Runfessions – Stay at Home Edition

While social distancing is disrupting some of our routines, runfessions on the last Friday of the month remains. Marcia has opened the Runfessional so let’s get started…

While I’m trying to not get sucked into “too much” television watching, I runfess that my latest guilty pleasure is “Little Fires Everywhere” on Hulu. I’ve only got 3 episodes left and I just don’t want it to end.

With the Berlin Marathon recently announcing its cancellation, I’m really starting to wonder if there will be any in-person races this year.  Surprisingly, I still have a 10M on the schedule for early June but I fully expect it to be canceled – and I runfess, I’m not really sure I’d be comfortable attending if by some miracle it were to take place.

That being said, I runfess that I need to train for something! While yes running is helping to keep me sane, my runs for the past couple of weeks have just been meh at best. I really need a target so I think it’s time to embrace virtual races or create some other motivating goal.

Do you think you’ll return to racing this year? What are you runfessing?



  1. Yeah, my local June races have already been cancelled. Not sure we’ll get back to in person races this year :(. But that does make it a good time to look into virtual races!
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly FoodMy Profile

  2. Good question! I don’t think any large scale events will take place until there’s a vaccine… I hope I’m wrong, though. Real-life races are the best! 😊

  3. I think at least some races will happen this year – maybe smaller ones. There are ways to social distance while racing, I think. I have a half scheduled the end of June that hasn’t been canceled yet and I have hope it will really happen. At least it gives me the incentive to train! 🙂

  4. I am not a TV watcher but I added Netflix for a free month and now I am addicted to Schitts Creek,

    Race?? I am hoping by August but maybe not until 2021. This is sad.
    I do not get motivatedt o really run without them.I go out and stroll just to stay active…not the same.
    Darlene S Cardillo recently posted…Pandemic Runfessions for AprilMy Profile

  5. I’m so over TV. I did just watch Mrs. America, which is excellent, but that’s about it. Several days this week, I haven’t had anything on. I just wanted silence.

    I really hope we can start up again in August or September. I don’t know if that’s feasible, but that’s my hope. Right now, it’s working out for me, because i can take my time without the pressure of missing things. All we can do is wait and see.
    Jenn recently posted…april runfessions: a return to runningMy Profile

  6. I was thinking of reading the book before watching Little Fires Everywhere, now I’ll need to move it up the queue!

    I’m hoping the Philly Marathon weekend won’t get canceled since it’s in late November but you just never know! I like training for races but sometimes it’s nice to not have the pressure, though it takes more to get out the door!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Runfessions – April 2020My Profile

  7. We’re watching Little Fires Everywhere and can I just say that Reese’s character is a nasty little thing? My husband wants to watch Ozark, so we alternate and I have to say the one thing both shows have in common is the liberal use of the F-bomb. Holey moley!

    My 10 miler from April is postponed to July and I am pretty sure that will be canceled too.

  8. I have a local 5K scheduled the first weekend of June that hasn’t been officially cancelled yet, but I’m sure I’ll receive the email soon. A few weeks ago I signed up for a half marathon in October but I have my doubts about that happening now.

    I’ve heard nothing but good things about Little Fires Everywhere so I’m going to have to check it out

  9. That’s the series I wanted to watch! But we have no Hulu so we’re almost through the first season of Ozark. Honestly I’d be surprised if any racing happens this year, sadly. ZOOMA is rolling out a Run Club where you set a mileage goal. Detail on that should be out very soon. Thanks for linking!

  10. Also have 3 episodes left! Need to watch this weekend. Who the heck knows when life will return to normal

  11. I applied for an ambassadorship for for the Bix-7 (did I tell you about that one? Seven miles of hills, in July?). I haven’t gotten word on the ambassadorship, but they did give me a free registration! It’s the end of July, so I’m hopeful that will be ON. I’m thinking we bloggers need to come up with our own virtual race to do some weekend this summer….since we won’t be having any blogger meet-ups (?).
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…RUNFESSIONS? I got a few…My Profile

  12. I think we will start Little Fires this week. I’ve wanted to see it and keep hearing good things! I’m not planning on any races, but trying to keep up my weekly 8 mile long runs so I have a good base just in case.

  13. I was REALLY looking forward to my half in June. It also isn’t canceled yet, but no, I can’t see doing it even if they hold it. Especially as it’s a downhill one, so they have to bus you up the mountain.

    I just don’t see how that could involve social distancing!

    I’m watching the normal amount of tv. I just have other things I’d rather do most of the time! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy tv — but not a whole lot at a time unless I’m sick, which knock on wood I’m not.
    Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Damn Wrong Siders!: Runfessions April 2020My Profile

  14. Ahh, I’ve been meaning to watch Little Fires Everywhere but still need to finish season 2 of Big Little Lies! Looking forward to starting! 😛

  15. I am not sure about the return to racing. Doesn’t seem likely which makes me sad. I should check out Little Fires Everywhere. I’ve been hearing that it’s good!
    Sandra Laflamme recently posted…Podcasts for RunnersMy Profile

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