Wrapping up Thanksgiving week

As I runfessed on Friday, I allowed myself some much needed down time after we got back from Vegas. So this week was about slowly finding some mojo…

Monday: Strength session with Trainer Stacy. Nothing helps to knock the rust off faster than an intense hour working on core, hips and shoulders!

Tuesday: Well, I got a little overambitious with Monday’s workout so a little gentle yoga was needed.

Wednesday: 7 hrs of travel in a car – thank goodness for compression sleeves!

Thursday:  3 easy miles on the hotel treadmill before Thanksgiving festivities.

Friday: 6+ hours of car travel followed by some much needed rolling!


Saturday: Cardio by way of leaf raking. (If I never see another leaf again I’d be ok with that!)

Sunday:  I laid in bed for a long time listening to the wind whip around the house and debating a run. I opted for a strength workout following the new plan Stacy created for me.

So yeah…finding that mojo was a little slow going. The goal for this upcoming week is simple – get some miles in. I’d really like to up my strength training during this “off season” so Stacy and I worked out a plan that should have me in the gym 3x’s a week. That still leaves 3 days to run and a yoga/rest day – at least that’s the plan.

rp_WeeklyWrap-1-300x300.jpgAs always, I’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap. Head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training, life happenings, motivation and encouragement!



  1. Ugh, leaf raking! I bought a leaf blower, haha! Looks like you had a nice peaceful week – well deserved!
    AmyC recently posted…The Struggle Is Real: 5 Ways to Overcome Low MotivationMy Profile

  2. OMG…just looking at those leaves and I get a headache!!! My parents house used to be an annual Thanksgiving raking before dinner…uugh! So glad that tradition died!! lol!!

    Wow-I have never even thought to wear compression sleeves for a long ride!!! Thanks for that!

    I always say that I am going to increase my weight training during the off season….this is the 1st time I am actually sticking to it (so far!) Good luck!

  3. I’m right there with you on the leaves. Ugh. And it’s just started around here. I wore compression sleeves under my jeans all day on Thanksgiving including the travel time. They really seem to help. It sounds like you got a good plan going! Thanks for linking, Michelle!

    • The funny thing is when we first moved into this house I actually said to my husband that I was concerned that our backyard wasn’t big enough – now I’d take a postage stamp for a backyard just to avoid the leaves!

  4. Oh, it’s hard to get out of bed when the wind is whistling – let alone get out the door. It was windier on our bike ride today than we expected — luckily we didn’t find out until it was too late to back out! i should focus on strength now, but I’m juggling two indoor cycling studios and OTF as it is!

    P.S. The Cherry Blossom lottery opens Thursday ….
    Coco recently posted…Wrapping Up Thanksgiving Weekend And Looking Forward To Giving TuesdayMy Profile

  5. Aww look at all those pretty leaves! I actually never had to rake leaves in my yard, I do have to fish them out of my pool though!

    I wouldn’t want to get out and run in the wind either!

  6. Yes to compression sleeves for a long car ride 😉 I wore them both to/from Tulsa last weekend (8-hr car ride both ways). And leaves…ugh! We got most of ours done a couple weeks ago, but round two is about to commence….
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Marathon hangover = RecoveryMy Profile

  7. Way to go with the leaf raking! I’ve got the runstreak to keep me motivated but I still hope to get more strength training in. Always a struggle for me to get that in.
    Sharon recently posted…Last Week’s Workouts and Weekly Wrap 11/21-11/27My Profile

  8. Ugh, the leaves! I couldn’t wait until my boys got old enough to take over that task! I am loving my strength training these days and really really hope to keep it up even after I’m back to running more. It’s so hard to choose anything over running though! 🙂
    Teresa recently posted…This Week’s Gallivantin’: Giving ThanksMy Profile

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