6 weeks down, 6 to go

This past weekend I wrapped up the first 6 weeks of my training plan. Some observations so far?

  • I’m learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable! With past training, I have been training within my comfort zone — working hard, but within my comfort level. With the plan Coach Bennett has designed for me, I am definitely stretching — running paces I would have written off as being too much.
  • I shouldn’t underestimate the power of sleep. I have been short-changing myself on sleep and it has been showing up in my workouts of late. I blame my late nights on the Olympics and now that we’ve said goodbye to London, I need to start heading to bed much earlier!
  • More attention needs to be paid to what I’m eating, especially post-run. my recovery, especially after long runs and speed work would benefit from paying more attention here.
  • Pro-active self care in the form of foam roller, consistent yoga practice, and massages have helped to keep me injury free. Some tweakiness in my left knee did cause me to miss one run last week, but rest, icing and KT tape seem to be keeping it in check.
  • After discussing my tweaky knee with my coach on our bi-weekly call, he has urged me to do some of the hamstring and ITB strengthening exercises he sent me; so I’ll be doing those exercises at least 3 times a week going forward.

Over the next 6 week phase, it looks like I’ll be replacing the intervals with hill work to get ready for the rolling hills of ZOOMA Cape Cod and increasing my weekly mileage.

How’s your fall race training going? What have you learned so far?




  1. And that IS it huh?
    In running and life.
    Getting comfy with the UNcomfy!!

  2. Sounds like a solid 6 weeks girl! You coach sounds amazing…makes me want one.

  3. Well said…”I’m learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable” That’s how I feel too.

    I’ve learned I have a lot more in me than I ever knew I had. Whichever weekend day I would run long, I would almost always take the next day off or run just a couple miles. With this back-to-back long run philosophy, I’ve been pleasantly (and uncomfortably) surprised how my body bounces back when I ask it to go for Long Run #2. I’m tired, but overall, it’s a good tired.

    Good luck on your next 6 wks!

  4. My training has been going alright! I DEFINITELY agree with the fact that you need to watch what you’re eating. I think my whole day gets thrown off if I don’t eat right surrounding a run. I need to get a handle on that too. Your half is only six days after mine. So we can hang in there together. 🙂

  5. You are so good about reflecting mid cycle! I tend to barrell through until the end! It sounds like you’ve had a good 6 weeks!! Definitely get on those hills! They are a’rolling!!

  6. Michelle,
    So far, I’m learning to just keep moving!! Thanks for reminding me that it’s important to become comfortable with what’s uncomfortable. After all, the only thing easy is gaining weight. Everything else requires hard work and dedication!! Thanks again!

  7. It sounds like you have already learned a lot that is going to set you up for a great next 6 weeks of training. Great job so far Michelle!

  8. Good job! Refecting on your training is the key! You learned so much by doing “mistakes”, you will run an amazing Zooma Cape Cod half marathon!!

  9. You’re doing great!

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