Knee watch – T-minus 4 days

After a couple days off and lots of icing and foam rolling, I couldn’t take any more; I had to know how my knee would feel on a run. I went out for a simple out and back…just 3 miles. It was slow and easy…and there was no pain so I’m cautiously optimistic!

So I’ll continue the ice, roll, rest, repeat dance for a couple more days along with another light run, just so my legs don’t forget what they’re suppose to be doing šŸ™‚

It’s funny I felt like the first 11 weeks of this training flew by, while these final two weeks are moving at a slow crawl!



  1. Great to hear about your knee! Its a tough injury to overcome. I know from recent experience.

  2. Knee injuries can be SO discouraging. I have been lucky enough to never really have knee troubles (my ankles are what kill me), but I know that plenty of runners have. When you run, do you wear a brace or compression sleeve? I’ve used KT Tape on my ankles and feet and have seen plenty of runners with it around their knees. Also, are you taking any type of anti-inflammatory while icing? Motrin works really well for me.

    Hope you get to feeling better soon and can keep up with your awesome training!

  3. YAY on the no pain three!
    This will be awesome Michelle!!

  4. Awesome. Let’s keep that going!

  5. so excited for you…the race is right around the corner…take it easy. I am running that same race. Good luck!

  6. WooHoo it’ll be here soon and all your hard work will pay off. So excited for you!

  7. That’s a good sign! Don’t go overboard with the rolling – there can be too much of a good thing so close to your race!

  8. That’s a good sign! Don’t go overboard with the rolling – there can be too much of a good thing so close to your race!

  9. So happy your knee is feeling better. Keep icing

  10. Good luck for your knee. Take care.

  11. Awesome! Hope that it continues to feel good! Almost there. šŸ™‚

  12. I’m glad you were able to run! It really is quite awful having to forbid yourself to go out on a run!

  13. So glad you’re feeling better! Keep it totally easy this week – you could not run at all and still have an amazing race!

  14. Glad to hear it. Knees are our best friends and worst enemies, huh? Good luck this Sunday. I’ll be cheering for you!

  15. Glad there was no pain! YAY! You did the right thing. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

    Winks & Smiles,

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