Five Runfessions for January

Welcome to another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida!

It’s also the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional. So I’m combining the two in one post – here come my 5 runfessions for January!

Five Runfessions for January

At the start of the month, I set the goal of daily yoga. Today marks Day 29 of my yoga streak. I runfess (or is it yoga-fess?) that I surprised myself for getting this far in the streak. Honestly, when I threw out this idea of daily yoga as a goal I didn’t have a lot of confidence that this one would stick. It’s nice when you surprise yourself!

That said, I yoga-fess that this challenge has not endeared me to yoga – I’m just not a yoga person. Having said that I cannot deny that this daily time on my mat seems to have helped. So, the million-dollar question is, will yoga stay in the mix come February?

I am happy to be back to pain-free running and will now be building up my base again. However, I runfess that I continue to have no interest in “running long.” I have been thinking about working my way back up to an 8-mile long run but with winter’s bitter cold temps finally making an appearance, the motivation is low.

And, why 8 miles you may ask? That distance has always been the “sweet spot” for me – it’s not a big leap from there to dial-up training to the half marathon distance. On the other hand, I runfess that I just do not see myself signing up for a virtual half marathon again any time soon. If I’m running a half marathon I really need/want it to be an in-person event. Given the way things are playing out, I do not foresee any in-person races happening until at least the fall.

I also runfess that my love of my Peloton bike is certainly not helping my motivation to run far in the bitter cold. There are so many classes I want to take, and new content is always being added. Sometimes it’s a struggle between deciding to head out for a run or hitting the bike.

So tell me, have you tried daily yoga? Are you motivated to run long without a race on your calendar?

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  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
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  1. I feel the same way about yoga- it feels good when I do it, but its just not something I can usually keep up with. My long runs have not been as long for the past 2 months, which is fine with me!

  2. There was a time when I was really into yoga–I even considered becoming an instructor! But I held off, telling myself that I much prefer being a student. I still do yoga, but only 1-2 times per week; my yoga is more functional than anything. I’m with you on the long run–8-10 miles is my sweet spot!

  3. Way to go on the yoga streak! Awhile back, I did a month-long challenge where I did five sun salutations every morning. I can’t remember if I made the entire month or not. I really should bring something like that back, not just for the feels-so-good aspect, but also for the discipline. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Thanks Kim! Sun salutations in the morning were one of my preferred options during the streak. I will most likely take a break from yoga but try to keep stretching as part of my routine.

  4. Well, the Yoga answer is obvious. 🙂

    I haven’t been running at all pretty much all of January, so I’m going to be base building again, although I really don’t see any real races in my future & no, no desire to run long in Winter for no reason!

    I agree that it’s really easy to go from 8 miles to half — but it’s also easy to go from 6 to 8. Just sayin’. 😉

    • No I really can’t see running long in the winter either, especially with the way the weather’s been lately. Maybe my motivation will return with the warmer weather, but ultimately I think I need to have a race on my calendar.

  5. When I went to a yoga studio twice a week, I loved yoga. I never seem to get that deeply into it at home. Your daily yoga commitment is awesome! I am completely not interested in running more than the bare minimum right now. I go between the treadmill and the bike and that’s just fine with me right now. Thanks for linking!

  6. I used to love yoga. I went religiously once a week.

    Same as Marcia. At home it is boring and so many other fun things to do – bike, run, etc.

    I just can’t get into it.

    I run just 3 miles during the week and it is HARD. On the weekend, I am stubborn and stick to 10 no matter what. It is hard too but I walk a lot and just go slow.
    Darlene S Cardillo recently posted…Five Runfessions for January 2021My Profile

  7. I will never be a yogi either but doing just 10 min a day really does keep things happy in the hips. I also have been religious about the pre run/bike stretching. Glad to hear that you are feeling so much better.
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Cold And Windy January RunfessionsMy Profile

  8. I have a hard time keeping a yoga schedule too. Even though my post today is about the benefits of yoga for runners lol. I do have a virtual half marathon scheduled in April. I feel the way you do about a real one but since that’s not going to happen any time soon I succumbed and signed up for the Virtual Women’s Half Marathon (and the 5k and 10k the next day!).

  9. I can relate to the lack of motivation for long runs. My half marathon that was supposed to be last March got moved to march of this year, but it’s in Philly so I don’t see that happening at all and I have no desire to run another virtual half marathon. Right now I’m enjoying shorter runs and more strength training.

  10. I’ve done yoga once this month and Pilates weekly. I want to love yoga but I don’t! I do love winter running which is lucky b/c I don’t have access to a spin bike or gym these days.

    I’m not up for virtual racing. I’m doing some run challenges and charity things just for fun. I’ll save my fast miles for post COVID races!

  11. Ii am determined to try Judy’s yoga, at least give it a go, but the worrier pose is basically how I felt for a year and a half in pilates LOL. so I get it.

    I have no desire to run long at all. I suppose I’ll get there again at some point but right now I’m sticking with short distances.

  12. Way to go on your yoga streak. I yogafess I am also doing a 30-day yoga program in January but I missed a few days. I just did Day 26 today. I am not sure if my streak will extend into February either. I have some real-life trail races on my calendar for this spring. They are very small races and short (10k), but I am looking forward to running real races again.
    Laurie recently posted…Three January RunfessionsMy Profile

  13. I agree with you, not motivated to run long without a race on the calendar, especially in winter. Without training for anything, I’d say my sweet spot is 6 miles. Have nice weekend and stay warm!

  14. Omg that “worrier pose” is HILARIOUS! Sounds like Yoga for you is like strength training for me- I don’t really want to do it, but have to admit it’s beneficial. Pain-free running is worth it!

  15. That is great that you are keeping up with the yoga streak. Definitely repeat it in February since it is only 28 days. No virtual half marathons for me either. I am liking my short runs and speed workouts but right now have no desire to do anything longer. Maybe I will in better weather conditions and in a different location.

  16. I love that Worrier Pose cartoon — it is spot on. I was trying to get in a yoga groove but my current injury makes that impossible — when child’s pose hurts, what do you do? 😉

    I am so with you on 8 milers. That used to be my long run base distance that I ran every weekend. I barely did a few 8 milers in 2020 and will have to convince myself to ramp up as my November races (knok-on-wood) approach. .

  17. I haven’t done a daily yoga challenge. Yet. I think I might try one for February. I love yoga, but not at home and not alone. However, it would be really good for me, and so why not?

    I’m so glad you are back to pain free running!

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