Settling into Summer

After a whirlwind weekend of lacrosse tournament games (my son’s team won the whole thing!), t-ball, birthday parties and …oh yeah a little running, we officially wrapped up the school year yesterday and have flipped the switch to “summer.”

As first mornings go we’re off to a good start – my youngest is sleeping in, my oldest is deeply engrossed in a book and the dog and I are lounging on the deck enjoying coffee and the quiet (hope this lasts for a bit!) It was so nice not to face the morning scramble to get the door in time for the bus! I’m looking forward to some down time before camps start, where we just take each day as it comes – kind of nice to leave schedules behind for a bit.

Since I ran yesterday morning, I’m going to try to get some strength training in before the boys and I get out and about for the day. According to the weather folks, summer heat is suppose to kick in full force today and stick with us for the foreseeable future — should make tomorrow’s track work torture… challenging! I refuse to complain – it is summer after all (someone please remind me I said that as the temps start climbing!) With a serious focus on hydration today and an extra early start in the morning, hopefully it will be manageable.

Have you faced the summer heat yet? How are you fairing so far?





  1. Yay for the lacrosse triumph! We’re having one of the hottest years on record here I think with 12 90+ degree days and summer is literally just starting. Like you, though, I’m not complaining. It’s all so fleeting. Enjoy!

  2. I am TRYING not to complain, but the heat and I are not friends, so it’s tough for me. But I AM enjoying the relxedness of it all. Love snuggling with my kids in the morning and doing whatever we want for a little while…

  3. Summer only started for me yesterday (my last teaching day was Monday), so I haven’t really had the opportunity to “flip the switch” just yet….might take another day or two!

    As for the heat, I ran indoors this morning (I know, wimpy!), but will get out early tomorrow to get out ahead of it. It’s only June, and I’m not ready to deal with it just yet!!

  4. The heat has not hit us here. I’m trying to enjoy the overcast, cool weather and not complain. But, I’d love some real summer weather.

  5. Today we will get a heat index of 100-105. It’s hot but not humid. Thank godness! And luckily it will be a little cooler for the weekend!

  6. I’m ready for the heat!!! Bring it!

  7. Congrats to your son’s lacrosse team! I’m dreading the higher temps here because the humidity is so awful.

  8. Congrats on the lacrosse victory! I can’t believe my days of summer lacrosse tournaments are over! This will be our first 4th of July at home in ages!

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