February brings.

Since I have been spending more time on the gym mills, I runfess that I’ve gotten very picky about which ones I’ll run on to the point where I’ve been willing to become “that person” who will take the treadmill right next to someone despite others being open. I may have caught the woman on the next treadmill giving me the stink eye the other day.

Despite best intentions and setting my alarm, I runfess that early morning workouts have been few and far between. It’s been tough to leave the warmth of my bed, but the downside has been I’ve been left juggling to get my workouts done in between work, the kids’ schedules, and errands. (Workout or hit the grocery store…hmmm)

I runfess that at my brother and husband’s urging suggestion, I may have recruited my oldest son to join our Run this Year team.  The reality of just how many miles lies in front of us may have started to sink in and they think we may need his young legs (and his fall cross country season) to help carry us to the finish line.

I runfess that last Sunday’s run with my husband was my best run in a long time. It helped that it was 50 degrees out, but I also think it helped that I had someone to run with. I’m usually a solo runner, but it has got me wondering whether I should look for a run group to infuse a little energy back into my runs.

It's the end of the month so this week's #FridayFive are all about #Runfessions Click To Tweet

So what do you runfess? Have you ever been that person at the gym?

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!




  1. It seems like lots of solo runners are enjoying running with others lately. What’s this world coming to? Taking the mill next to someone?? Say it isn’t so! 😀
    Marcia recently posted…January RunfessionsMy Profile

  2. I usually do my weekday runs solo and have company for some of the my long run on the weekends. I like the balance.

    I agree that some treadmills at the gym are better than others. I used to do the same thing when I ran at the gym.
    Kim G recently posted…Join me for January Runfessions!My Profile

    • That’s a nice way to strike a balance. I’d like to find a couple of people to run long – especially once those runs start to get really l-o-n-g!

  3. I sometimes struggle to run on my own, but at least once a week I run with a friend and I find that really helps, especially on those lonely long runs!
    Shathiso recently posted…Friday Five: FIVE Lessons from Running the BergMy Profile

  4. Running with a buddy definitely sounds re-energizing!

  5. Treadmill runs are still good runs! Though we all want to run outside, I think treadmills have a bad go of it!

  6. Well, I can honestly say I’ve never been “that girl” at the gym. Heck, I seldom ever use the ‘mill I have at home LOL
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Runfessions, Anyone?My Profile

  7. Oh yeah, I’m definitely picky about my treadmills …I mean, no one wants to run on them anyway, right? So if your favorite mill just happens to be next to an occupied one …well, so be it. Stink eye or not, I’ll be slinging sweat your way! Lol
    Teresa recently posted…Marathon AnticipationsMy Profile

  8. I think I am that person at the gym that hops on someone beside them. Because you know we are racing even if they don’t know….lol.
    Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…When Fitness Technology FailsMy Profile

  9. I’m so glad you’re doing Run the Year, too! I haven’t logged a single mile yet. Ugh.
    Rachel recently posted…Cycling Doesn’t Suck and Other January RunfessionsMy Profile

  10. Treadmill is my BRF. Bad weather and crunch times!
    Smitha@FauxRunner recently posted…January Runfessions – 5 things that’ve kept me from blogging this fortnightMy Profile

  11. Those memes!! Bahaha. I do make that stink eye face when I see people cycling or running on snowy days. 🙂

  12. I’m kind of jealous that your son and your hub are running with you. It’s my dream…
    Wendy recently posted…Runfessions: JanuaryMy Profile

  13. I always run alone, mostly because I don’t have any friends who run! I’ve been looking at a few groups lately, with one being right in my town, and they warned me they are slow–right up my alley!
    The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…January RunfessionsMy Profile

  14. I agree, early workouts are so much harder in the winter!
    Nicole @ recently posted…Prenatal Fitness – My Singleton Pregnancy Compared to My Twin PregnancyMy Profile

  15. LOL on adding your son to your team and YES to looking for a running group to rediscover your mojo!
    Coco recently posted…Runless RunfessionsMy Profile

  16. I runfess that I have given the stink eye to the three people in the last three spin classes who took “my” bike. Had I known who took my saddle the last time, I’d have stink-eyed them too. HAHAHAHA!

    I made it on exactly 2 early morning runs in the last 3 months that I was going to do… so yeah.
    Renée recently posted…Friday Five – Five Races I’m dreaming AboutMy Profile

  17. I don’t go to the gym often enough to be “that person.” But I mean, the equipment is there to be used, right? No one should give stink eye over people working out!

    It has been hard to make those early morning workouts, but I just don’t have time on the back half of the day, O I make myself get up and go. Once I’m out, I’m glad I did it, but it stinks.
    Jenn recently posted…january runfessionsMy Profile

  18. I did laugh when I read that you use the treadmill next to someone despite others being open. 🙂
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Friday Five 2.0-5 New to Me Things That I LikeMy Profile

  19. I too spent a lot of time at the gym in January, particularly on the treadmill. I’d love for Spring to arrive sooner than later so that I can log more of my miles outside than trying to run away from Mother Nature’s harsh conditions.
    Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Medal Mode ReviewMy Profile

  20. I get being attached to certain TM’s LOL AT my old gym I could only run on the ones on the end lol I would wait for them to open up. This weather has been brutal, no shame in treadmill miles, I think they are tough miles!

  21. I hate the treadmill and I have run on this winter several times. The weather has been brutal.

    I usually run alone but when I do run with others, I run so much better and enjoy it more. It’s just hard to schedule and to find runners who run at the same speed.
    Darlene recently posted…TOTR: My Favorite Hometown RaceMy Profile

  22. I miss having a running buddy! Mine is 1000 miles away from me!
    I try to give people their space at the gym, but sometimes it just has to happen where I hop on next to someone else!

  23. This post was a great read, Michelle! It’s so great to read that you’ve been running with your husband and that you had a great run! 😉

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