A run with my son

Now that we’re officially registered for my son’s first 5K, he’s been eager to start training! Since he tends to be an early riser, we agreed that maybe trying to run before school would be more practical than waiting until after school (when I know running with mom is not going to be nearly as appealing as hanging out with his friends!)

So yesterday was suppose to be our first run….my early-riser was sound asleep when I went into his room and I just didn’t have the heart to wake him. Last night I told him if he wanted to run it was up to him to come and get me — well guess who was standing over me well before 6 this morning!

my new early morning running partner!

my new early morning running partner!

waiting for the Garmin to find a satellite

waiting on the Garmin

The last time we ran together it was a pattern of sprint, stop, heavy breathing, walk then sprint again – ah yes, the concept of pacing is lost on a 10-year-old boy! So I suggested that our main goal was to slow down a little so we could keep going without stopping.

He agreed to try and then asked if he could wear my Garmin 🙂  So he had important lesson number 2 of the morning – you need to be patient while you wait for the Garmin to find a satellite!

Finally we were off! He went out fast again but I realized if I could keep him talking it would force him to slow down a bit. He was doing great and I just loved the look on his face – just smiling and talking. We had only one short walk break before turning for home – a huge improvement over out last outing!

Leaving me in the dust

Leaving me in the dust

While we’d planned a half mile run, in the end we made it just over a mile! He was very psyched and is already planning our next run – great way to start a day!




  1. Love it! You’re doing it just right–letting him take the lead on pace, etc. all while teaching him. BEST way to start the day!

  2. That’s great! My son ran with me once. I was in running heaven. I hope this summer we will have more opportunities to run together. I hope you do too!

  3. This is fantastic. I am so impressed he’s willing to run before school. SO much dedication for a 10 year old! You are so smart to keep him talking to moderate his pace too. Well done mama!

  4. Marilyn Rawlings says

    What discipline for a child, and what a wonderful way to spend time with him! “We get up in the mornings…we do our best. Nothing else matters!” This is the best thing I have seen all year! Mom…keep up the good work.

  5. Love it!!! He is such a cutie…and a good runner like Mom it seems!!!

  6. How fun! It sounds and looks like both of you had a great time on your morning run.

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