November Coffee Date

Hello November!

2019 continues to roll along at a swift pace and now there are just a mere 61 days left in the year – say what now?!

Well, what say we kick this month off with a little catch up over coffee. I’m linking up with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug of your fave hot beverage and let’s chat.

November’s Ultimate Coffee Date

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m sorry to see October go! There was so much good stuff happening – long-overdue catch-ups with friends, parents’ weekend at my son’s school, the family’s annual apple picking outing, celebrating our 27th wedding anniversary, blogger/IG friends meet-ups…and that little 26.2 jaunt through the streets of Chicago!

Over coffee, I would tell you how much I’m looking forward to driving out to western MA this weekend to see my son’s cross country meet. I can still remember how happy I was the first time he asked if he could run with me and I love that he’s embraced running the way he has.

Flashback to his first 5K and probably the last time I could keep up with him!

Over coffee, I would tell you I’m on another one of my purging sprees. While I admit to letting some things slide during marathon training…cause honestly who has the energy…I swear all of this stuff in my house cannot be ours!

What would you tell me over coffee?



  1. Have so much fun at your son’s XC meet! I love that pic of the two of you. Where has the time gone?? I swear I could purge non-stop forever and never run out of stuff. Not sure how that happens but it does!

  2. That’s so exciting that your son is running XC! It’s awesome that he shares your love of running 🙂

  3. 61 days?! Yikes! Have fun at the xc meet. It’s great that your husband and son run. I think purging is a constant process. I cleaned out my closet a few weeks ago but there’s still more I should let go ….

  4. UGH….I have major purging to do, and I keep procrastinating. I no longer have the “I’m too busy training for MCM” excuse either LOL Great pic of you and your son, and a fantastic one of you at Chicago!

  5. Have fun this weekend! You know how much I enjoy driving up to Madison to watch my son play rugby! I don’t think we’re going to go today because it’s so darned cold! Just call us fair weather fans…

  6. How lovely that your son took to running with you, I’m so pleased! And that race photo of yours is superb!

  7. Unfortunately I have no time to purge my own home because I’m too busy purging my parents — and too tired when I get home.

    Glad you had a great October — mine was up & down as most of the year was!

  8. October went by so quickly!! I really need to declutter my place too, but it seems like a never-ending process! Have fun at the cross-country meet!

  9. I hope you had a fantastic weekend with you son! October was good for you

  10. omg that KonMari meme is so PERFECT!

    you really did have a happening October. Unbelievable we are on the countdown to the end of the year now!

    I wanted to do a lot of purging and it just hasn’t happened. Nothing has really happened the way I wanted it to this year though… ah well. there’s always the purge that seems to always happen when I’m motivated at the beginning of the year!

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