Boston’s Run to Remember Race Report

I don’t even know where to begin – it was a really good day…hard but good!

(Shirt– front and back)

The night before the race I got a nice surprise when my hubs J revealed that he had t-shirts made up for all the family members coming out to cheer me on! He had also taken care of all of the logistics to have family strategically stationed at key points along the route — gotta love that man!

Race morning I was up by 5:15, followed my usual routine and with my brother and mom set to take care of the boys and bring them to the race later, J and I headed in. On the way in, I read tweets, texts and re-read comments to my Race Goals post — you all rock! The support is greatly appreciated!

There was of course no traffic at that hour so we flew into town and found parking without a problem. I had plenty of time to make one last pit stop and take a quick warm-up run. We spotted a couple of friends, chatted with them and took a couple of pictures before they started calling for runners to line up. I decided to line up at the front of the 11 min group, still totally unsure of what my knee would tolerate. It was already crazy humid, and the race announcer was urging people to be careful and to take water at all the stops — at least there was cloud coverage to start!

Race ready!

The race started and finished at the Seaport World Trade Center which sits out on Boston  Harbor – so at the beginning we had to cross a bridge to head into the city. Coming up to the top of that bridge and seeing all those runners, I was overwhelmed with the thought “you’re really going to do this!” There was a little bumping and jostling in the first mile, but all-in-all not too bad given Boston’s narrow streets and the number of runners. For the first few miles I was feeling good – kept an eye on my Garmin to make sure my pace was steady…so far so good. I spotted my dad and step-mom just where I expected them to find them just after the 4 mile marker. Then just before the turn-around, I found my brother, mom and the boys waving the cheer banner! One of the great things about this out-and-back course meant I was going to see them all a second time after the turn-around — I cannot even describe what a lift it was to see them all cheering! J had made it over on the subway by the second time I passed my dad and step-mom again and joined in the cheering. I was still feeling really good but as I charged up the bridge my left leg announced that it was not happy and would no longer be cooperating! Fine be that way – I took a short walk break just before the 9 mile marker, hoping to shake it off, but as I started again I knew my pace was slipping. I ran and chatted with a woman who had stopped to walk when I did. It was getting hotter and people were starting to drop along the course. The medics were busy as we crossed 10 miles — pretty scary!

I fell in with a couple of other women as we started encouraging each other that there was only a 5k to go. We ran the next mile and a half together, chatting off and on – it was good to have the distraction. My left leg was yelling at me pretty good by now, and shortly after I passed my family one more time (yes they were everywhere and I loved it!) I took another walk break…this one longer…the heat was really draining. I knew I was close to the 12 mile water station so I told my leg to shut up cause it was time to finish this thing! The crowds were getting bigger as we made the final turn and headed back over the last bridge. Once again the sight from the top of the bridge was awesome! Finishing strong was one of my goals, so I dug in figuring I could endure whatever my leg could throw at me, and actually managed to pick a few people off on my way to the finish. I crossed the line with a big smile on my face – time 2:35:15!

Attitude Cheer Squad!

Overall, I thought this was a great race — good crowd support, great group of runners and fairly well-organized…though I do think they should consider adding more water stops given how crazy hot it can be in Boston on Memorial Day weekend. The police along the course were great, many cheering the runners on and the volunteers were really enthusiastic. I have to give a big shout out to State Trooper Riley, who I ended up chatting with a bit post-race after he loaned me his cell phone so I could track down my family.

And to my family…there are just no words…your support along the course meant everything to me!

I learned a lot during this race, but I’ll save that for another post! For now I’m happy to say, I’m a Half -Marathoner!


Race Goals

After signing up for this race back in December, I can’t believe Sunday’s almost here. My first half marathon – I am beyond excited!

My goals for Sunday:

  • Enjoy the moment! To appreciate the fact that less than a year ago, the thought of running my first 5k was a big deal, and now I’ll be running another 5k…just running another 10 miles first!
  • Finish strong! I will not let concern about my knee consume me. I know that if my legs can’t carry me any further, my heart will.
  • Be consistent! In all my long runs I had a tendency to go out too fast. On Sunday, I’d like to strive for consistency mile over mile – I think it will help me to have enough in the tank at the end.
  • Be proud of the effort! I’m trying not to get too caught up in having a goal time – it’s my first race at this distance so whatever the time, it’s a PR, right 🙂

Send some good vibes my way on Sunday, ok? And have a great weekend!


    Not going to panic

    I’m not going to panic….at least that’s what I’ve been muttering to myself since yesterday’s failed tempo run.

