Week 4 – Winding Down January

The month of January is winding down, and I, for one, am hopeful for a much calmer February. I’m off and running on the new job, and really enjoyed my first week! Mother Nature continues to play her games with the weather with plenty of wind and “feels like” negative temps, capped off with blizzard conditions this weekend. Ah life in New England…nonetheless, the workouts continue. Here’s how my fitness week played out.

Week 4 – Winding Down January

Monday —  Strength training & Stretch. This stack had a little bit of everything and was a great way to get the week started!

Tuesday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch. When I saw that there was a chance to catch some warmer weather later in the day, I switched my run to midday. I had to hustle to get it done between Zoom calls, but it was worth and this run felt great!

Wednesday — Core and otherwise rest. I woke up feeling oh so tired and a bit creaky, so I did a quick core workout and then called it a rest day.
Thursday — Peloton Bike, Upper Body Strength & Stretch. It was an all Bowie morning!

Friday — 4-mile run, Core & Stretch. It’s been a while since I was out and back before sunrise.

Saturday — Full body workout in the form of shoveling! We got hit with blizzard conditions, so there was a good midday workout thanks to some quality time spent with a shovel 😉
Sunday — 4.25-mile run, Core & Stretch (and yes, more shoveling!). Road conditions were not run-ready so I hit the mill, before joining Cari virtually for a live core class to celebrate her 300th strength class!

After another round of shoveling in the frigid air, I’m looking forward to couch/football time later today.

Tell me about your week. Any snow where you are? 

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!



  1. Yes, your January was tumultuous. The new job, and also i think the situation with your son was unsettled. Whatever is going on with our kids affects us so much! Oh, and I guess blizzards don’t help either. Hopefully February will be a calmer month for you!

  2. SHoot, I have so many rides bookmarked, that it’s overwhelming (at the moment). I totally forgot about Jess’ Bowie ride (#duh) becasue it’s buried somewhere in the abyss. Shoveling is a tough workout…and a full-body workout at that! There’s also some cardio involved (and usually a few choice cuss words, which gives it more power).

    • Oh, I definitely had some colorful language during that shoveling workout LOL!

      I also have a bunch of rides bookmarked. There are so many I sometimes forget what’s on my list. I really wish the app was a little more user-friendly in terms of ways of finding and saving classes.

  3. Way to get it done during a challenging weather week. You had a nice mix of classes this week. Shoveling is definitely a workout!

  4. Did you get the 2 feet of snow that are being reported in Boston? What a crazy bad storm. Looks like it’s our turn this week, so stay tuned!

    Glad to hear the new job is going well!

  5. Not as much snow as you got. But it sure was cold. I dragged myself out there. It was refreshing.

    You had a great mix of running and working out.

    I keep getting Peleton FOMO.

    • You always do such a great job of getting out there despite the weather. The forecast shows a mild “warm-up” this week and I’m looking forward to taking advantage of it!

      • I hope it does warm up but then a snowstorm is predicted for Friday and freezing temps again on Sat & Sun. Will this winter ever end.

  6. I’m looking forward to a nice February too! I’m so glad your new job is going well and how nice that you can still fit in a lunch run or two sometimes!

    All that east coast snow is incredible!

  7. Glad to hear your first week on the new job went well! I’ve been doing Christin’s Crush Your Core series and I think I’m 3 or 4 weeks in. That said, I want to check out the Ed Sheeran workouts. I had no idea about those! Yes, shoveling is most definitely a workout! Stay warm!

    • There’s a nice collection of Ed Sheeran classes – they’re under the Artist Series. They’ve got so many great artists, but I think the app makes those classes so tough to search. I’m trying to get better about bookmarking classes so I have some hope of finding them later.

  8. I’m glad things are off to a good start with your new job! Shoveling snow is a real workout for sure. We didn’t get anything shovelable this weekend.

    Fun to spot you on the LB today before the class got really full.

    • It did feel funny to start the new gig remotely, but all-in-all things went pretty smoothly.

      Glad you dodged the snow – I feel like we got more than enough and would be happy to see no more for the rest of the season 😉

  9. That shovelling is a full body and then some! Glad you had a good first week and able to get out between meetings, So glad you could join the 300 party!
    Cari recently posted…I have a kitchen table!My Profile

    • I’m happy to say that I wasn’t too sore following all the shoveling – maybe all the strength classes are paying off 🙂 It was fun to join you virtually!

  10. So glad that you enjoyed your first week at your new job!

    Sorry that your area got hit so hard with the snow this weekend 🙁 Hopefully that’s the last blizzard for a while. We only got around 8 inches here so i consider us lucky.

    • Thanks, Kim – it’s nice to have that first week under my belt.

      It’s crazy how much snow we got! I have to admit I enjoyed having a snow day, but would also be happy to not have to break out the shovels for the rest of the winter 😉

  11. We only got about 3″. Maybe some this weekend. I still had to shovel, Bandit needs those paths in the backyard! The joys of little dogs.

    Congrats on a great first week! They can be hard so that sounds really encouraging.

    • 3″ can be a lot for little legs, right? 😉 My dog was giddy in the snow, bounding around our backyard – we couldn’t get him to come in.

      First weeks can be challenging so it was really nice to have things go so smoothly.

  12. I absolutely hope February calms down for you. Shoveling is a huge and full body work out, so you definitely got in some burn!

    We have frost, but no snow.

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