Putting myself on the list

I am a notorious list maker and there are times when I feel like I’ve been hijacked by my to do list. Today was definitely starting to look like one of those days. Juggling the usual family routine and a long list of “must do’s” – including Kindergarten registration for my little guy – meant my usual morning run was not going to happen. That’s ok I kept telling myself I’ll fit it in later.

As the day wore on, I was cranking along and checking things off…but I still hadn’t fit a run in yet. Then as I was checking email I spotted my reminder for the 21-day Meditation Challenge from the Chopra Center. I’ve meditated on and off over the past few years, and when I do it regularly, I find I’m calmer, more patient – plugged in. I had signed up for the 21-day challenge to get back to the practice. So I opened that email and  followed the guided meditation – it only took about 10 minutes. But when I  finished, a simple thought crossed my mind – put yourself on the list! Whether it’s going for a run or just pausing to breathe deeply, it’s important to take that time just for me.

So it took until after homework was done and the kids had dinner, but I did get my run in. An easy 4 miles on the ‘mill and much needed me-time….check!



  1. Love lists! And I think it’s great that you meditate. I have always meant to do it but never have.

  2. I’ve tried to meditate, but I kept looking at my watch, way too antsy. Glad you got the run in!

  3. I too love lists. Glad you got your run in!

  4. Absolutely keep yourself on the list. When you fill your own bucket you have more to give. You know I’m doing the challenge too and loving it!


  5. Awesome. I think as mothers that’s a tough thing to do. Good for you!

  6. thanks for the follow! Great blog! xx

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