Wrapping up a long week

Happy Sunday!

Lots of stuff happening on the home front made this a tough week. While I’m going to refrain from getting into details, I will say parenting is hard especially as your kids get older and you can’t always “fix” things. It’s hard to watch your child struggle.

I also had to take a deferral on next weekend’s race. Family schedules and my husband needing to fly out for a business trip earlier than originally expected made a trip to Maine not possible. Thankfully the race offered a deferment so I’ve already got my first race for 2019. (Gotta look at the positives, right?)

So yeah it’s been one of those weeks where running wasn’t just something I wanted to do, it was something I needed – “road therapy” as I like to call it.

Here’s how the week’s workouts went down:

Monday – My usual rest day plus 50 triceps dips for the dips, push-ups, and squats challenge.

Tuesday – 6 miles including 2×2 mile intervals plus 50 push-ups. Good grief this was a challenging run, but I was pleased with how it went.

Wednesday – Did an at home strength workout and mixed in the 50 squats for the challenge. I noticed a little soreness in my shins so I stuck to regular squats instead of the jump squats.

Thursday – After a horrible night of sleep or rather not sleeping, I decided to take a rest day. I did get my 60 tricep dips done and saw my massage therapist.

Friday – I wanted to make up for Thursday’s missed run, so it was 5 miles with 3 at a steady pace, followed by 60 push-ups. The best part was the weather as it finally felt like spring!

Saturday – 60 squats and 6 miles of being tailed by the struggle bus. I could feel the cumulative effects of the week both physically and emotionally making this run feel much longer than it really was. On the flip side, it did give me the chance to sort some things out … road therapy!

And I kept my daily plank streak going on Day 105 as of today!

Today is a much-needed rest day and I’m looking forward to just lounging around the house with my family. Thanks to the forecasted bitter temps and sleet, we have a rare Sunday without lacrosse games. I plan to enjoy the slow pace, watching movies and an epic family game of Risk later.

Tell me something about your week?

I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.



  1. Wow that is quite the plank streak! I have found that one of the hardest things about parenting is not being able to fix everything. bigger kids have bigger problems we cannot always fix them. The fact that they know we want to is so important. Hope you have a better week xoxo
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Wrap It’s finally Spring!My Profile

  2. As you know, I have had to rely on the road for therapy more often than I’d like! Raising teenagers is not for the weak. I hope you found some peace in the miles you ran.

  3. Sorry the week was a rough one on the parenting front. I can relate. It’s tough when we can’t “fix” things. Glad you were able to defer your race.
    Marcia recently posted…Running Through Crazy Weather and a Field TripMy Profile

  4. Sorry this week was a rough one. The silver lining on missing that race in Maine is that the weather probably isn’t the greatest right now, so there’s that.

    I hope this week is a better one for you (and your kiddo).

  5. Oh I do miss family game nights! Mine are all scattered in different directions and rarely under my roof all at the same time. Yes, parenting is hard especially as they get older. As Moms, we want to fix everything for them and many times they just need us to listen but let them figure things out on their own. So hard! Hope things get better.

    Sorry you had to defer your race, but family does come first! Wine on Tuesday morning ….is there something wrong with that??? Lol

    Here’s hoping for a better week!
    Teresa recently posted…🎶Rainy Days and Taxes Always Get Me Down🎶My Profile

  6. So sorry for the rough week, but it is good news that you could defer your race entry – that seems rarer and rarer these days. It’s hard to be grateful for crappy weather, but sometimes it is welcome when you can cozy up inside!
    Coco recently posted…Cherry Blossoms In BloomMy Profile

  7. Wow! You are kicking tail with your plank streak! I do my “regular” planks in the morning (as my chai is heating), so they’re just routine for me. But when I try to add extra ones (usually before bed), I often forget to do them…only to have to throw off the covers and get on the floor and take action LOL I’m glad the road was your friend last week 😉

  8. Great week of workouts! I hate not having a good night of sleep, and I think it’s smart to have a little self-care on those days.
    Sarah @ merrillthon recently posted…Peachtree Road Race Training: Week 2 of 14My Profile

  9. What is up with the crazy weather?? Just spoke to my husband who is in Hartford and he said it’s snowing! I arrive Tuesday night and am hoping it warms up by then (fingers crossed).

