Fit Five Friday Over April Coffee

Welcome back to the Fit Five Friday linkup!

Today I’m starting off the weekend with a little catch-up over the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat for a bit!

Five Things Over April Coffee

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m feeling a little sad because my son heads back to school today. I swear his spring break blew by in a blink! It was fun having him home and I cannot believe that his high school graduation is now in sight!

And, speaking of high school, over coffee I would tell you that we just got word that my youngest son’s school is planning to move from our current hybrid plan to full in-person learning. Interestingly, they will be starting with the Seniors and Freshmen first, and if all goes well, then expanding to the Juniors and Sophomores. So, come Monday, he’ll start his first full week of in-person classes since March 2020.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I was really excited to get out into my gardens last week to start cleaning up and planning some re-design. I am now itching to get back to my favorite local nursery to start to bring my sketches to life!

Last month I shared that I was looking forward to putting my subscription to Master Class to use. Well, over coffee, I would tell you that I really enjoyed the Gordon Ramsey class, and now I’m working on improving my knife skills and making pasta dough 🙂

Over coffee, I would tell you that I was finally able to register for the vaccine. My group will not be able to schedule appointments until the week of April 19, and given that the group is ages 16+, there’s no telling how long it will take to get an appointment…but I am encouraged to be moving one step closer.

Now I’d tell you that my cup is empty and I need a refill. So your turn, what would you tell me over coffee?

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  1. Yay for being able to register for the vaccine! Hopefully getting an appointment isn’t too bad. It seems like things are starting to move a little quicker with it lately.

    • I’m trying to be optimistic about getting an appointment when my time comes, but I continue to hear horror stories of systems crashing when people try to register. Sigh.

  2. We’ve been registered for the vaccine for some time now but sadly that hasn’t made getting an appt. any easier. It’s frustrating the hoops one needs to jump through. Your garden planning sounds wonderful! I did SO much in the garden to have it looking great for Thing 1’s high school grad party but sadly much of it did not survive the harsh winds/weather on that Western exposure. Ugh. Thing 2 starts full-day school on Monday! Yay!

    • I know what you mean about being frustrated by all the hoops. The other thing that makes me crazy is hearing about people my age getting the vax because of some connection they have. This whole process just shouldn’t be this hard! I just want to be vaccinated before my son’s graduation at the end of May.

      Yay for your daughter starting full-time!

  3. That meme cracked me up because I’ve been comparing the whole vaccine scenario to the Hunger Games, lol. Glad you’re able to get one soon.

    The kids here are all going back to full time in person learning next week. It’s a good thing!
    Wendy recently posted…Coffee Talk: Spring Cleaning and March’s Book ReviewsMy Profile

  4. I’m excited to get out and do some updating in the yard as well! We still have a lot of repair from the derecho (last August, ugh) that I couldn’t get to last fall (stress fracture). The hubs got his first vax last Friday, but it’ll be awhile for me. Monday it becomes available to “everyone,” so I’m hoping all of the “older and unhealthy folks” (I say that with humor LOL) will have gotten theirs and it won’t be as tedious for the rest of us. Fingers crossed!

  5. Hope you get your vaccine soon. Things here opened up quickly.

    I’m anxious to get out to gardening too. Now it’s covered with snow. Ugh.

  6. I always have to hold Mr. Judy back on things like putting on & taking off snow tires, or planting. I remind him the last hard freeze is around Mother’s Day.

    And as we often do on April Fools, we have snow on the ground this morning. Won’t last long though.

    I bet your son is SO excited about getting back into school!

    Good luck with scheduling your vaccine. My mom has no idea how lucky she was, they arranged to have it done where she lives (quite some time ago)!

    • Ah yes, snow on April 1st – yeah we’ve had that too in past years. I would just really like to have a few weeks or a real spring before things jump straight to hot & humid summer.

      After spending most of the school year doing a hybrid of remote and in-person, I think my son’s really looking forward to an all in-person format!

  7. That’s fab that your son is going back to in person! Ok that meme is just perfect and sadly true. Hopefully, things will start to move faster now. Knife skills is certainly one of the areas I can work on in the kitchen. My hubs is really good at it but I get scared of the big knives. Silly huh! Let me know how the knife class is and maybe I will “take a stab” at it 🙂

    • I like what you did there 😉

      The whole vaccine thing has just been so disheartening. I feel like MA is far behind other states and still can’t get the kinks worked out of the system…sigh.

  8. That vaccine meme is dead-on. I’m so confused with what’s going on here. I can’t sign up for a new center close to my house, but I could throw my name in the hat for a site an hour away.

    Interesting on your youngest’s school schedule. I guess they wanted to give the seniors and freshman a bit of those key year experiences?

    • Yep I think the way the school looks at it, the seniors don’t have much time left to be together, and for the freshman, it’s the start of their HS career and they’ve not had much chance to meet classmates much less bond. I do feel bad for the sophomores and juniors who are left to continue in the hybrid model.

