Runfessions for May

Happy Friday!

Welcome to another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneRenéeJennZenaida, and yours truly! We appreciate all of you who have joined in to support this link-up!

And, since it’s the last Friday of the month, Marcia has opened the Runfessional. I’ve got a few things to share so let’s dive right in!

I runfess that I have slacked on post-run stretching and foam rolling lately and I think there’s a direct correlation to the ITB flare. Needless to say, I’m back on all my post-run recovery work like it’s my job.

A new gym recently opened where our former gym once stood. They are, of course, offering great deals to entice people to sign up. My husband and boys are all fired up to check out the gym and get the details on their family membership package. I runfess that I’m not as enthusiastic. Access to a greater range of weights would be great, but I must admit that I’m still a little leary of the idea of indoor workouts with random other people.

While I’m considering a couple of races for the fall, I runfess that the recent burst of summer weather has left me wondering just how far I want to be running during the next few months. If only there were a way to arrive at Fall start lines ready to go without enduring the summer slog.

Any runfessions to share? Do you make time for post-run recovery? Are you ready for summer running?

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Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up. Who’s ready for some fun?

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  1. Now that I can work out at home I dont think I’ll ever go back to having a gym membership! It would be nice to have a few other things like a rack and heavier weights, but Im happy with what I have. Summer running is going to be so tough, but Im ready for it!

  2. I’m enjoying being back at CrossFit–I’m not nervous about working out there but probably because I know most of the people in my class. Interestingly, I was at the vet yesterday with Cocoa, waiting to pick her up in the foyer and a man came in to wait without a mask. It made me really nervous and I got up and moved as far away from him as I could. I guess I’m just not there yet either!

  3. Training through Summer is a test of character! What I really loathe is training through Winter, every time I do it, I say never again!

    I like working out at home just because it’s such a time saver. I’ve been a member at several different gyms, over the years, and always enjoyed it, but it’s also a big savings in $$.

    Luckily I’m self motivated (mostly) and get it done.

    Glad to hear that you’re back at the stretching & foam rolling, hopefully that will make the IT smiler. 🙂

    • While I’ve never really looked at the gym as a source of motivation (just necessary equipment), the time savings of working out from home is definitely a big plus!

      Yes – I cannot afford to fall off the stretching/rolling bandwagon again!

  4. I have to echo Judy’s thoughts on Winter training. Both times I ran Grandma’s Marathon (mid-June), my training sucked. Granted, my spring schedule(s) was big factor, but the enthusiasm for “long” runs when the temps were iffy just had ZERO appeal to me. The long summer runs get challenging, but frostbite is never a threat and(usually) by then the crazy wind has mellowed. I’ve never embraced a formal gym setting, but the hubby likes it.

    • Ha you have a point no frostbite threat in the summer 😉 You know I fully embrace winter running, but haven’t minded training for a half marathon…a full would be a different story for sure!

  5. When it heated up here last week I thanked my lucky stars I did not HAVE to do a really long training run for some race. I am over that for sure. I doubt we’ll ever go back to the gym. We’ve got a fine setup so all I’ll really miss is access to a pool and sauna. It’s crazy how the pandemic changed our landscape. Not sure when we’ll all really feel “normal” again.

  6. LOL on fall races requiring summer training. With my November races I don’t have to ramp up the distance until September, but it can still be hot there. In my mind I am looking forward to going back to studio classes, but in reality I’m not ready yet.

  7. Darlene S. Cardillo says

    I haven’t slacked on stretching because I never started. Lol

    Summer came and went. Cold and rainy this weekend.

    We have a new nearby gym opening. Don’t know the details yet. Not sure if I want to spend the $$

    Surf town is happening again. Tempting since my friend lives nearby. And you.

  8. I would feel the same way about getting back into a gym. We have one at work that has been closed through the pandemic, it’ll definitely be weird to be back!

    I am feeling the same way about dreading the summer training, especially with so many races that are normally in the spring taking place in the fall.
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Runfessions – May 2021My Profile

  9. I’m dreading summer, too! We had a few very warm and humid days in a row and I was cursing!

    I re-joined my old gym because I had a special offer. They’re doing an awesome job with distancing, hygeine and masks. Unfortunately they got pressure to makes masks optional (for vaccinated) people. Most people (like me) are still wearing them. I also haven’t gone to indoor classes. Just solo stuff and off hours!

  10. making time for stretching and rolling has been life-changing for my body. I just keep doing all the Peloton classes a few 10 min classes a day throughout the day helps. You got this!

  11. Stretching is my nemesis. I tend to only do it when I’m sore somewhere.
    I’m registered for a Fall race not thinking about the warm weather training, I was only thinking of the cool temps for the actual race. Hmmm.

  12. Totally understand your gym dilemma. I’m currently going through something similar with OTF.

    I had the exact same thought about Fall races once I ran outdoors in warmer weather, lol. I’m not scheduled for anything until Spring 2022 but I would consider doing a 5K or 10K this Fall, but probably not a half marathon because I don’t want to commit to the time it would take to train.

    • Sadly I don’t see myself going back to studio classes for quite some time if at all. I figure with a gym I could at least control not going at peak times…but honestly I probably still will not attend. My boys are chomping at the bit to have access to more equipment so once they are fully vaccinated we’ll probably sign them up.

  13. I have been slacking on stretching too and have definitely noticed a big difference in the way I feel. You would think that would be enough to remind me to stretch regularly, but noooo!!!

    I hope you find a fall race that is an incentive to train this summer. 🙂
    Laurie recently posted…May RunfessionsMy Profile

  14. Working out at home is just SO MUCH EASIER. I think I’d rather spend the money getting some new equipment to use at home.
    Yes, why is it so hard for runners to stretch and foam roll??? It’s like we keep testing it out… nope, turns out I still need it!
    Jenny recently posted…Olympic Controversy, Fight or Flight, and a Guided RunMy Profile

  15. Every time I think about all the things I need to do, just to run without injury, I think about the people who said “Running was free and easy. You just lace up and go!” Um. No. Clearly a non-runner said this.

    I personally wouldn’t be excited to go into the gym right now.

    Though I already have the “summer off” from running basically, it is real hard to imagine doing the long run anymore. Once I get myself to that stage again, it’s going to be tough.

    • Definitely a statement of a non-runner LOL.

      I swear it’s been such a long time since I’ve run long that I’m afraid I’ve forgotten how to do it!

  16. I am also real bad with foam rolling and stretching. I know, I know, I should do it. I am so glad I am not training for a marathon as I don’t want to do a very long run this Summer.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Fit Five Friday and May 2021 RunfessionsMy Profile

  17. Ready or not, summer is here. Boo.

    I don’t roll a ton anymore but I should start. I’ve been tight after a few days of doing nothing, and could probably use the jumpstart.

  18. “Access to a greater range of weights would be great, but I must admit that I’m still a little leary of the idea of indoor workouts with random other people.”

    YES. Especially with the now-dropped mask mandate here. No, definitely not ready even for the extra weights, and I might do one of the outdoor weights workouts first.

    Yes yes on summer running. Part of why I looked at a late-fall half is just that, I don’t have to run any longer than what I’m currently doing until later in the summer when I can hopefully acclimate

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