    On a side note, I read my BAA 5K recap from 2013 today and you are in it! Miss the days of running races and bumping into running friends like you.
    AmyC recently posted…Traveling, Workouts and One Boston Day | Weekly WrapMy Profile

    • Oh my gosh I remember that race! And I remember us both nursing injuries and getting through the BAA Half that fall to complete the Distance Medley – miss seeing you 🙂

  10. It was one of those weeks for me as well.

    Crazy weather, loss of a pet, work travel…

    But we cope and go on. Thankful for running! And wine!
    Darlene recently posted…Weekly Wrap for 4.9.18-4.15.18 – Here, There and Everywhere…My Profile

  11. Well done on getting your workouts done even if things were not too good on the family/parenting front. Road therapy is quite amazing. Hope your family games night went well. My oldest is only 6 but we have already introduced games nights and they are so much fun!
    Shathiso recently posted…Journey to My First Half Marathon, Weeks 13 – 15 (Highlights)My Profile

  12. Way to keep your plank streak going! Sorry to hear you are things are hard at home.
    We’ve been sick for days so not a whole lot of running or anything going on here.
    Anna @ Piper’s Run recently posted…Half Marathon Training Week #7 – BluenoseMy Profile

  13. You plank streak is awesome! Super impressed that you were able to keep that going despite having a really busy week.
    Kim G recently posted…Rite Aid Cleveland Half Marathon Training Recap – Week 4My Profile

  14. It’s very hard watching your child struggle. I have three kids and they all have different needs. I wish I could fix things for them, but that’s not how life works! Running is wonderful therapy. It sure does help sort things out and clear my head! I need to see a massage therapist one day. I carry a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders. Hope you have a great week!

  15. I’m sorry to hear thag it was a rough week. At least you were able to defer the race instead of losing out on the registration altogether. Here’s to a much better week this week!
    Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 7My Profile

  16. The road is definitely a good listener, so true! Hope you had a good rest day yesterday 🙂 You worked hard last week and definitely deserved it.
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly ReviewMy Profile

  17. Great job with your workouts! I’m glad you were able to defer your race. I’m definitely envious of your time with a massage therapist…I need to make an appointment soon!

    Last week for me was busy but thankfully went well running and otherwise.
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…New Jersey Marathon Training Week 15My Profile

  18. I’m so sorry you are having a hard time. Parenting is amazing, but it’s the hardest thing I have ever done. Even worse, there’s no manual and no way to know if you’re doing it right. Ugh.

    I’m also sorry about your race. I hate when last minute changes like that come up.

    You did have a great training week. I don’t want to jinx it but it does sounds like you are doing so much better!
    Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 4.8.18 – 4.14.18My Profile

  19. Sorry you had a trying week, but I love your positive attitude. I’m glad they deferred your race and it wasn’t just a loss.
    I love an occasional cozy Sunday when the weather is gloomy.
    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
    Denise @ runheartfit recently posted…Friday Five: A week of firsts!My Profile

  20. My mom always said she’s only as happy as her unhappiest child. I hope things work out for your kiddo. Mine are still so little that I’m able to fix everything with a hug or a lollipop. I dread the days they have to face the world without me. But I also know that that’s when they really have a chance to shine. Hang in there!
    Andrea recently posted…Moving forward after losing your baby | Our story of miscarriageMy Profile

  21. Hey Michelle, so sorry for the rough week.Yeah you are absoultely right that when your child get older you can’t fix the problem rather than watching them strugle.Good luck for the next week. Hope it will be amazing for you!
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  22. It’s good to hear that you were able to defer your race. Great job with your workouts! Running is wonderful therapy. Sorry to hear you are things are hard at home. BTW Thanks for the post and for sharing your great thoughts through your amazing post.

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