  9. That is great news about the vaccine! My sister finally got an appt too based on living in a specific zip code. So weird how everything is set up.

    As for you son’s schedule, were parents given an option? In my District, parents had to fill out a survey to decide whether they still wanted remote or in person learning for their child.

    • Great news about your sister!

      For my son’s school, we’ve been in a hybrid mode all year and parents were given the option at the start of the school year and at the start of the Spring semester if you wanted your child to do the hybrid method or be fully remote. And the school now did the same with the full in-person option.

  10. That’s great news about being able to register for the vaccine!

    That’s interesting about your son’s schedule. My mom’s school has been in-school full time since September, with Wednesday being their remote days. she just found out that in May they will be eliminating the remote day. I find it odd to do this since the last day of school is in early June.

    • We have some districts here that follow your mom’s school model, and we’ve had some totally remote for the whole year. My son’s school has been a hybrid, attending in-person every other day. It’s crazy all of the different approaches! Interesting that your mom’s school is eliminating the remote day so close to the end of the year – you wonder what the benefit of that one extra day is.

  11. We were calling getting a vaccine here like the Hunger Games, too! Good luck getting an appointment!

    Other friends have mentioned that Gordon Ramsey master class. Would you recommend it? My friend’s son is making Beef Wellington!

  12. Ooo, looking forward to hearing about the pasta dough! I’ve been wanting to make pasta from scratch! I’m glad you were able to register for the vaccine — hopefully we’ll be one more step towards semi-normalcy soon.

  13. I just got my first shot and that was only because my husband has a connection to someone who owns a pharmacy! I keep saying we’ll all be able to get it soon… but it’s frustrating to have it roll out this way.
    My son is also a senior and is doing school from home- he has the option to go back in person but at this point he’s given up on his senior year and is ready to move on. We did get news that there’s supposed to be a real graduation though- fingers crossed.
    Jenny recently posted…Friday FunMy Profile

    • We also just heard that graduation will be in-person as well – it will be so nice for the kids to at least get to have a small piece of “normal”!

  14. Wow! Good luck to both of your sons – the one returning to college and the one returning to in-person classes at his high school.

    Good luck getting the vaccine. We got our first shot last Saturday. Yay! Starting on the path back to “normal”, whatever that is!

    • Thanks – actually my oldest is a senior in high school. 🙂

      That’s great that you got your first shot. Slowly but surely there’s light at the end of the tunnel!

  15. I can’t wait to see what you do with your garden. I have so many plants and continue to buy more. I’m starting a hydroponic vegetable garden soon. We’ll see how that goes. 🙂

  16. Are your sons excited to get back to school?
    That has been a long time doing remote. I am curious if the students doing remote and hybrid learning are still doing sports and after school activities? Our school went remote for the last 2 weeks yet sports continued which didn’t quite make sense.
    Have a great weekend.

    • My oldest has been lucky enough to have in-person classes for most of this school year, while my youngest has been in a hybrid. Sports did continue in the hybrid, but students were only expected to come the days they were on campus. I’m so glad he’ll now be going in person full time.

  17. Sorry that the week flew by too quickly with your oldest son. Isn’t that always the way when you don’t really see them all the time? Is the younger one excited to go back to in-person school?

    I wish I knew more about gardening to be honest. I also want to get to the garden store! After I saw the amount it was going to cost just for the metal work in our back garden something in me switched to wanting to learn how to do this stuff myself. Not metal work obviously but the gardening part! I see some brick removal and digging in my near future. Who knew when I bought a house I would be such a do-it-yourselfer? Anyway, I look forward to seeing what you will be doing – maybe you can also inspire me a bit!

    Our vaccine schedule is a bit all over the place. Glad you are able to start looking for appts this month!

    • My youngest seems pretty excited to be back full time – some of his friends were in the other cohort so they went to school on opposite days so it feels like forever for him since they were all together!

      Oh, I know what you mean about homeownership – I’ve become a do-it-yourselfer in ways I never imagined! We actually put in our own patio two years ago. Talk about a project!

  18. It’s so interesting that schools are going back so late in the year. At this point, I would just say finish as is and try again. Of course, we usually get out at the end of May, so it would only be two months here. Good luck to them!

    I’m also sad that getting the vaccine is still so hard. Ugh. I hope you get that appointment soon!

    • I think schools are in such a tough spot – everyone wants the kids back in the classrooms as much as possible so I think they’re just starting wherever they can. My youngest will finish school the first week of June so at least he’ll get a couple of months with the whole class together again.

  19. That meme is so accurate, getting a vaccine really does feel like the Hunger Games!

    I love that you’ve been taking cooking classes and I wish I had your green thumb! I bet your sketches look great!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – April 2021My Profile

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