Runfessions – Long Weekend Edition

Can I get a Halleluiah that the long weekend is here! (Can you tell it’s been a long week for me?!)

I’m ready to dive into this Memorial Day Weekend, but first, Marcia has opened the runfessional so it’s time to share a few runfessions so I can go into my weekend with a clear conscience 🙂

I runfess that as I sit here on Friday morning making plans to head to the expo this afternoon, I still have no idea if I’m actually going to Sunday’s race.

I runfess that I’m having a hard time getting excited about a race where I feel like I’m settling on the distance (5 miles instead of the half) and where I’m concerned about how my hammy will hold up (especially after yesterday’s less than stellar run) …and did I mention now there’s rain in the forecast. I’ve raced in the rain before and usually, my attitude towards Mother Nature is “Bring it!”, but given everything else I’m feeling very “Meh” about the whole thing.

I runfess that despite the recent running woes, I still remain optimistic about my running plans for the rest of the year. I just added RnR Chicago to the mix for July, and am eyeing the Finish at the 50 10K – while I’m not usually much of a summer racer, I figure I’ll be logging double-digit runs for marathon training so why not have some fun while I’m at it.

I runfess that the madness of the typical May schedule around here is starting to take its toll. I’m seriously starting to have a hard time remembering who needs to be shuttled where, which sports bag is going in which car, signing field trip permission slips, etc. Thankfully the end is in sight!

I love going to my boys’ games but watching how some parents behave is getting harder and harder to take. I runfess that I’m tempted to make up t-shirts that say “Your son is not going Division 1 so calm down!” and start handing them out.

Tell me, do you have any summer races lined up? Have you witnessed parents behaving badly?

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!



  1. I keep reading bloggers signing up for RnR Chicago. I am getting FOMO. But I am not sure my schedule then so I can’t commit quit yet. I am really looking forward to Memorial weekend too. I actually have off…wohoo!
    Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…May RunfessionsMy Profile

  2. Summer sports haven’t started for my girls but once it does it’s so busy. We’re on the soccer field 4-5 nights a week, including me!! Hope you are able to run a race Sunday – even though it might not be the race you wanted to run. Be kind to yourself!
    Anna @ Piper’s Run recently posted…May RunfessionsMy Profile

  3. All my kids played sports and a lot of parents take it so seriously. i bet less than 1% even get sports related scholarships. So, amen, just calm down. RnR sounds fun but I’ve got to wait to see how I fare after this marathon before “clicking”. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  4. My son has just started in the hockey world. Hockey moms and dads can be very “passionate” so it will be interesting to be part of that world. He’s only 4 so I haven’t witnessed anthing crazy… yet!

    • Oh my goodness, some of the hockey parents I’ve encountered have been pretty over-the-top. Thankfully, it’s usually better when the kids are still young so I hope you can avoid the crazy and enjoy it!

  5. I was just appalled at some of the parents’ behavior at a recent game! What is with some people?? maybe doing the 5 mile race will give you some confidence back?
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…May RunfessionsMy Profile

  6. Aww so sorry about the “meh” lately. I hope the race goes great for you. We’re going to have an awesome gathering of bloggers at RnRCHI this year! I suppose I need to train for that. Ha! Enjoy the long weekend!
    Marcia recently posted…Memorial Day Weekend RunfessionsMy Profile

  7. So sorry that you are feeling meh lately. I hope that if you decide to run on Sunday that you have an awesome race.

    So looking forward to RnR Chicago 🙂
    Kim G recently posted…Join Me For May Runfessions!My Profile

    • Thanks Kim – in the end, the race was not meant to be 🙁 I am really looking forward to Chicago – such a fun group coming together!

  8. So I’m sitting here commenting on blogs instead of taking group prom photos…total slacker parent but I just can’t handle the other parents and the ridiculous poses etc. My son has already texted me about how annoyed he is…

    I cannot wait to see you in July! I’ll be taking it slow so we can do it together if you’re struggling.

    • Ha! My Facebook feed has been full of prom photos lately and I’m surprised at how elaborate prom photos have become!

      Chicago is going to be so much fun! Hopefully, we’ll both be running well by then.

  9. It’s hard to be excited about a race when it wasn’t the one you planned on AND the weather is dreary! LOL on your t-shirt idea — that’s one part of sports I don’t miss!
    Coco recently posted…May RunfessionsMy Profile

  10. Oh, I hope the weather forecast turns around! I’m so excited for Chicago!!!
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…MAYDAY! Runfessing the latestMy Profile

  11. Another RnR Chicago blogger! Serious FOMO here… whomp whomp.

    So if it were me about the race on Sunday… and I had the hamstring issue, it might rain, and I was annoyed about the distance… well you don’t want to know my answer. 🙂
    Rachel recently posted…5 Tools for a Successful Run with a Canine CompanionMy Profile

  12. For someone that doesn’t like summer running you seem to be doing a whole lot of it!

    I have a 5k next week, a 4 miler on the 4th, a half the end of July, and that 18 miler the end of August. I don’t like to race during the summer either. 🙂
    Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Who likes running with their dog?: Runfessions May 2018My Profile

  13. Sorry you are feeling so meh lately. I love the idea of that t-shirt! We’re past high school not but some of those parents we used to see were absolutely ridiculous.

  14. Hope to meet you in Chicago for RnR in July. I won’t be running but plan to spectate.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Friday Five 2.0-Yes to Athlinks!My Profile

  15. Angela Cardamone says

    Ugh, the parents at the sporting events! My son plays hockey and some games, I just have to sit elsewhere in the bleachers!! RnR Chicago sounds fun, I have yet to do an RnR event!!

  16. dang Michelle, what is going on with your hamstring??? it sucks that it is causing you to change up your plans!

    I can’t believe so many of you are going to RNRCHI. I wish I could go!!! it’s so hard to go in the summer with $$$ and colleagues on holiday. Also I’ve done it so if I do another RNR in the States I think I’d do Philly next.

    I have races planned this summer, yes! A local(ish) run in June, RNR Dublin in August, and the Ragnar Relay in Germany in August as well. I hate heat running though so I also want to know what the heck is wrong with me? haha!

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