NYC Half Training Week 3

Happy Sunday!

Even as I type the words I’m having a little bit of a hard time believing we’re already halfway through the month! After struggling with a nasty cold last week, this week was all about getting back on track.

Monday: I spent most of the day trying to get caught up on work, but did get in a 1.25 miles towards the Winter Challenge – Day 9.

Tuesday: Strength day plus another mile for the Winter Challenge.

Wednesday: 4 mile tempo run.

Thursday:  Rest day – a much needed massage happened, and yes a 1.25 miles more towards the Challenge. If you’re wondering why 1.25…that’s one trip around my block 🙂

Friday: 5 mile tempo. I must admit I came so close to phoning this one in. I woke up so tired and the wind was seriously whipping around…I just wasn’t feeling it, but knew I’d be upset with myself later…so out the door I went. There was a lot of cursing, but 5 miles were done.

Saturday:  The frigid temps returned, but luckily no wind. My legs felt like lead after Friday’s run and I was very happy to have my husband along for the run. And, it was a beautiful morning!

Sunday: I squeezed in a brisk 1.25 mile walk after my son’s hockey game to keep the Winter Challenge streak going.

All-in-all not a bad week, but the runs all felt tough because I just had no energy (I’m guessing a lingering effect from the cold…plus a few too many nights staying up to watch The Daily Show). The big goal for this week is to get to bed at a reasonable hour so I don’t feel so fried.

I also got the great news this week that I was selected as a SPIbelt Ambassador again for this year! I’ve made no secret of my love for SPIbelt and am psyched to be representing them again!

rp_WeeklyWrap-1-300x300.jpgI’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap. Please be sure to head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training, life happenings, motivation and encouragement!



  1. Getting enough sleep always helps me in training, but it can be so hard to do!

  2. congrats on the ambassadorship! I love my SpiBelt!

    I’m so tired at the end of the day. I have to make sure I get everything done in the morning!
    Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Be Careful What You Wish For…My Profile

  3. Congrats on representing SpiBelt. I actually haven’t tried that brand. Great job on sticking to the Winter Challenge. Isn’t if funny how we know our neighborhood mileage? I know the exact mailbox I’ll be at when I reach one mile. LOL. I completely understand the lack of energy. If only we could find a magic cure. Thanks for linking, Michelle!

  4. Congrats on getting chosen to be a Spibelt ambassador. As much as I hate the cold, the wind is ten times worse. I bet that massage was just lovely. I treated myself to one the other week as well.
    Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…Weekly Wrap …..Jan 15My Profile

  5. The middle of the month thought just occurred to me earlier today. Yikes! Time is flying as usual. Way to get those workouts in. A massage sounds divine. It’s been way too long since I’ve had one.
    Marcia recently posted…Running Lately: I Miss My BurnMy Profile

  6. The wind can be brutal! LOL on your reason for not getting enough sleep – you could record it you know. 😉 Congrats on the ambassadorship!
    Coco recently posted…My Week Avoiding Added SugarMy Profile

  7. My schedule has gotten so whacked…and I honestly have no idea when that all went down. I’m staying up too late (again)and having difficulty rising & shining in the morning(s). It wasn’t that long ago that I was getting up & heading out the door before 5AM for my training runs…UGH. I gotta get my tush in bed earlier…
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Because Runners Walk, TooMy Profile

  8. Congrats on your ambassadorship that’s a fun one! Glad you are feeling better and back at the runs.
    Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Raw Pad Thai Salad With Kelp Noodles & GiveawayMy Profile

  9. Congrats on being a Spibelt ambassador! And great job with your workouts this week, especially with that challenge. Im sure there were days it was tough to get out there, but you did anyway!
    Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…Time-Based Pyramid Workout and Weekly WrapMy Profile

  10. Congrats on your new ambassadorship with Spibelt and for making it through a tough week! Fighting a cold takes such a toll on the body for weeks… I hope you fully recover this week and are feeling 100% for the next!

  11. Sleep really is an essential partner to running. Believe it or not, I seem to have more energy as I’ve aged and I truly believe it has everything to do with the fact the my three boys are “grown”. It is so hard to get to bed at a decent time when you are running kids around, helping with homework and school projects, extracurricular activities, cooking, cleaning …whew! I’m getting tired just remembering those days. Hang in there …this too shall pass (and you’ll miss it) 🙂
    Teresa recently posted…This Week’s Gallivantin’: Easing on down the roadMy Profile

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