RnR Chicago 10K Recap

Disclaimer: As a member of the Rock’n’Blog team, I received free race entries to both the 5K and 10K races. As always, all opinions are my own.

Time for part 2 of my Chicago weekend highlights!

When I left off Tuesday’s post, the 5K was done and we were enjoying a fantastic blogger brunch. Since I was remixing with the 10K the next morning, I decided to head back to the hotel to put my feet up and give the cranky hip a break. After a nap, I took a walk with Kim to Millenium Park to check out the infamous Bean.

We circled back to the hotel, picked up Deborah and headed out for another great meal, this time at Quartino. With an early race start time looming (hello 6:30 a.m.!), we called it an early evening.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago 10K

Kim, Deborah, and I were up and out of the hotel by 5:30 in search of a little pre-race fuel. The plan was to once again meet up with everyone around the gear check, but with a lot more runners than the 5K it was harder to find everyone. I get the added bonus of running into Skirt Sports sisters Ericka and Danyell. We found Kim G. and her mom, spotted Marcia briefly, and made our way to the very crowded corrals.

Soon we were off, and just a few minutes in we got hit with the first big blast of rain. While the start was a little congested it didn’t last long as we quickly split off from the half marathoners and headed south down the Lakefront Path. We followed the Path for almost 4 miles before rejoining the half marathoners. My cranky hip reared its ugly head somewhere around the 5K mark, and my walk intervals became a little longer. I swear it felt like it took me forever to reach the 4-mile marker.

We ran under McCormick Place, which was really the only part of the course I could have done without. It was dark and the ground was uneven and I saw a woman trip in front of me – thankfully she didn’t go down. Once out of the tunnel, there was just the long 1.2 mile stretch to the finish. At this point the skies opened up again – really Mother N was that necessary?! I was so happy to cross that finish line!

I got my medal, water, and chocolate milk and headed for the exit. While it looked like there was a lot of post-race food at the finish, I was too wet to want to stop to partake. I found the Remix medal tent and then made the short walk back to the hotel.

Cleaned up (and dry!), there was time for one more fun Blogger Brunch before checking out of the hotel and heading to the airport. It was nice to have Erica and her friend Melissa join us.

Overall this was a fun race, despite Mother N’s hissy fit. The course was nice and flat, and running along the water was a bonus. I do wish the course would have taken us through a little of Chicago the way the Half course did I would definitely run this race again!

Have you run an RnR race?


Meeting Runner Friends and RnR Chicago 5K

Ah, my Chicago Weekend – I’m honestly not sure that I’m going to be able to do justice to the fun that was had this weekend. While yes there were races, for me this weekend was so much more about the amazing connections I’ve made through running than it was about the running itself.

I couldn’t possibly encapsulate everything in one post so this will be a two-part recap. Let’s get started…

Friday – Let the fun begin!

I arrived in Chicago around noon and took the L from O’Hare into the city. After getting a little turned around, leaving the train station I soon found the W Hotel. No sooner had I checked in then I heard someone call my name, and turned around to find Deborah’s smiling face. We quickly dropped our bags in our rooms and headed off to meet Kim at the expo. Deborah and I easily fell into conversation – it was much more like catching up with an old friend than meeting someone for the first time.

The RnR Expo was held at McCormick Place. Packet pick-up was quick and easy, including changing my registration from the half marathon to the 10K. I was disappointed to see how small the race shirts were running and the fact that we were told exchanges couldn’t be done at the expo. The other snafu was neither Deborah or I were given the bracelets needed for the Remix Challenge (we remedied that later). Kim quickly found us and set off to check out the expo. I first met Kim at RnR Vegas in 2016 – it was so great to see her again! Added bonus, we got to meet Kim’s mom – she is awesome. I love that she runs so many races with Kim!

Among the vendors we checked out, we stopped at the KT Tape booth – and I have to say this may have been my saving grace. Leading into the weekend I had been really worried about both my hip and my knee – huge props to the KT rep who taped my knee! I could feel a difference just walking around the expo.  

Overall the expo seemed a little on the small side, but I did pick up this cute Brooks shirt.

