Harborside Half Training Week 3

And just like that, we’re already halfway through the month! It’s Sunday again so I’m joining Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. If you do a weekly training recap, be sure to join this great link-up!

This week was definitely all over the place – it started with my foot wrapped in ice and ended with an LRB.

Monday: Rest day. So how does one end up injured on a rest day? I’m still asking myself that question. One minute I’m pacing around my kitchen on the phone for work and all of the sudden I take a step and I’m hit with a shooting pain in my foot. I’m talking “stop you in your tracks” pain. WTH?! I hobbled the rest of the afternoon and evening but was convinced it would be fine for Tuesday’s run.

Tuesday: No run – in fact, my foot actually hurt more! Again, WTH? So I spent a good bit of the day like this:

Wednesday: Time to get over the mini pity party I was starting to throw for myself. Upper body workout on the Bosu and then a trip to the chiropractor.

My chiro was as baffled as I was by the sudden pain. He did a stress fracture test and then went to work on my foot and ankle. While not fun, my foot felt a lot better afterward. When I told him my plan to run the Wicked Half as an LRB, he gave me the hairy eyeball and let it be known he didn’t love my plan.

Thursday: 3-mile run – the foot was a little sore, but the run gave me hope I might be able to pull off Saturday’s half.

Friday: Rest day. I ran errands, met a friend for lunch, and then headed up to Salem to meet some of the Skirt Sports Ambassadors for a pre-race dinner. This meet-up was so much fun – there was lots of running talk and lots of laughs!

Thanks to Serena for the photo!

Saturday: Wicked Half Marathon – aka, LRB (long run with benefits!) I’ll be doing a separate recap on Tuesday, but I will share that it was 100% humidity, the ankle was done after mile 8, but I completed my main goal of finishing upright and smiling! Half marathon #13 done.

Needless to say, today was a total rest day, and thankfully the ankle’s a little sore but otherwise not too bad.

Talk to me – how was your week?



  1. Oh, wow! I’m glad you were able to complete your LRB and hope your foot/ankle issue will soon be a thing of the past. Congrats on half #13. I’m curious, did the doc use a tuning fork looking thing to test you for a stress fracture? Thanks for linking!

  2. That darn ankle/foot! Does it not understand what’s important? LOL I’m glad you were able to finish your LRB, but it’s a bummer it wasn’t without some pain (?) and/or stress (?). ((hugs))
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Emotions were RUNNING highMy Profile

  3. Oh goodness. I speak from experience when I say those pains that come on suddenly are usually from something or a weakness we had previously that is now coming to roost. I’m sure that race was a hellish one. Can’t wait to hear the details.
    Marcia recently posted…Berlin Marathon or BustMy Profile

  4. Oh no to the ankle pain! Rest up and hopefully you’ll be feeling better soon! Great job with half marathon #13, I look forward to the recap! I love the concept of LRB – I’m doing RNR Montreal this weekend and I guess it qualifies as an LRB!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Rock ‘N Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon Training Week 8My Profile

  5. I am glad that you were able to get some relief to the pain after your chiro visit. It’s amazing how those weird aches and pains can pop up out of nowhere – crazy!!

    Congrats on another completed half marathon! I also ran a half marathon yesterday and the humidity completely destroyed me – I really need cooler temps!
    Kimberly recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Recap – Week 17My Profile

  6. Ugh, I hate it when things hurt for non-running reasons. Some how that seems to make it even worse. I’m glad you were able to finish the race and your ankle isn’t too bad today 🙂
    Chaitali recently posted…WDW Marathon Training – Week 2My Profile

  7. Ooh can’t wait to read this race recap. Sounds like you found a creative way to finish the race!

  8. Yikes to the sudden foot pain! Glad you were able to complete that Half without any major issues! You mentioned that your ankle was done at mile 8, but how was the mysterious foot pain??
    Teresa recently posted…Marathon Training Week 2: Settling InMy Profile

  9. Ugh. Is your foot better now? I’m seeing a chiro for this PF Thursday and hope to do a 10 miler LRB on Sunday. We’re so stubborn!

  10. Not liking that ankle pain! I hope you are feeling better! But your meet-up with skirt sport sisters sounds fun !

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