Runfessions – Black Friday Edition

It’s the last Friday of the month so you know what that means – Marcia has opened the Runfessional. I’ve got a couple to share so let’s dive in, shall we?

While I have never been a fan of in-person Black Friday shopping, I’m all-in for a good online deal. And this year, I runfess that I’ve been swept into the madness earlier than usual when on Wednesday night I joined my sons in their quest to buy the new Xbox X series. Apparently, this game console sells out as fast as it’s re-stocked, so when we got wind that there was going to be a supply available on Walmart’s site Wednesday evening, we had multiple laptops ready. It was a furious 5 minutes of page refreshing, and just when I thought I’d scored one, I got to the final screen to confirm my order only to be told they were sold out. What…in 5 minutes?!

I runfess I was more annoyed than my boys. Bots – 1, Us – 0.

Source: Getty Images

Let’s hope I’m more successful with my search for a new laptop!

I have two virtual races left for the year – a 10K and a half marathon. I have no worries about the 10K, but runfess I’m completely dreading the half marathon. When I signed up it really seemed like a good idea at the time, but now…not so much. I had thought about splitting the distance over a couple of runs, but the race requires a time submission via their app or a GPS watch. Ugh.

I continue to be completely enamored with my Peloton, but I runfess that my tush has not fully adapted to the bike seat. I will be adding this gel seat cover to the shopping cart today. (Affiliate link).

Any runfessions to share? What are you shopping for today?



  1. YIKES! That gel seat cover looks a lot like the one I runfessed about…but Amazon is probably a much more reputable source than where mine came from. I’m not liking my indoor bike seat, either…never thought of using my new seat cover for that LOL I don’t think Gustavas will mind if Sebastian borrows it for a few months 😉

  2. I hope that the seat cover helps for the bike. If you are going to spend more time in the saddle, it might as well be comfortable!

    My friend spent half a day trying to get the Xbox X series for her son and she was finally successful scoring it at Walmart. I hope that you’re able to snag one.

  3. i do remember standing in line at Best Buy years ago trying to get my son some sort of Xbox thing. On line shopping way easier for sure! hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving

  4. The thought of going shopping in stores on ANY Black Friday, but especially today, gives me hives! 🙂 I am happy to do online shopping and supplement with stuff from small shops in our little town. We had a similar situation when we wanted to get a Play Station for our grandkids. I finally found one at a Target an hour away, but you couldn’t order it online or order it for in-store pick up – you just had to go there and take your chances. Luckily, it was still there after we drove an hour to get it. The things we do for our grandkids!

  5. Way, way back when I did a little spinning, even with a gel cover my tush was not at all happy. Actually, it was more my lady bits!

    Sorry about the loss on the XBox. I hear that’s really popular!

    I am totally not sorry that I didn’t sign up for a single virtual half this year. Good luck!

  6. I runfess that I bought myself a new iPad Pro today. My current one is working fine but I damaged the screen on our trip to Denver — had it open on my lap on the plane, leaned over to get my headphones out of my bag, and crunched it with the metal seatbelt. :-O It’s still functioning, but I figure it’s a matter of time, and Best Buy seemed to have a good deal.

    I also runfess I’m glad my kids are at the age when they want/need practical gifts or cash. There’s not exactly a run on new bath towels.

    Good luck finding that console!

    • Nice one getting a new iPad! I’m thankful that my boys already have a couple of game consoles so there won’t be too much drama if they can’t find one any time soon. I just couldn’t get over how quickly they sold out!

  7. Darlene S. Cardillo says

    No shipping for me. I had to work.

    Yes. My butt hurts when I bike.

    I felt the same about every half this year. Not sure why. But I know you can do it.

    It’s virtual. You don’t have to submit your time. I didn’t forget any of mine. Didn’t ever wear a watch.

  8. Our local TV news showed people camping out overnight for that XBox. It’s nuts. Wonder who was able to score one online? So frustrating. I hope the gel seat does the trick. When I used to attend spin class I remember having a “favorite” bike for that reason.

    • I cannot imagine camping out to buy anything much less a game console – how crazy is that? I read that people are selling them on eBay for almost twice the price! Ridiculous.

  9. Ha! I’m sitting here, reading blogs and drinking coffee when I should be running my virtual half marathon. I’ll get moving…soon…

    I didn’t try to get a new Xbox but I had the same issue trying to score a Kitchen Aid stand-up mixer for my oldest. I couldn’t find one anywhere!!! Even Home Depot was sold old. Who are these people and why are they buying everything?

    • Interesting that you couldn’t find the mixer – I guess a lot of people must be doing a lot more home cooking and baking? I hope you find one for your son.

  10. I hope you find success in scoring an XBox! It’s crazy how quickly those things go! At least you weren’t fighting crowds in a store.

    With all the cycling I’ve done this past year, I’ve learned there’s a whole new set of women’s cycling injuries out there – insert grimace face emoji… And I only thought runners had to deal with annoying injuries. I hope your gel seat cover does the trick!

  11. No real shopping over here. We had some stuff for A in our Amazon cart, so we just ordered it. Nothing earth-shattering. We have a Nintendo Switch and that’s about as cool a game console as he’s going to get.

    • The funny thing is my husband and I agreed that we’re keeping things low-key this year. My boys decided to pool their gift cards to buy the Xbox – we’ll see if they stay motivated enough to keep trying to track one down.

  12. I treated myself to a couple of new trail running shoes – another pair of Salomon Sense Ride 3 (got 900km out of my first pair) and Salomon Trail Pro (1/2 price).

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