5 Things on My Summer Must-Do List

It’s Friday again and time for another edition of Fit Five Friday! Last week was all about my summer fitness goals… But this week I’m all about my Summer Must-Do List.

There are lots of things I’m looking forward to this Summer, including some time away. Here are 5 things on my summer must-do list:

Time at the Beach

It’s just not Summer for me if I don’t get to spend some time at the beach!

This view makes me so happy!

Outdoor Music

After seeing Cari’s recent post about attending a concert in the park I’ve been thinking about how nice it would be to sit outside and enjoy some music. I’ve been scanning the local events calendars and it looks like there may be some opportunities on the horizon. Such a great way to spend a summer evening.

Farmers Markets & Street Fairs

A new farmers market just opened in my town last weekend and one of my favorite outdoor street markets has returned. I love the fresh produce and unique items that can be found!

Boston’s SOWA Market makes for a fun Sunday afternoon

Gathering with Friends and Family

Thanks to the pandemic, all of our traditional summer get-togethers were put on hold. I’m really looking forward to hosting as well as getting out and about again.

Alfresco Dining

The pandemic aside, when it comes to the summer, I’ve always enjoyed dining under the stars, at home on the deck, or a restaurant’s outdoor patio.

What are some of your summer must-do’s?

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  1. It will be nice to get back to doing some more things this year after not getting to do as much last summer! I’m not sure if I will get to the beach this summer but I hope so…I just need to find somewhere close enough for a day trip and then convince my husband that it will be worth it:)

    • I’m lucky to have some great beaches within a less than 2-hour drive. I’m really looking forward to being able to do a lot more this summer!

  2. There’s probably not any beaches in my future, but all of the other things you mentioned are possibilities 😉 I’m eager for plenty of time outdoors 😉

  3. I am looking forward to hitting up the farmer’s market this summer as well! I am also excited for lots of pool time and at least a few beach days

  4. Yes on all of the above.

    For me more time with friends. More hiking. Boating. Group runs.


  5. Sounds like you have a classic summer planned! One of the (many) reasons Florida is weird is that our nicest weather is actually in the winter. We’ll probably be at the beach a few times but other than that, outdoor events are not appealing! But summer is still summer- the kids are off of school and everything feels leisurely. We’ll enjoy it!

  6. All of those plus some trips to see family and some running races!

  7. I always love eating outside! We’ve actually been able to do it quite a bit — mostly at home, but sometimes at restaurants — so far already.

    I would add hiking. 🙂 Looking forward to more hikes!

    I wish we lived a lot closer to a beach — that view is amazing!

  8. We are big into al fresco dining as we ease out of our pandemic lifestyle. I NEED to get to the beach, but I’ve got to figure out when.

  9. These are all fun activities! If we lived closer than I would tag along with you.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Summer School and a new level of exhaustionMy Profile

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