
68.6 inches of snow in 17 days….

68.6 inches people…and more is on the way.

I’d wave a white flag but with all this damn snow you’d never see it.

I am officially snow crazed…

…. the condition when you can no longer cheerfully announce that shoveling is a form of cross-training

…. the condition when you jump when the phone rings for fear it’s the announcement of yet another snow day from school

….. the condition when you’ve played all the games and watched enough movies that even your kids are starting to look weary

….. the condition when you actually start to have homicidal feelings towards the plow drivers who keep pushing the snow back into the end of your driveway

Snow rage

Gratefully, the kids are headed back to school today and I’m headed to the gym to regain a little of my sanity, even if I have to do it on the ‘mill.

Is any one else cursing Mother Nature lately?



  1. I literally don’t know how you northern kids do it!
    Katrina recently posted…It’s Hubby’s turn to Spartan Up!My Profile

  2. Growing up in the north πŸ™‚ I remember during snow days. It never ever occurred to me how much work it was for the big people in my life!!

  3. That just sucks, plain and simple! I am so sorry you are dealing with it. I totally remember the year (2010) when we had that much in a couple of storms within weeks. It was terrible. And yes, it makes you cranky and crazy! Here’s to warmer temps and some rain to help clear it all out!
    misszippy recently posted…#TeamShorts vs. #TeamSkirtMy Profile

  4. I’m in Iowa so we see snow, but NOT near the extent that you guys have. I don’t know how you do it.
    I have a friend who lives in Peabody, MA so I have been hearing reports from her.
    I hope it stops soon and warms up so it will melt…but then you’ll probably have flooding! EEK!
    Amy @ Mama Running for God recently posted…My Favorite Fitness AppMy Profile

  5. Oh man I’ve been thinking of you guys! We got our 22″ wallop but that pales in comparison to the East Coast this year. I love snow but yes, it gets old fast.
    Marcia recently posted…Runners are Way Ahead of the Fashion PoliceMy Profile

  6. Yep, you have gotten more than us, but we got the cold too, between the snow and sub-zero temps more than ready for spring. Even the treadmill is getting harder to run on and I have no desire to run the snowmobile trails when the wind chills are still sub-zero.

    Oh well…keep smiling and sometime in April or May it will all be gone – well we hope it is πŸ˜‰
    Harold recently posted…More than Running Yesterday – RunLog 2-10-15My Profile

  7. That’s totally crazy! Here is DC we keep missing it and just getting the cold and a little snow. We want some of it!
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…A Day At The Salamander Resort-Middleburg, VaMy Profile

  8. Uggh, I’m so sorry. I know what you are going through. Well, not right now as I don’t live there anymore but I remember. And my family is still digging themselves out of their house in NH. I hope mother nature lets up on ya’ll up there soon!
    Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…12 Characteristics of Long Distance RunnersMy Profile

  9. I’m not jealous, but I wouldn’t mind one snow-shovelling workout this winter!
    Coco (@Got2Run4Me) recently posted…Three Ways To Love Hemp HeartsMy Profile

  10. It is unnaturally hot here right now, and I wouldn’t mind a few days of snow. We can switch places! πŸ™‚
    Natalie recently posted…Yoga benefits + The Pros And Cons Of A Marathon Pace GroupMy Profile

  11. Yikes!! Wish we could take some of that snow off your hands. You know its a lot when the kiddos are ready to get out of the house.
    Jennifer recently posted…Running and Racing Potpourri IIIMy Profile

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