27 things and other stuff

I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately – nothing in particular…just that feeling that I cannot possibly juggle one more ball and then someone throws me, not one, but three more balls, and somehow I make it work. And, then as I declare again “That’s it – that’s all I can do,” the cycle repeats itself again. It’s pretty much been this way the entire month of October, and quite frankly I’ve had enough!

Time to regain some balance…for my sake and for those around me. 

So this week I’ve started meditating  in the morning again. It really helps me to slow down and focus and overall I’m a lot calmer when I meditate — my challenge has always been to be consistent about the practice.

This week I also got back on my de-clutter kick! A friend told me about a practice called “27 Things” in which the goal is to give-away, throw away or move 27 things a day for 9 days. In the process, you stop to examine what you surround yourself with and remove what’s unnecessary, what weighs you down – in turn creating space for new opportunities. Well, I’m game – so I’m starting my 9 days this weekend and plan to get J and the boys involved.

Do you think you could part with 27 things a day? How do you regain a sense of balance when things feel off-kilter?

J & I will get another chance at the local race that was postponed last weekend – and based on the forecast, it looks like Mother Nature’s going to play nice this time!

Hope she cooperates for everyone racing this weekend ~ 
Good luck to all the runners!



  1. First, I totally understand how you feel and second, I really like the 27 things idea! I tend to have problems with doing way too much, then getting to a breaking point, get in a rut and then repeat the cycle again!

  2. I completely know how you feel!!! I try to pause and just focus on the things that are important to me. Then I try my best to make sure my life reflects that. Sometimes it is easier said than done!! I really need to throw away 27 things for 9 days!!! We are clutter city and it bugs the daylights out of me!! Good luck this weekend!! Definitely better than last weekend!!

  3. I totally get it! 27 things sounds like a great idea. I might have to join you.

    I am sure I can find 27 things to throw out in my closet alone!

    I read a few books about fung shiu a few years ago. I am not an expert in it bu any means but it did feel like it made a difference!

  4. It seems like everyone has been a bit crazy lately and now that we are upon the holiday season I might need to take up meditation. I do find when I get up early and hit the gym it does tend to make my days easier.
    As far as throwing things away or getting rid of things I am very good at that. I can’t stand clutter. This summer we had about 20 black bags to bring to the dump and I usually try to do it before Christmas too.
    Good luck at your race!

  5. I love the 27 things idea!

    Yay Mother Nature for finally giving us a decent weekend. I’ll be doing some major supporting this weekend, so look forward to some nice weather to ring my cowbells!!!

    Have a great race Sunday!

  6. Great post! Good idea. I need to regain my balance quite often too. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I like the 27 things idea. I may not be able to come up with 27 things per day, but I think I can part with 27 things over a week, every few months …

  8. I know that feeling! I should take up meditating again too. It’s good to read how it helps you.

  9. I am anything but a packrat but I am sure I can part with 27 things for 9 days. Keep us posted on your de-clutter progress.

  10. Hope things are better for you this week! I know how you feel and it’s rough with so much that keeps piling up on you. Let me know if you need anything!

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