2016 Run to Remember Race Report

2016 RTR FinisherI know I have said this so many times, but must say again Boston’s Run to Remember is one of my all time favorite races!

On Saturday morning my husband J and I headed in town for packet pick-up, and as always it was a breeze. There were a ton of volunteers manning the tables, so getting our bibs, t-shirts and commemorative coins took no time at all. I chose the coin honoring the police and J selected the one for EMS. We did a quick loop around the expo, and while I eyed the Oofos, I just couldn’t bring myself to spend $45 on flip flops! On our way out, we stopped to take in the banners acknowledging all of the fallen law enforcement.

Too many names!

Just too many names on this list

On Sunday morning, the race started at 7, so we were up and moving by a little after 5. After facing heat and humidity on Saturday (90’s), it was a relief to wake to cooler temps (60’s). The outdoor parking lots were quickly filling, so we decided to opt for parking at the Seaport Hotel (the host hotel). Yes more expensive, but the clean indoor bathrooms were a huge win in my book!

There was a moment of silence for State Trooper Clardy and Officer Tarentino, both recently killed in the line of duty, followed by the National Anthem and then we were ready to go. I was so glad the race organizers opted for the wave start – we were in the 3rd wave and crossed the starting line in just about 12 minutes. The first mile was still thick, but we managed to find space to run comfortably. I knew I was a little amped up at the start and definitely went out faster than I probably should have. I told J I needed to slow down and encouraged him to go ahead, but he had told me he was planning to run with me and was happy to go at whatever pace. We saw a friend at the first water station and stopped for a quick hello.

The miles clicked along, while we chatted up other runners,  and thanked volunteers and police officers working the course. My left hip/knee woke up shortly after we passed the mile 3 marker, and got more cranky as we went along. I paid no attention to time though, this race was all about enjoying the experience and the camaraderie of runners. Before I knew it we were back on Atlantic Ave and getting ready for the final turn over the bridge to the finish. I will say the climb up the bridge felt l-o-n-g, and I was grateful for the enthusiastic spectators. The best part is once you crest the bridge, it’s a nice downhill into the finish. J and I agreed to push it into the finish – and just like that we were done.

Happy finishers

Post race, boys scouts were handing out medals and there was an abundance of water, bagels, bananas and various snacks (I do urge the organizers to consider adding chocolate milk and Gatorade). We knew our boys would be up by now and waiting for us to get back for breakfast, so we took a few photos and headed for the car.

From start to finish this is a well organized race! The pre-race communication was excellent (including switching from the half to the 5-miler), packet pick was a breeze, and the along the course there was plenty of water, Gatorade and enthusiastic volunteers. If you get the chance to come to Boston over Memorial Day weekend, you should run this one.

RtR Medal 2016

Overall I was happy with the way things went – while I can see improvements thanks to the new strength training routine, there’s still work to do, and I’ve got lots of notes to share with Trainer Stacy this week. I’ve got plenty of time until my fall races, and am getting the details on my training plan finalized (more on that later). For now, I’m happy that my long hiatus from races is over.

Linking up once again with Holly and Tricia for the #WeeklyWrap rp_WeeklyWrap-1-300x300.jpg



  1. Yay! I’m glad you had a good race, although I’m sorry to hear it wasn’t pain-free. I agree that access to the hotel bathrooms could make paying for parking worth it!
    Coco recently posted…Observing Memorial DayMy Profile

  2. Yay for back to racing! Great job on your run! I loved running the half last year! I agree, it is a well organized race and I’m so glad I got to run it before I moved out west! It is definitely one to remember. 🙂
    Sharon recently posted…Seattle Rock ‘N’ Roll Half Marathon Training Week 8: 5/23-5/29My Profile

  3. Ornery knee aside, sounds like you had a great race. What a perfect way to end the racing dought!
    Marcia recently posted…Don’t Miss These Chicago-Area RacesMy Profile

  4. Looks like a fun race to add to my list and great to hear you had fun despite the knee.
    Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Sweet Summer Yellow Tomato, Corn & Pepper GazpachoMy Profile

  5. That sounds like a great memorial day run! The extra benefits from our new training sound like they are paying off already. I hope you have a great week!

  6. I know it must have felt exhilarating to get back to racing! And this one sounds like the perfect one to come back with. It’s wonderful they let you switch from the half to the 5 miler! Keep up with your strength training. It seems to be working very well. You’ll definitely be ready for those fall races! Thanks for linking with us Michelle.
    HoHo Runs recently posted…Happy Memorial Day (WW # 43)My Profile

  7. I am sorry that your hip and knee got cranky, but this does sound like a fabulous race.
    Abby @BackatSquareZero recently posted…Building in Fast FinishesMy Profile

  8. Great recap! I’m glad you had a good time at this race, it definitely supports a great cause. Glad things are shaping up well for the fall!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Global Running Day 2016My Profile

  9. Girl I know what you mean about the price of Oofos but I bit the bullet and really do like mine. That stab in the ol’ pocketbook only hurts for a little bit.
    Michelle, this sounds like a great run and yes that strength training is paying off for you! Congratulations on your race. I look forward to seeing what’s in store for you after you consult with your trainer.
    Tricia recently posted…Weekly Wrap 43 Memorial Day WeekendMy Profile

  10. I finally got a pair of Oofos at a half marathon expo in March. They were still pricey at 20% off, but I like mine. I’m glad you had a great race despite some nagging pain. It looks like a nice race for a good cause.
    Debra @HappyRunningSole recently posted…Weekly WrapMy Profile

    • I think I might have been more tempted to by a pair if they’d offered an expo discount. I do hear really good things about the Oofos…maybe I’ll catch a deal somewhere.

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