This pic doesn’t due the deep blue color justice

We headed back to the hotel to wait for the “other” Kim to arrive. Kim and I were sharing a room for the weekend – despite not having met before I was pretty sure we would hit it off…and spoiler alert we did 🙂 That night we had a great dinner at Barrio.

Saturday – More Runner Friends & the 5K

With the 5K scheduled to start at 7:30, our group planned to meet up at 7. Deborah, Kim, and I walked the .8 mile to the start and caught up with Marcia, Sara, Emily, Kim and her mom. It was overcast and drizzly, but we were all smiles, reminding each other it was better than the blistering heat July in Chicago could bring.

Knowing that I had the 10K to run Sunday, I seriously toyed with power-walking the 5K. Despite all the walking on Friday (5.5 according to my Garmin), my taped knee was feeling pretty good, but what my hip would allow was anybody’s guess. Once the race started, in typical 5K fashion, it took a bit to find any open space to run. I settled into 5:1 run/walk intervals and figured I’d give the run a go until my hip said otherwise. While I was far from quick, it was a nice steady run and, best of all, the hip stayed quiet! Win!

Next up was a blogger brunch at Beatrix! There we were joined by Holly, Wendy, Linda, and Suz waiting for us! Sara and her husband soon followed. I absolutely loved the energy at the table – so many fun stories, so many laughs! I know I may sound like a broken record but you would have never guessed that many of us were meeting for the first time!

I’ll leave it here – the rest of the weekend highlights and 10K recap later this week….

Check out part 1 of my RnR Chicago weekend and epic blogger meet-up! #RNRChi #EpicBloggerMeetUp #RocknBlog #Runnerfriends Click To Tweet

Have you ever participated in a blogger meet-up?

I’m linking up with PattyErika, and Marcia for Tuesday’s on the Run.


Runfessions for June

Happy Friday!

Marcia has opened the runfessional and I’ve got a few things to share, so let’s get to it, shall we?

I runfess that long runs and I don’t seem to be on speaking terms. I haven’t run longer than 8 miles in what feels like forever, and double-digit runs are all but a distant memory. With the oppressive humidity rolling in I’m feeling very little motivation to change this any time soon.

With that in mind, I runfess that I’ll probably be remixing at RnR Chicago with the 5K/10K combo – and I’m perfectly fine with that.

I runfess that I can’t take this yo-yo injury situation where one week I feel great and the next I’m hobbled so I finally went to see my doctor so I could get a referral for PT.

I runfess that I’ve been spending a fair amount of time lately reading running shoe reviews. Ever since my massage therapist suggested I stop running in the new Mizuno Skys I’ve been wondering if my Zealots need to be re-thought as well. They’re getting up there in mileage so I need to either start scouring the internet for deals on this model of Zealots or consider a new shoe. I’m toying with returning to the Brooks Adrenalines. Of course, all my woes will be resolved with the “perfect” shoes, right? 😉

I runfess that with a wide open fall in front of me I’m struggling with going local vs. destination races. As a Rock’n’Blogger, I receive free race entries, so beyond Chicago, I’m leaning towards running RnR Philly again in September, and my husband J wants to consider San Antonio if he can make his schedule work. And, while I always enjoy a racecation, it certainly starts to put a dent in the wallet. On the other hand, there’s no shortage of races around here in the fall and there is a lot to be said for rolling out of your own bed on race morning. I’m watching entry fees rise so I’m gonna need to make some decisions soon (especially if travel is involved!). What’a runner to do?!

So tell me, have you found your “perfect shoe”? Local vs destination races?

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!


One word and 2018 Goals

I love the energy of a new year! Hopes are high and all things are possible!

If you’ve been around here for awhile then you know I’m a big goal setter. 2017 proved to be a challenging year for my fitness and running goals as I spent most of the year in what seemed like a continual cycle of injury and recovery. As a result, my training was derailed and I only ran one race for the whole year! Once I finally took the big step back I needed, stopped trying to train and gave myself all the time I needed to heal I was finally able to turn the corner. I finished the year feeling good and excited for what 2018 will bring!

