Let’s runfess, shall we?

Happy Friday!

How are we at the end of June already? It’s the last Friday of the month and once again Marcia has opened the runfessional! So before we step into the second half of 2020, let’s take a moment to cleanse our soles/souls. 😉

I runfess that with every passing year my desire to run during the summer shrinks exponentially! Seriously, looking back I have no idea how I ever made it through Chicago Marathon training last summer!

Having said that I runfess that I have been thinking more and more about running another marathon next year. That means I’m either looking at late spring (May?) or late fall (like November late).

I runfess that I’m going to need to find a few more challenges to push me out of my comfort zone and to help keep my run motivation up. Don’t get me wrong, I will always work out and run but I can also see how easy it will be to fall into a running rut without a training plan to push me out of my comfort zone.

Technically I still have the Detroit Free Press Half on the calendar for October. Amazingly it has not been canceled. Race organizers recently sent out a survey to gauge runner interest. I runfess that it took a high level of self-control to not reply “What are you nuts?!” in the comments section. Instead, I checked the boxes indicating that I had no intention of being there and voted for deferment over virtual.

So tell me, what would you runfess? Do you have any races left on your calendar? Any good challenges to suggest?



  1. With my training for Ice Age happening, I’m definitely questioning my sanity about training for a long distance race in the summer! Funny how you forget how awful that can be. But of course, winter running is no picnic either, lol!

    I like the virtual challenges with the cumulative mileage goals better than the 5ks and 10ks. I feel that actually gives me something to strive for!

  2. Technically, I have the Richmond Half in November, deferred from last year. We’ll see ….

    I’m on a planning committee for a conference rescheduled from March to September. They want to send out a similar survey (but with a live or virtual vote) and I would be surprised if anyone says they would come.

  3. I have a half marathon in Philly in October that also hasn’t been cancelled yet. I wish they would just make the announcement already and let us defer to 2021.

    It’s funny because just this week I was telling my mom that I had no clue how I trained for Chicago last summer in the heat, lol. I am SO glad I don’t have to do that this year!

  4. I still have a few virtual races on my calendar. I like the RunBet challenges bc they allow for walking to count as well. I may be hosting another one I will you know. Happy weekend
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…June 2020 RunfessionsMy Profile

  5. Yes a few that haven’t been cancelled yet – one in August, Sept and October. Not optimistic about t hem

    Last summer I had to train for the NYCM. How did I do that???

  6. No races. The only one I was registered for would’ve been this weekend (or maybe it was last weekend). I tried to pretend I was hiking in OR as I walked back up the steep hill today on my run . . .

    I’m doing a virtual race here & there to keep things spicy. 🙂

  7. I have my Dam to DSM 20K (Sept. 5th, postponed from May 30th) and the IMT Des Moines 13.1 (Oct. 18th). Still no word on the Drake 13.1 and Grand Blue Mile (both were scheduled for mid-April, but a new date still hasn’t been announced). My 4th of July 5K is on, but that will be a very small event. Another 26.2!!!!! Go YOU!!!

    • Thanks Kim 🙂 I’d really like to get one more shot at the marathon distance.

      That’s great that you still have a couple of races to look forward to! Fingers-crossed you get to run them!

  8. That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking about when it’s super hot lately and running feels awful. How the heck did I ever train for fall marathons?? The answer is I resorted to shady trails, at the crack of dawn (or pre-dawn) with frozen beverages in a cooler in the car. It takes a level of motivation I just don’t care to summon right now. I have no races on tap for the remainder of the year. I don’t think I’ll consider anything until COVID is long out of here. I just started a new strength program to freshen things up a bit.

    • Yes that’s definitely it – “a level of motivation I just don’t care to summon right now”. I like your approach to switch to more of a strength focus.

  9. No races on my calendar. After my Spring stuff got cancelled, I didn’t sign up for Fall races. I figured I’d wait and see how the rest of the year went.
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly FoodMy Profile

  10. Interesting that the Detroit Marathon sent out that survey! My half-marathon from May is STILL trying to reschedule for the fall. At this point I’m like come on, just cancel it and let’s try again next year.

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