Runfessions from the PT’s Table

Happy Friday! It’s time for another edition of Fit Five Friday, and since it’s the last Friday of the month, I’m joining Marcia for some sole cleansing Runfessions. So let’s get started!

Runfessions from the PT’s Table

So I started physical therapy this week and I runfess that it was both eye-opening and humbling.

While I’ve posted running reels for IG, I runfess that I don’t study my gait. In fact, I haven’t done a gait analysis since I worked with Coach Marc a few years ago. So it was interesting to have the PT film me and then pick apart assess my stride. He quickly pointed out a hitch in my right leg motion thanks to a very tight TFL.

He next put me through a series of moves and determined that my right glute is probably not engaging. I runfess that despite all of my lower body strength training there’s clearly some work to do to correct my imbalances – my quads are dominating and it’s time to make the glutes earn their keep.

I runfess I did breathe a huge sigh of relief that the PT feels pretty confident that what ails me can be course corrected and thankfully there was no talk of “not running”. I may have to slow my mileage build a bit but I will get there.

Have you ever worked with a physical therapist? Was it a yay or nay experience?

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  1. Been there, done that with the glute not firing issue. When I came back from my broken ankle/foot, I had the same issue again. Those glutes just beg for attention, don’t they? I’ve gone to PT a few times, and between them and SJ, I’ve always come out better. Good luck with your treatment!

  2. Well you know my answer, LOL. My glutes (especially the right one) don’t want to play nice either. My hammies seem to bear the brunt of the work, so it’s been an interesting experience teaching the glutes to do their work. The PT I’ve been working with has been wonderful, and she’s been a great addition to my training. Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you!

  3. I have and it’s been necessary but actually my chiro was better. It’s who I turn to now.

    I bet my gait is off. Good idea that you are doing what you are.

    Hope you continue to heal so you can race.

  4. It is humbling to have a PT pick apart your run gait. I am always amazed when I see the video they take! I have also been told that I don’t engage my glutes. Small changes can help a lot. I am glad that you are getting some good advice. Keep us posted on any game changing things we should try too

  5. Glutes get lazy so darn easily! I’m not surprised to read this. It’s so common. I had a TFL strain once. My sports chiro got it resolved. I had a bad experience with PT where they stood in a bunch over me while I did my exercises and talked about how one should never run marathons. That was the last time they saw me. Ha!

  6. Wow, that sounds like a great PT. I read somewhere that when you have an injury, your glutes shut down, kind of a survival mechanism- they’re telling you to take a break. But then when you get back to running sometimes they need a little help getting re-activated. Sounds like you’ll really get to the bottom of your issue and get it resolved. And i’m glad there was no talk of “not running” because we don’t have time for that BS!
    Jenny recently posted…Real Talk RunfessionsMy Profile

    • That’s interesting about glutes shutting down as a signal to take a break. I guess your body is always trying to send you messages – now only if we’ll listen!

  7. Yes – it’s crazy what you see when you pay attention. I’ve found Pilates and strength training have helped me to activate more of my muscles and have improved my form and balance.

    Glad your prognosis is good!

  8. I’ve worked with a PT a few times and it’s always been a positive experience. Everyone is imbalanced — and I think most of us have sleepy glutes, too.

    I’m sure you’re gonna do great and feel so much better!

  9. I do really love PT. I am so glad you are going to be able to work through everything!

  10. So glad you have a plan and its not threatening your running lifestyle much! Those darn glutes, always causing trouble. Good luck!

  11. Oh my God yes on the PT. I’m making my rounds on the 5 of the Fit Five Friday saying hello and figuring this thing out.

    I am actually recovering from my second ankle surgery since September, Ugh! It sucks! Being a runner who can’t run. Awful. I had to go to PT for my right ankle and next up will be my left ankle.

    Next week I’m joining in on the FFF! You all have inspired me to set some goals for this week,

    • Oh wow I’m so sorry about your ankle surgeries. It is frustrating to be a runner who can’t run 🙁

      So glad you’re joining the FFF link-up – welcome!!

  12. Had to laugh at your meme on glutes and Wendy’s comment that glutes just beg for attention! It seems they are always the culprit! I did a gait analysis when I had just started running so it must have been around 2017. And again, weak glutes were the main issue. I’d be interested to do it again to see if there has been any change over the years. Glad for you they didn’t pick up anything that couldn’t be corrected with some extra attention!

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