Searching for My New Normal

We’re now a couple of weeks into this social-distancing reality and it’s becoming more and more clear that this could be our new “lifestyle” for some time to come. At times the news, filled with growing statistics and some heart-breaking stories, feels like too much and I’m working to find the right balance between staying informed and staying sane.

Daily movement…preferably outdoors… is a must for both my physical and mental well-being. Even when, like this week, I don’t initially feel like working out, in the end, I’m always glad that I did.

Monday — 3-mile run
Tuesday — Peloton workouts: Strength for Runners & 20-minute Core Strength
Wednesday — 4-mile run
Thursday — Yoga
Friday — 2-mile power walk
Saturday — 5-mile run
Sunday — 1.5-mile shakeout run and core workout

And, just like last week, I’m focusing on some positives…

As I runfessed that I was not a fan of the OTF at-home workouts, I am grateful that Peloton has extended their free trial to a 90-days. There’s a range of options and I’m looking forward to the variety.

With the exception of today’s rain, Mother N has served up lots of sunshine and mild temps which have made being outdoors very enjoyable!

We’re still greatly enjoying our family time as we seemed to have found a great balance between everyone doing their own thing and coming together to hang out. In fact, I’m putting a wrap on this here as the fam is waiting on me for a game of Risk!

How was your week? Have are you adjusting to this new normal?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. I won’t call it “normal” just yet, but we are adjusting. THere are so many unknowns. The daily statistics are daunting for sure. I too am most grateful for my workouts now more than ever.

  2. We’ve been going back and forth between family time and “do what you want” time and it’s working really well for us. Between my runs and taking the dog out for a lunchtime walk in addition to her normal dinner time walk I’m spending a lot of time outdoors and that helps a lot. Nice job on your workouts this week!
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: a virtual 5k and a virtual high fiveMy Profile

  3. I’m also trying to find a balance between staying informed and too much social media. It’s like every other article is panic mode these days. I’m trying not to let those get to me. Right now it seems my community is doing fine and we are doing what we can so unless its a direct impact on my community or life, I don’t really read much about COVID.
    Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…Social Distancing Training Week 1: 3/22-3/28My Profile

  4. I have good days and harder days for sure. I am glad to see you are trying out the Peloton classes. They are keeping me sane at the moment. Thanks for joining and have a good week ahead

  5. Like you, I am trying to find a healthy balance between just enough info vs. too much. I’m not in denial of what’s going on, I’m just choosing to focus on the positives…because there are plenty of them. Stay strong, Friend!!

  6. So wonderful that your family is actually connecting more — there is always a silver lining, even to the most dire of times.

    Our weather, yeah, for the most part not so mild. But I’ve gotten out even on some nasty days I normally probably wouldn’t have.

    A lot of people have said the same thing about the OTF online workouts. I was going to try it out, maybe I still will, or maybe I’ll sign up for Peloton app instead. 🙂

    • I definitely don’t feel like the OTF at-home workouts are a good reflection of the studio classes – some things are just hard to replicate.

      It’s nice that you’re not letting the weather stop you from getting out – a little outdoor therapy is especially important now I think.

  7. Troubling times. Tough to be positive.

    I am running and walking to stay sane.

    Many enjoy the otf and Peleton apps.

    I’m on the computer all day so I just need fresh air.

    I would a bike and almost bought one. It decided not to spend the money.

    • I’m on the computer most of the day for work as well – I’ve been trying to take a midday break for a short walk just to break things up. It helps!

  8. I love that your family has been able to adjust – each doing their own thing and coming together for some socialising.

    Running has really helped the last couple of weeks. There’s threat of a lockdown where we won’t be allowed outside for runs… not sure how I would cope with that. I have a treadmill but that’s not really the same. I guess when it comes to it, that will have to do.

  9. I agree, getting outside and enjoying the fresh air for at least a little bit every day has been helpful. And our household has settled into a routine like that too… we mostly do our own thing during the day and come together in the evenings for dinner and hanging out.

  10. In order to get through my day with the least amount of anxiety, I don’t listen to any news during the day when I’m working. After work I’ll check websites for news but I have really been avoiding the news because it really affects me mentally.

    I hope that you will enjoy the Peloton app. I think that their variety of classes is really amazing. I’m considering taking the meditation classes to help with my stress – it can’t hurt!

    • I’m a big believer in meditation – I fell off my practice the past couple of weeks but am getting back into a routine. Let me know if you try the classes.

  11. I hope you love Peloton! I haven’t signed up just because I’m scared it will be a lot of things I can’t do and I will find it discouraging.

    I’m unsettled all. the. time. Which is hard, but it is what it is and I just have to put my head down and work through it. Things are awful for so many people night now 🙁

  12. I love being outdoors as well! It really helps to keep your mental sanity. So great that your family has found a balance between doing their own thing and being together!

  13. Ok, so let’s talk Risk! Does your family complete the game? We’ve played a few games so far and it gets to the point where we have to decide to just cut the clock and pick a winner! I am enjoying game nights with my kids again. Well, “forcing them to play” is more accurate, but we all have a good time and someone has to organize it 🙂
    Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly workouts – all the other stuffMy Profile

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