Weekly Run Down – An uneventful week

Is it just me or was this just a blur of a week?!

I honestly don’t have too much to report this week – workout wise it was fairly uneventful. Here’s how things played out:

Monday — A short run, Day 5 of Core-Tober, and yoga for hips. This yoga class was so good and so needed! Chelsea’s become one of my favorite instructors – I have bookmarked this class and will take it again!

Tuesday — Rest Day. I woke up feeling really off and just never got on track. I even took one of my two rest days for Core-Tober.
Wednesday — 3-mile run plus core.

Thursday — 2-mile walk plus strength training.
Friday — 3 miles plus core.
Saturday — 5 miles, core, plus yard work.

With so many out running and walking, the mask was needed!

Sunday — 1.25-mile walk plus core. I think I got a little over-ambitious in yesterday’s garden clean-up so I’m keeping things very low-keyed today.

Like I said, an uneventful week. My energy level was pretty low for most of the week thanks to some really poor nights of sleep. I was definitely feeling more like myself by the week’s end and Saturday’s run couldn’t have been better! Hopefully, with a couple of extra days off for an extended long-weekend, I will be able to continue to catch up on some more sleep.

In addition to some days off, the week ahead also brings my Pelo bike delivery and I’ll be running the Detroit Free Press virtual half. As I runfessed a couple of weeks ago, I’m nowhere near “half marathon” shape so I still haven’t figured out how I’m going to approach this run. Wish me luck!

Tell me something about your week. How would you approach this virtual half?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. I was kind of feeling off this week as well. Happens! I am so excited for you to get your bike!!!

  2. Can’t wait to hear about the Peloton!!! My sleep was off this week. I’d blame jet lag except Wednesday I woke up at 4:30 am which is not how jet lag should have worked.

    I’m chugging along with Coretober. Did you see Adrian added a new class?!
    Coco recently posted…Hiking In Rocky Mountain National ParkMy Profile

  3. I’m still struggling with sleep, too. Last night I slept great up at the lake. Hmmmmm

    I hope this is a better week for you. Have fun with your new Peloton! And don’t stress too much about the half. Split it up into 2 days, if you have to. It’s a virtual race and you may as well make it fun!

  4. Given my recent state of fitness, I’d enthusiastically recommend biking your 13.1 (maybe on your new bike!). What better way to get acquainted with each other! I’ll even bike it virtually with you 😉 Gotta say I’m loving your shirt in your Saturday pic…and it looks great with your BRP buff!
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Let’s Rally!My Profile

  5. Low key is sometimes the best thing for us.

  6. It was a blur of a week! October is flying by. So exciting about your bike delivery! That company is definitely doing just fine during the pandemic, I swear everyone has bought one!

  7. IMO, anything goes for your half. Yes, if it was the “real” race you’d be stuck with 13.1 in one go, but there are other options that aren’t going to hurt you. Maybe split the distance into a few shorter runs over the course of a day, or split it over a few days, OR what Kim said…put 13.1 on your nice shiny new bike.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Half Marathon #6My Profile

  8. I have NOT been sleeping well at all. The weather???

    I am not in half marathon shape but I ran one last weekend. I ran walked 45:30 and it was painless…took about 3 hours but it’s virtual. Who cares??

    Good luck with yours.

    Hope we both sleep better this week.

  9. I feel like I just can’t get caught up on sleep lately! Hope you enjoy your new bike!

  10. Yay for your bike being delivered this week! I just know that you’re going to love it, and of course let me know if you have any questions.

    I’m also running a half marathon this weekend and I’m no where near prepared, lol. My game plan is to see how I feel after the 10k point. If I feel good I’ll keep running, if I don’t I’ll try to make it to 10 miles and then walk the last 5K.

    • Thanks – you know I’ll be reaching out with questions! 😉

      Oh, I didn’t realize your half is this weekend too. Let me know whether you’ll be running Saturday or Sunday – we’ll have to cheer each other on virtually.

  11. I am very excited about your bike too!! You will love it.

    Have fun with the virtual race. Make it fun. Maybe we can get a few of us to “run” with you this weekend. I am running 5 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Week #2 of training for a 5k and let me brag about itMy Profile

  12. Ooooh enjoy that new bike! Such an exciting delivery. I haven’t slept well all year. Ugh. Hormones.

  13. I love your top in your last picture!

    I did a virtual half on Thursday and I (and fortunately Claire too) wasn’t really in tip top shape for it (we’d done 10.3 miles 10 days before, my last half distance was on 4 July). We just took it steady, walked where we needed to, and took some photo breaks. Did the distance and enjoyed ourselves (and set ourselves the challenge of running to a Lego giraffe, then had to tweak our route on the way home as it turned out it wasn’t quite half way to 13.1 when we got to the giraffe!).

    Enjoy your bike! The house-sorting didn’t really work out to give me my exercise room this week but it’s getting there and I’m aiming to get some weights work in while I wait.

  14. So exciting about your bike! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts, but everyone loves them.

    I feel you on the sleep deprivation. It’s why I waited to return to running. Getting there. . .

  15. That’s so exciting about the bike! Can you run your virtual half with any friends? Split it up and have friends join in for any parts of it? That would be fun. Have fun on those Peloton workouts! 🙂
    Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly workouts – loving all things fallMy Profile

  16. I’ve got a virtual half the first weekend of November, and I feel nowhere near ready. I’ll walk some and I’ll run some and I’ll walk some more. It will be fine. <3

  17. I need to incorporate more S&C training into my weekly schedule. I tend to just run everyday (to and from work) and a long run on a Sunday. Monday was a rest day though because my knees were feeling a bit tender,

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