Friday 5: Valentine’s Edition

For the past two years when V-Day rolls around, I have taken the opportunity to share what I’m currently loving about running (you can read my past odes to running HERE and HERE).  But right now I have to admit that I’m not in love with running – I’ve been struggling to find my groove – every run feels hard – and running the majority of my runs on the treadmill has just sucked the fun out of it for me.

So how do you re-kindle your relationship with running when things have gotten rocky?

Run Naked — Lose the watch, heart rate monitor…throw a towel over the treadmill display. Try just running without concern for pace. Just go and lose yourself in the run.

Find a Buddy –Team up with another runner or a group for at least one run a week. I don’t think I ever fully appreciated how helpful it can be to have a running buddy until mine went on IR.

Make a Game of It — Since I’ve been doing all of my runs on the mill, I’ve been playing with the pace and incline to break up the monotony. For example, run at X pace for the next two songs then switch the incline for the next song or two can really help the time go by.

Treat Yourself Well — For me, this means making sure to roll daily, taking Epsom salt baths, and practically living in my compression sleeves. Also, I just scheduled a massage! Keeping my legs feeling fresh and pampered goes a long way towards helping me embrace the next run.

Cut Yourself a Break — Above all else be patient with yourself, recognize that this is just a phase you’re going through. All relationships have their highs and lows and the same is true for your relationship with running.

How do rekindle your relationship with running?

I’m linking up once again with the ladies from Eat, Pray Run DC, You Signed Up for What?! and Mar on the Run!  Be sure to stop by and check them out and some of the other great blogs in the their weekly link-up!




  1. awww, hopefully you can get your groove back soon. This weather doesn’t help!! When I get out of my groove, I do something else. Sometimes other activities help me miss running or get me motivated to get back to it.

    • Thanks Mar! I really do think I need to mix in some other things – I’ve been trying to cross-train more just to break up the monotony of the mill runs.

  2. Blah. This winter has been so tough. This week I swapped in a HIIT workout for my easy run. I was SO not feeling another treadmill slog.

  3. Considering I’m sidelined with a knee injury I am lusting to run again!!!! But if I lose my mojo or feel I am too old for this running stuff I just lace up and after mile 1 I usually feel better. Running naked helps too when you run just to run and not to PR or be Speedy McGreedy. Great post.

  4. find a buddy is the BEST tip – running with friends makes it so much easier and way more FUN!

  5. I love numbers one and two–essential for me! Hoping you get a treadmill break soon…no love for that thing!

  6. All wonderful suggestions! Sometimes I just need to run without a race in mind. As much as I love training and it gives me purpose, sometimes i just need to hit my faviorite trail with no expectations.

  7. Those are some great suggestions! Whenever I get in a running rut I try to find a new goal or something new to work towards. I get motivated by a great plan so whenever I can map out a new training plan or something like that I get excited!

  8. Running in the winter is definitely hard! Finding a buddy and trying out a new route seems to work for me!

  9. I am still in love with running — outside, in good weather — it’s just that THAT running has left me stranded on the treadmill. It is supposed to be in the mid 30s tomorrow but after our recent snow I can’t find any place safe to run. 🙁

  10. Great advice! I am semi-pro runner, and I still sometimes have to use these tips! People are shocked to hear that I fall out of love with running sometimes, but those downs make the ups so much better 🙂 Anything worth having is worth fighting for!

  11. I do that on the treadmill too – I let myself change something at predesignated intervals. If the run is longer, I have to wait longer to change the pace or incline!

    I need to have a standing run date with a buddy once a week – I think that would really give me something to look forward to!

  12. I hope you find your groove. Sometimes I think it’s your body’s way of saying “I gotta heal for a bit”. I like to change it up and do spin or yoga when I get like that.

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