Week 2: Oh that Wind!

Mother Nature made sure to remind us that winter is still in full effect. This week we had snow, then driving rain, but it was the wind that was the most challenging. Nonetheless, I still managed to get outside most days to log some walking miles.

Iโ€™m joining Deborah andย Kim for the Weekly Run Down. Here’s a quick peek at my week in fitness.

Week 2: Oh that Wind!ย 

Monday — Lower body strength & 2-mile walk
Tuesday — Long day at the office with an uber-early commute so rest day.
Wednesday — Core, Yoga & 2 mile walk
Thursday — Upper body strength, Core & 2-mile walk

Friday — Lower body strength
Saturday — Upper body strength, Core & 2-mile walk
Sunday — Upper body strength & 3-mile walk

With today’s workout, I’m now halfway through the Arms with Tunde program on the Peloton app. It’s a 4-week program and I have been incorporating the program as part of my upper body strength workouts. My lower body strength workouts continue to be a mix of all of the single leg work and glute/hip exercises that my PT programmed for me.

I have my follow-up appointment with the sports ortho coming up on Thursday and am keeping my fingers crossed that I get the green light to start running!

In case you missed it:

Five Things I Want to Accomplish in 2024

How was your week? Did winter weather make an appearance where you are?



  1. It sounds like you are headed in the right direction! Fingers crossed that the transition back to running will go smoothly!

  2. Sorry to hear that you also had some crazy weather this week, seems like everyone except me and Jenny had snow and storms and whatnot.
    You have a really good routine going there! I hope you get good news from the ortho.

  3. Here’s to the green light! I really hope your doctor brings you some good news!

  4. It sounds like everything is going great. If you’re able to do all that walking without pain, it’s a great sign. We will be looking forward to good news from the ortho next week!

  5. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Hope you get the go ahead to run again. Let us know how it goes!

  6. Yay on the follow up. Fingers crossed. Cute sh oes on Friday!
    I feel you on the wind. So mean

    • The shoes are Adrenaline 22s that did not agree with me for running but I like them as “gym shoes.”
      The wind has been so crazy and so cold! ๐Ÿ™

  7. Sounds like you’re feeling good…hoping the ortho brings you good news as well!! Yeah, what is up with last week’s weather??? Momma N was really a piece of work, huh! I’m really craving a focused strength program, both for upper and lower body. I’m still anticipating more “shovel time” this coming week (I have a huge circular drive that is only 3/4 cleared-out…still), so I might have to prolong the strength stuff a little longer.

  8. Nice job on getting in the walks under challenging weather conditions!

    I hope you get the green light from your dr this week.

  9. Hello! I haven’t caught on that you’re under the PT and not running, but I remember that feeling from last year and it was so amazing when I was allowed to run (my PT checked my gait and movement on a very short up and back outside and I was grinning from ear to ear!). I’m still clawing things back after that plus two bouts of Covid, but I am getting there now, and I know you will, too.

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