One word for 2018.

For the past few years, I’ve picked one word as the theme for my year across all areas of my life  – and this year’s word is “Brave.” Personally, professionally, and in my running, I want to stretch beyond my comfort zone.

2018 Running Goals.

  • Run a marathon — This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while and have always come up with a reason to talk myself out of it. But this is the year to take on 26.2! I haven’t settled on which one yet – that’s a post for another day. I do know it will be a fall race so I can give myself ample time to get ready.
  • Improve my nutrition —  This is a carryover from last year. I need to identify the right fueling strategy for my runs and do a much better job giving my body what it needs post-run. I’m participating in Laura’s Fit and Fueled Nutrition course for runners which will give me a great start here!
  • Be consistent with strength training and cross training — When I look back on when I’ve had great running years, one thing is clear – I’m not someone who can just run. I need to balance my running with both strength work and cross-training if I’m going to stay injury-free and make it to the starting line.
  • Return to racing — I really missed the whole experience of participating in races last year. Beyond a marathon, I’m looking forward to running other distances, being a part of the Rock ‘n’ Blog team, and hopefully some blogger meet-ups.
Setting goals for 2018 #bebrave #yearofthemarathon #oneword Click To Tweet

Rohn Quote

Have you set your goals for 2018?

I’m linking up with ErikaMarcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run, where the theme today is, of course, goals. I can’t wait to see what others are planning for this year!


Weekly Wrap – Catching my breath

Another whirlwind week is done! Thanks to juggling work, home, and volunteer commitments I was once again running around like my hair was ablaze. Workouts were whittled down events but did happen in some fashion.

Monday:  A rare Monday run…and at night no less!

Tuesday:  Rest.

Wednesday: 3-mile run

Thursday: Strength work

Friday: Yoga was planned but didn’t happen

Saturday: 4 miles and the first snow run of the season!

I’m relieved to say that J’s work-related travel is done for a while and he was back in time for us to attend his office holiday party Friday night, which was great fun. The weekend was spent trying to catch up on an array of household stuff, including getting our tree, decorating, and wrangling with the Shutterfly site trying to pull together a Christmas card and photo calendar.

This week there is nothing looming large on the schedule, so I’m looking forward to things settling down a bit.

In other running related news, I decided last minute to throw my hat in for the Cherry Blossom lottery…and this happened

After being a part of the RnB team for both 2015 and 2016, I stepped away this year as I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do much travel (and in the end, with my injuries it turned out to be a good choice!). So I’m happy to back and now have a little extra motivation to figure out which races I’m running next year! And I’m looking forward to some blogger meet ups!

I’m linking up with Holly & Tricia for the Weekly Wrap, and with MarciaErika, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run.

Anyone else join the CB lottery? Will I see you at a Rock ‘n’ Roll race next year?


Holiday Gift Guide for Runners

Just in time for Cyber Monday, I’m sharing a few ideas for the runners in your life .. or for your own wish list 🙂


Sharing some gift ideas for runners #runchat #bibchat Click To Tweet

Source: SPIbelt.com

Let’s start with one of my must haves – SPIbelt. The SPIbelt is the first piece of running gear I ever bought at an expo and I’ve been running with one ever since (that’s 6 yrs and counting!). I love that it’s lightweight, doesn’t bounce, and holds my phone and other essentials.

Use code michelle2016 at checkout and receive a special goody bag!


If you’ve been around here for any length of time or follow me on Instagram than you know I make no secret of my love of compression sleeves – especially Zensah! These sleeves are a post-run must have, and they’ll also make a big difference on a long car ride or flight 🙂 In fact I’m such a fan of all things Zensah, I recently became a Zensah Ambassador!

