Training Check-in — Accountability


Training Check In

As much as I love my training journal, I’m feeling the need for more accountability. Accountability was one of the main reasons I started this blog in the first place….and so I’m returning to my training check-ins.

A couple of weeks ago, I announced I’d mapped out a training plan to get myself to the start line of the Newport 10 miler. I have been aiming for two days of yoga, two days of strength work and three days of running a week. So how’d it go last week? Thanks to a crazy work schedule and feeling under the weather, my runs were jammed into the later half of the week – but I did get 3 shorts runs done…including some family time at the track (where my oldest snapped the pic above). Since I wasn’t feeling so hot, there was only one strength and one yoga session — I opted instead for much needed rest. But, I did sign-on for Boston Road Runners’ April Plank Challenge, so a daily plank series has been happening.

Given how I was feeling, I’d say it was a decent week. And, after a quiet weekend, I’m feeling rested and ready to go this week! I’ll let you know how it goes….

How’s your training going? Do you find it helpful to post training updates?

I’m linking up again with Erika, Patty and April for Tuesdays on the Run Tuesdays-on-the-run




  1. I really enjoy blogging about my training, even if it’s boring to other people lol! It’s good to see the differences week to week. I’m tapering for Cherry Blossom now, but I’ll be gearing up for my next race. I need to make sure I keep in my cross-training and get back to yoga!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Time Management Tips for Race TrainingMy Profile

  2. Great job on getting it in – that’s what matters, even if it wasn’t necessarily the days you anticipated. great job!
    Courtney @ Eat Pray Run DC recently posted…April Abs Challenge Week Two – Rock Your Core!My Profile

  3. I feel the opposite way. LIke my training updates are so boring. But when I don’t post them people ask me for them. This is the first week I’m going to be fully on a TRI training plan. Time to take that bull by the horns…maybe.
    Marcia recently posted…A Runner in Tri ClothingMy Profile

    • I figure these won’t be the most exciting posts for others to read, but I think I need to do it for me 🙂 Yea for your tri training – looking forward to hearing how it all goes!

  4. I’m glad you’re feeling better and glad you salvaged some training in the midst of the crud. Hopefully this week will be even better for you all around!
    misszippy recently posted…Mondays on the run–spring break styleMy Profile

  5. I love writing about training, it helps keep me accountable!

  6. I have a training calendar that has really helped me stay on track, but I haven’t really found it helpful one way or another to post my training updates online. I figure folks will scroll through and think “who cares”…lol. but that’s just me. If it helps some folks to stay motivate, then I say do it. I will say that I have found it helpful to go back through and read old blog posts of a particular run. I know in the past this has helped me to pin point when some of my pain started.

  7. Glad you are feeling better. I’ve been documenting mine for a year now and its helped (been fun comparing 2014 and 2015 – get some insight in terms of how much I was training etc). Heres to a great week!
    Jennifer recently posted…St. Michael’s Half Training 3/29-4/5 – Week 2My Profile

  8. Sorry to hear you weren’t feeling good! I always hate it when being sick knocks me out of getting a workout done or a run in…I recently started doing a weekly training recap on my blog. I don’t really keep a training journal so the weekly posts have been great to reflect on and help keep me accountable.
    Krystal recently posted…Time Management While Race TrainingMy Profile

  9. April @ RunTheGreatWideSomewhere says

    Great job getting it done! Getting runs in with a crazy job really can be challenging (here’s where I admit I missed my run today because of crazy job stuff)! Thanks for linking up with us today!

  10. My training is so routine, my recaps started boring me. Maybe if I was doing them I’d do more interesting workouts!
    Coco (@Got2Run4Me) recently posted…Living A Fear Based LifeMy Profile

  11. Your training plan sounds very doable and smart! I need to get in more yoga. I’ve been slipping on that lately
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Spring Cleaning With PhenOh 7.4My Profile

  12. Smart to listen to your body if you weren’t feeling great. Awesome job still getting those runs in.
    Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…5 Ways to Tailor Sponsored Posts to Your AudienceMy Profile

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