    Yesterday, I just couldn’t face another morning of being wet and cold so I headed to the gym for my run. A half mile in, my left knee did not feel good –  pain on the outer edge, just above the knee cap. I kept going hoping it just needed to warm-up, but at 1 mile it really didn’t feel good so I hopped off to stretch. Jumped back on and mile 2 just got worse. By the end I was fighting to hold form and the little voice in my head was screaming “stop! this is not a good idea!”

    So I figured forgoing the last 4 miles was better than risking injury, and I headed home for a treatment of ice, Advil and Polar Frost.

    Today’s a rest day so I did a little yoga this morning and will continue with the icing. The knee still feels sore but not painful like during the run. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for my LSD of 10 tomorrow. It’s odd because I felt so good after Tuesday’s run…I’m hoping yesterday was just a fluke.

    Just 10 days until the half….I’m not going to panic!


    Run like a kid

    Today was the annual Fun Run at my son’s school. I volunteer every year and once again I got THE best job – handing out the medals to the kids at the finish line. I just love watching those kids from the 4 yrs olds to the 5th graders running their hearts out, running for the sheer fun of it! We adults should remember to run with that kind of joy!

    I had a pretty joyful run myself this morning – it was a perfect cool spring morning, the streets were quiet except for one other runner. I ignored my watch and just ran. It was one of those runs that felt smooth and easy – even my chatter brain slept in. It was a great way to start a Sunday.

    While it was good to get a little extra rest on this step back week, I’m now looking forward to gearing up for the final push to my half. Just 4 weeks to go!


    8 weeks and counting

    So forgive the randomness this morning….I’m trying to cut back on how much coffee I’ve been drinking lately. But Monday morning plus lack of caffeine = bullet points

    • It was great to have a step-back week last week – my body really needed the rest!
    •  the pair of Saucony Mirage I ordered showed up on my doorstep and I took them out for the first test run yesterday.  

    I only went 3 miles in them but so far I’m in love! I had to resist the urge to go farther. There is definitely a different feel with the lower heel so I know my calves will need to adjust. I’m going to run in them at least once, maybe twice, a week to ease the transition. A full review to come!

      • Only 8 weeks to go until race day! The next few weeks of my training plan are really going to be critical for me both physically and psychologically cause I’ll be crossing into double digit long runs for the first time.
      •  This week I continue my quest to find my inner yogi, while the plan calls for intervals at the track, a couple of shorter runs and a 9 mile LSD. I’d like to get in 2 days of strength training and, as I mentioned last week, more core work.
      Happy Monday!



      My New Target

      This lovely necklace came my way about a month ago courtesy of a great giveaway from Marcia at The Studly Runner (aka Running Off at the Mouth).

      Since I received the necklace from Nana’s Jewelry, it’s been sitting in the box it came in on a shelf in my closet — put aside until the 10k training I was currently in was complete.

      Well, the 10k is done and in the books. So on this first day of a new month, it seemed like a good time to bring it out. It may sound corny, but this little necklace will serve as a great reminder and motivator for the journey I’m about to embark on. I’m so excited to go after this goal!

      I’ve decided to treat this week as kind of a step back week — a chance to get my half training plan finalized and give my angry left knee a little break. So I did an easy run of 3 today, and plan to get in some strength training, yoga and couple more easy runs during the rest of this week. Then it will be time to go after my new target…time for another first! I can’t wait to get started!


      A Few Goals for 2011

      Being the seriously goal-oriented person that I am, a list of running-related goals for 2011 was inevitable…so here goes:

      1. Run my first half marathon — already registered!
      2. Improve my 10k time
      3. Run at least 6 races (including at least 1 more half) — I will flesh out my race schedule by end of January
      4. Get serious about strength training, especially glutes and hips to help reduce chances for more ITB injury
      5. Pay greater attention to my diet, especially the day before long runs
      6. Embrace hill repeats into my training — this was actually a goal I posted back in July but have yet to take it on
      7. Build my mileage and aim to run 1,000 miles
      8. Run strong (see #4), injury-free…and of course with Attitude 😉
        Have you set your goals for 2011?


        First Half Marathon on the Horizon

        After some quiet murmurings and occasional declarations that I want to run a half marathon “at some point” — I have finally taken the leap and registered for my first half!

        On Memorial Day Weekend, I’ll be taking part in Boston’s Run to Remember. The race is a half marathon through the City of Boston in honor of fallen law enforcement officers. I’m both psyched and nervous to actually have a half on my 2011 schedule!

        So I’ll kick the year off with the Hyannis 10k in February and I’m still looking at a bunch of other races for next year, including a couple of other halfs. But first thing’s first….and my first half is finally on the horizon!