Check out Zensah’s site for some great sales going on right now!

roadid_catalog_elitescreenshot-www-roadid-com-2016-11-27-17-30-33Another must have in my book for any runner (or cyclist) is a Road ID. I’m still amazed at how many runners I come across who don’t carry some ID when they run. I recently just chastised my brother for this! A Road ID speaks for you if heaven forbid there’s an accident and you can’t. Use code TAFW2DYPQ83 for $5 off the RoadID Elite.
believejournal_b897a982-0a50-4537-b102-15b07126cd02_1024x1024I think keep a training journal is a great way to help keep you accountable and motivated. And, while I like tracking stats online, nothing for me beats the written word. The Believe Journal (affiliate link alert!) offers a great mix of training log, running advice and inspirational quotes.

screenshot-www-knucklelights-com-2016-11-27-18-03-23Now this last item is high on my own wish list – Knuckle Lights! Being able to see and be seen is critical, especially if you’ve got to log your runs before the sun’s up or long after sunset. I’ve never been a fan of wearing a headlamp, so the on-hand design is perfect. I also love that these lights are rechargeable – cause who’s got time to hunt for batteries! Use code YKAF5544 to save 10%.

Of course, I couldn’t put together a runner gift guide and not suggest the gift of a race registration. Since the race gift card doesn’t exist yet (though I don’t know why…hello race directors!!), I can suggest using my Rock’n’Blog code for $15 off a half marathon or marathon registration. I’m psyched to announce that the code is now good for early 2017 Rock ‘n’ Roll races, including Arizona, NOLA, Dallas, Mexico City, DC and Nashville!

RnBCode Black

Have you started your holiday shopping?


My RnR Vegas Recap – #StripAtNight

Last weekend I was on the road once again for a race weekend – this time it was Vegas! Ah and what a weekend! Meeting Meb, Snoop Dogg in concert, some great food (and cocktails), blogger meet-ups, not one but two races, and running the Vegas strip at night – much fun was had for sure…so without further ado…settle in for my recap.


(Disclosure: As a member of the Rock’n’Blog team, I received a free race entry for the Remix Challenge. As always, all opinions are mine!)

Both my husband and brother were joining me for this trip. We arrived in Vegas by mid morning, got an early check-in at the hotel and grabbed lunch before heading to the expo. Packet pick-up was a breeze and we were quickly wandering the aisles of over 80 expo vendors. There were a lot of good deals, but we didn’t go too crazy. I couldn’t wait to pick up the awesome #Werunsocial t-shirt I had pre-ordered!


Yes it glows in the dark!

The highlight of the expo was meeting Meb at the Rock’n’Roll booth! We hadn’t heard the announcement that he was going to be there – I spotted him purely by chance. Meeting Meb was awesome! He was so gracious – we chatted about his book (you can check out my review here) and I did my best to not go totally fan-girl on him. A hug, photo and an autographed bib – yeah my race experience was complete and I hadn’t even toed the line yet!


The rest of the day was spent doing way too much walking taking in the sights of the strip. We capped the day with an amazing dinner at Yardbird Restaurant (definitely worth a visit!).

We took advantage of sleeping in Saturday morning before grabbing brunch and heading up the strip to scout out the 5K location. The race didn’t start until 6 p.m. and the three of us found it a little hard to manage the day and not do too much. The crowds heading up to the race were crazy – we had to let 3 monorails go before we could squeeze our way on one. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people lining up for a 5K! People did not self-seed well and there were way too many walkers up front. My brother and I did what we could to run when we could find open space, but in many places the course narrowed and we were just stuck behind a wall of walkers. We certainly weren’t out there to worry about time so we just went with it  – first half of the Remix Challenge done! Off for another great meal – this time at Guy Fieri’s Vegas Kitchen & Bar.


Sunday morning started with a great brunch at Margaritaville’s roof deck. A perfect spot to watch the closing of the strip and pre-race set up. We hung out and watched football, again trying to lay low and not do too much. I just have to say late day races for me are hard! Finally it was time to head to the race. The guys were doing the 10K so we said our goodbyes at the monorail station and I headed off to hit the Snoop Dogg headliner concert and the We Run Social meet-up.

vegas-blogger-collage There were so many of us for the meet-up we barely all fit in the photo! It was great to meet so many bloggers including Sharon, Kim and Carlee. Snoop Dog played all of his big hits and really had the crowd going.

