Coffee Date – May edition

It’s the first Saturday of the month so it’s time once again for the Ultimate Coffee Date link-up!


I’m back from this morning’s run, so pull up a mug and join me….

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you how excited I am for the month of May! While the schedule will definitely get a little crazy at times, there’s a lot of fun stuff planned – and the weather’s finally starting to feel like spring!

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you I started Shaun T’s Focus T25 this week and it is challenging for sure as I adjust to adding it in with my running and Pilates classes — but I’m loving it and think I’ll be stronger for doing it.

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you I spent a fun morning with my mom yesterday at my favorite nursery and I cannot wait to get to work in my garden.

A sample of the plants I picked up!

A sample of the plants I picked up!

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you that a lacrosse obsession has firmly taken hold in my house! My oldest is playing on two teams and my youngest son is playing for the first time. My husband is coaching plus playing in his own league. And every weekend, I feel like my television is permanently tuned to ESPNU which always has the best college match-ups. The MML season has just gotten underway and my boys have been begging for us to get some Boston Cannons’ tickets — Yes it’s a full-on obsession around here!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you I’d tell you I’ve got 34 days until our family vacation 🙂


If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me?



  1. I would love to have coffee with you! I would tell you enjoy those family vacations while your kids are young! I am leaving in 14 days for a vacay with my brother and sister in law. Will need 2 long runs, while in Florida – and I hate the hot weather……

  2. ha our house has ESPN on 24/7 as well! My son is a lax goalie in U15. I can only imagine how insane he will be next year in HS. Have a great vacation. Fun meeting you for coffee today!
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

  3. I think I’m going to do T25 next. I’ve heard so many great things about it. I’m curious about how you’re adjusting to make it work with running.

    So glad we could get together and catch up. We must do it again 🙂
    jill conyers recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date #2My Profile

    • I do like that T25 is just 25 minutes. So I do it in the morning on my non-run days and on running days I do it late in the afternoon after the kids get home from school – still trying to get use to the double workouts!

  4. We need to have a lax mom get together! One of my son’s HS friends now plays for NC State and it is so fun to see him on tv.
    Coco recently posted…The Ultimate Virtual Coffee Date (May)My Profile

  5. Yum! Coffee! If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I only have 2 more weeks of teaching my preschoolers and then I’ll be out for summer vacation!!!
    Mindy @ Road Runner Girl recently posted…Runner Spotlights #85My Profile

  6. Ooo, flowers! Fun! We will probably be getting some this weekend to put in the flower beds.
    Courtney @ Don’t Blink. Just Run. recently posted…Face The Music Friday #32My Profile

  7. I would tell you I’m jealous it’s mild enough to plant there. Still way too darn cold here. I’ve been so focused on Flying Pig, I don’t even know what I’ll do in May. I’m thinking maybe a runbattical.
    Marcia recently posted…Flying Pig 3-Way ChallengeMy Profile

  8. This is fun. 34 days to vacation…that’s a good feeling! If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I’m registered for another marathon on June 21st. Wahoo! Crazy? Yes.
    Amanda@Runninghood recently posted…Trail Heaven: Blue Ridge MountainsMy Profile

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