Time for October Coffee

Fall is in the air and it feels great to settle in a mug of hot coffee and catch up with friends. I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. I’ve got my usual Starbucks Pikes Place with GLG CollagenΒ and a splash of cream – what are you drinking?

Over coffee, I would first ask you how you’re holding up. To say times are tough right now would be a serious understatement. Personally, I’m beyond tired of 2020 and all of the madness, chaos, and sadness that has come with it. I’ve had to put myself on a news detox – while I like to be informed, some days are just too much to bear.

On a much lighter note, over coffee, I would tell you that school continues to go well for both of my boys. My oldest has been on campus for 6 weeks and his school just keeps rolling along in their little bubble. For my younger son, we’ve settled into a hybrid schedule and knock-on-wood so far so good. I’m holding my breath and hoping we can make it to Thanksgiving break.

Over coffee, I would tell you that we are in the thick of the college process now. I am utterly amazed at what marketing machines some of these universities are. We receive so much mail and the emails are nonstop. I keep thinking that if they all cut back on their fancy brochures perhaps they could drop their tuition costs!

Over coffee, I would tell you that I looking forward to the new season of SNL, cause really couldn’t we all use a good laugh? Now let’s hope I can stay awake to actually watch it πŸ™‚

Now I’d tell you that my cup is empty and I need a refill.Β So your turn, what would you tell me over coffee?



  1. My nephew started his freshman year of college this year. Talk about sucky! They were almost immediately quarantined and on lockdown. πŸ™

    I do news detoxes from time to time. You’re always going to hear major news from someone (like my husband informing me of what was going on this morning). But not having it on a lot makes me much happier. πŸ™‚

  2. My son has been back at school for 6 weeks now and is so much happier. They are doing regular testing. He really needed to go be on his own at this point and is really thriving. Hope your boys continue to do well also. Thanks for linking up!

  3. I am SO GLAD school is going well for both your boys! My friend’s son is doing well at Duke. It shows that if you are serious about masks, social distancing, and testing, you can live your life.

    I could never stay up for SNL but love seeing the sketches later.

  4. SNL was the only “winner” in the presidential debates. So much skit fodder! How great both your boys are doing well with school. The isolation of 100% remote learning is taking a toll on my 15 yr old. I wish a hybrid plan was in the near future. Maddie is a college sophomore and STILL gets plenty of college stuff. It’s ridiculous.

    • 100% remote learning is just so hard! I’m holding my breath and hoping we can keep this hybrid approach going.

      How crazy that you’re still receiving college mail!

  5. Totally hear you on the news detox – it’s all getting to be way too much. I’m glad that school is going well for both of your boys!

    Haha, I had to laugh about the college mail. I remember getting so many letter, pamphlets and emails from a bunch of different schools. Once school even sent me a pre-filled application and a VHS tape about their college (it was super odd)!

    SNL really has so much material to work with this year – it should be great!

    • Thanks Kim – knowing that they are both enjoying school and able to be in a classroom really helps right now when there isn’t a wealth of good news.

      Honestly, the college mail is relentless! I can’t remember the last time anything arrived with my name on it LOL πŸ˜‰

  6. So glad your kids are doing well with school so far! The hybrid schedule sounds tricky but seems to be working for most schools.

  7. YES to SNL!!!!! I’m a night owl (as well as an early bird LOL), so I don’t usually have a problem staying awake (key word: usually). Our youngest finished her AA (over a year ago), took a gap year because she was wait-listed from the steno school, and now has decided to pursue a different academic track. Soooo, she’s been accepted, and all the literature is coming her way (and to us)….even though they don’t really need to “sell her (or us) on the school.” Yes, lots of fancy brochures in the mailbox!

  8. Ughhhh, 2020 has been terrible so I’m with you on a news detox. I’ve been doing wayyy too much doom-scrolling lately. ._. I’m super looking forward to SNL too, hehehe.

    I’m glad school’s going well for your sons!

  9. I put myself on a news detox too. Until today, when I found out that the president has COVID. I am looking forward to Jim Carrey as Joe Biden too!

    Good luck to your boys and their schools this year!

  10. I can’t even imagine SNL being able to keep up with this week’s news cycle! I feel like every morning I wake up and it’s some new bombshell. Guess that’s what happens when you have a reality TV star as president. πŸ˜›

    We were getting ALL THE MAIL when my boys were in high school. Military recruitment too. I guess it’s really up to your son, right? I wish you the best of luck and don’t forget to fill out the FAFSA!

  11. Glad your boys are doing well, and I have been avoiding the news, too, so a good call there.

  12. Absolutely on the news & media break.
    SO glad to hear all is going well for your sons.
    Cari recently posted…Home Stretch of 2020My Profile

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