I was in the Yellow start so I had a fair amount of waiting to do until they called us to the start. The corrals were a hot mess and as I chatted with others waiting to shuffle to the start I reminded myself the goal for this race was simply to have fun – there was no time goal. Running the Vegas Strip was pretty amazing and the energy was great! The only lull was the loop of miles 7 – 9 where we were running through “old Vegas” and some random neighborhoods. You could definitely feel the runner energy drop at this point and I could definitely feel the whirlwind days catching up with me. Luckily we were soon back at the top of the strip and heading towards the finish line.

Final thoughts…

This was one fun race weekend! There is nothing quite like running down the middle of the Vegas Strip at night – definitely one that every runner should experience.

If you do run Vegas, know that this is not the race for a PR. You’ve got to go into it just looking to have fun and enjoy the experience.

If you can tack on an extra day, I would recommend post-race so you can fully celebrate Vegas-style 🙂

The Vegas pre-sale of just $99 for 2017 is on until midnight tonight…just sayin’ 😉


I’m linking up once again with Holly & Tricia for the Weekly Wrap!


RnR Brooklyn Race Recap

On Saturday I completed my eleventh half marathon, running the Rock ‘n’ Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon. I took the train into NYC on Friday morning. Packet pick-up was held at the Penn Pavilion which is directly across the street from Penn Station, so grabbing my bib and race shirt was super easy. The space for the expo itself was small and awkwardly configured so after a very quick peak I headed out. It was great to be back in NYC after such a long time and I enjoyed a leisurely walk before grabbing lunch and heading to my hotel to wait for J and the kids, who were driving down after school. Dinner was some very yummy pizza and I did my best to get to bed at a reasonable hour.

Sleep was erratic at best, and before I knew it my alarm was going off. I had very little appetite but did my best to force down some food {cue the foreboding music}. J and I walked the little over a mile to the start. The security lines were long, but moving. The same could not be said about the porta potty lines. Finally made my way to the corrals and slipped in where I could. We shuffled along and soon we were off.


The first 5 K felt great! I spotted J on the first out and back and was right on pace. That good feeling was short-lived, cause by mile 5 I started to feel off  – a headache was brewing.

As it morphed into a full-blown killer headache, I continued to fuel, and tried to press on, focusing on the bands, high-fiving kids, whatever I could do to distract myself…but I was slowing down. When the 2:30 pacer passed me, I was deflated. Now a new mental battle began, and I’ll tell you the internal dialog was not pretty. I could not believe that my race was being derailed by a  f$^&# headache!

The universe sent me just what I needed around mile 8 in the form of Roz and Carla. Roz, a Half Marathon Maniac in the middle of a half marathon double-header, had been encouraging Carla, who was taking on her very first half. Soon we were a threesome – chatting, sharing fueling tips, and most of all supporting and encouraging each other. It was the pick me up I desperately needed.

As we entered Prospect Park and the final hills, I was really hurting – I told Roz and Carla not to wait for me and that I would do what could to keep up with them. They pushed ahead and I just tried to keep them in my sights. I spotted J and he came out to run with me until I had just about a half mile left. I willed myself to the finish and was finally done.

I quickly found Carla and Roz and there were lots of hugs all around. (I truly love how running bonds people!)


Race swag included a black hoodie for         completing both Philly & Brooklyn!

It was just not my day – this race was not a reflection of my training. So, back to the drawing board I go…

Some final thoughts on the race itself:

  • Overall this was a well organized race, as I’ve come to expect from Rock ‘n’ Roll
  • Bands along the course seemed a little sparse
  • Nice course, especially ending in Prospect Park
  • Post-race food was plentiful
  • Expo was definitely lacking in both layout and vendors
  • Fun medal & race shirt

(Disclosure: As a member of the Rock’n’Blog team, I received a free race entry. As always, all opinions are mine!)


2016 RnR Philly Race Recap

(Disclosure: As a member of the Rock’n’Blog team, I received a free race entry and VIP upgrade. As always, all opinions are mine!)

On Sunday, I ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon – my 10th half marathon!

