My 2020 Fitness Goals

If you’ve been around here for a while then you know I’m a big goal setter. During my holiday downtime, I took some time to reflect on the past year and to mull over new goals for all areas of life. Today, I’m sharing my 2020 fitness goals.

2020 Fitness Goals

Improve my pacing — With marathon training last year, my focus was all about building miles. This year, I’d like to work on my pacing and find a little “speed”.

Run 50 miles/month — I’m borrowing this one from Kim. This mileage feels doable and will help me to keep a nice base.

Build a yoga practice — I’ve been very on-again, off-again with yoga, but the truth is I feel better when I find some time for my mat. So the goal is to practice yoga at least once a week.

Sharing 5 key fitness goals for 2020! #TuesdayTopics #goals #bibchat Click To Tweet

Focus on recovery and cross-training – Lesson learned from marathon training, I need to create a simple but consistent recovery routine. On the cross-training front, I feel like I’m on a good path with Orangetheory, so the goal is to get to the studio 2x’s/week. Of course, the big goal, always, is to stay injury-free and I think keeping a balanced focus on both recovery and cross-training will go a long way in making that happen.

Prioritize sleep — This was a 2019 goal, and while I whined…er…mentioned my sleep struggles throughout the year, the truth is I didn’t do much to help set myself up for success (i.e., stayed up too late, no evening routine, some late-night snacking, etc). I’ve written about the importance of sleep for runners before, now it’s time for me to really heed the message and focus on creating some good sleep habits.

As always, I’ll be using smaller monthly goals to help to keep me on track and accountable.

Have you set any fitness goals for 2020?

I’m linking up with Kim and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics.



  1. I think the crosstraining is key to achieving all the other goals. I need to be better about yoga too!

  2. I added yoga back to the mix last week and let’s just say I NEED IT! Yowza.

  3. I love that you really want to build a yoga practice this year. I am not a huge yoga fan but know that I need to be more consistent with it!

  4. Focus on Recovery and Cross Training! That’s not on my list but I’m quickly realising it needs to me. Have increased my weekly mileage for marathon training but not all the stretching and recovery that needs to go with it. Also, I am still doing so little strength training. Need to up my game on that!

  5. Great goals! Sleep is one of those things that I keep hearing is so important but it’s so hard to prioritize. That’s a great one to work on.

  6. I will probably be launching my 21 Days of Yoga in March (still not sure of the date). It will most likely be a collaboration between me & some other yoga teachers, so you’re sure to find something you like.

    The main aim of that is to help people start a practice — and stick with it!

    I have a fairly good evening routine, but sleep is still something I struggle with (sleeping long enough, most of the time I fall asleep earlier.

    They all sound like really reasonable goals, Michelle!

  7. All great things, Michelle 🙂 I thought about mentioning yoga in my post…but I opted to just go with stretching, which is yoga-like LOL

  8. Great goals. All seem doable. I should cheat and copy them.

    I struggle with sleep. And fitting anything besides running.

    I’m starting small. One yoga class per month.

  9. I have also come to realize how important recovery is and I need to take it more seriously this year as well

  10. Love your goals. 50 miles per month is a great goal! I had been doing yoga for awhile but have switched over to a Barre Mix Class. I still need to set my 2020 fitness goals.

  11. These are great goals! My fitness goals are to walk more throughout the day and stretch more often.

  12. Great goals! Sleep is a big priority for me too even if it means I miss out on evening things. I’m looking to keep running, riding, playing soccer and just be active.

  13. These are all great, manageable goals. I think we could all probably do better with more sleep to be honest… I certainly try but it doesn’t always work!

  14. These are some really fantastic goals! I have no doubt you will be able to accomplish all of them.

    Sleep is definitely a priority. It’s amazing how much we need it and how little we seem to allow ourselves to get.

  15. Great goals! Prioritize sleep is on the top of list too!! I really struggle with this one.

  16. These are great goals. I really need to prioritize sleep! And you’re right, late nights lead to late night snacks, so going to bed earlier is a win-win!

  17. I love your goals! Nuun Rest has helped me sleep better.

    Thanks for linking up with us!

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