I’ve been trying to figure out what to say about this race. As you all know, this was my first half marathon after a two year hiatus. This was not a goal race – just a re-introduction to the distance. But, you know I like to keep it real here, so I’ll be honest, this was not the triumphant return I had secretly hoped for. No…I did not have a goal time, but I had wanted (and expected) to run this much faster than I did.

So settle in while I share the good, bad…and downright u-g-l-y of Sunday’s race.

Janelle & I pre-race

The Good….
Blogger meet-ups! Once I arrived at the race, I made a beeline for the VIP tent to meet up with Janelle from Run with No Regrets. It was so nice to finally meet – she’s as nice as she seems from her blog! We got to chat for a bit and soon Kathryn from Dancing to Running joined us. We made our way to the top of the “Rocky steps” to meet up for a “We Run Social” photo, where I finally got to meet Dani from Weight Off My Shoulders. I feel like I’ve known Dani for years – we couldn’t believe we just were finally meeting! It was fun to hangout with everybody and it helped me keep my mind off my nerves.


VIP Upgrade! While I didn’t take full advantage of the full VIP food spread, it was definitely nice to have food and drinks to readily available. And, porta potties with no lines? Enough said!

Race atmosphere! I love the RnR vibe and this race did not disappoint! I enjoyed the bands and cheer squads along the route, and even had one band’s guitarist come down off the stage to briefly rock out with me 🙂

The Bad…

While the VIP area was a nice perk, it would have been nice to have a way for non-running family to join at a reduced rate. My husband J couldn’t enter without us purchasing a full price package at the expo – the main reason I skipped returning to the VIP area post-race.

My fueling – I woke up with no appetite and as a result my pre-race fueling was sparse. I forced myself to choke down a banana, but could only manage a bite or two of my GU waffle. The wait in the corrals was long and by the time I was approaching the start my stomach started to growl…not good.

The Ugly…

on-the-courseThe humidity was soul-sucking and proved to be my complete undoing. Despite having run in the soupy muck for most of the summer, I could not find my rhythm. I felt ok through the first 5 miles but could feel a headache forming by mile 6.  By mile 7, I had stopped at a med tent for Tylenol, and by mile 9 I had a front row seat on the struggle bus. Despite my best efforts to stay hydrated and down Clif blocs (with extra salt), the humidity took its toll.  I reminded myself that this was more of a training run than a race for me, but it was hard to not feel defeated. Time to shift my focus – I high-fived every kid along the course, encouraged other runners and started run/walk intervals.

Around mile 9, I was so grateful to come across fellow Rock’n’Blogger Nellie from Brooklyn Active Mama. We had run into each other just before the start and it was great to see her. She was so positive and we kept each other company for a couple of miles. My other saving grace was my amazing husband, who had rented one of those city bikes and was biking all over the course! At last the finish was in sight and I was done.


So #10 is done and training for Rock ‘n’ Roll Brooklyn continues!


Sharing some fun stuff

Hey guys, I’ve had some fun stuff come across my inbox lately so I thought I’d share.

Virtual runs are popping up everywhere and Rock ‘n’ Roll is getting in on the act. Now you can enjoy some Rock ‘n’ Roll fun no matter where you are! With Rock ‘n’ Roll’s Making a Band Virtual Runs you can run a 5K wherever you want and earn some great RnR bling!

400x400-guitar-solo-medal1There are 3 races – Guitar Solo, Drum Solo and Lead Singer. You can choose 1 or run all 3 races and earn a 4th bonus medal for “making a band.”  Isn’t this a fun medal?! #RnRVirtualRun

Head over to: http://www.runrocknroll.com/virtual-run/ for details.

And, speaking of RnR, the Rock ‘n’ Bloggers just learned that our discount codes are now valid for Las Vegas! Yes! You know you want to run the #stripatnight

RnBCode Black

RnR is also extending our codes into 2017 for Arizona, New Orleans and Mexico City! So let the race shopping begin! (I’d love to make it to NOLA next year).

And, speaking of special codes, you can use my code michelle2016 when you place an order with SPIbelt and receive a bonus goody bag with your purchase!
