Runfessions – Corona edition

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional. And oh what a month it has been!

I runfess that there have been days, especially this week where I have just wanted to pull the covers over my head and not deal.

I runfess that I think the thought of having to stay inside has just made me crave outdoor time more than ever. On my non-running days, I have been going out for extra walks. So far, my dog is good with it…but we’ll see how he feels in another week or two.

I runfess that for as much as I love (and miss!) my Orangetheory classes, I’m just not loving their at-home workouts. I guess I really need the studio setting with the coach and all. However, ironically, I runfess that I am really enjoying workouts on the Peloton app. I feel like I’m cheating!

Have you tried any online studio classes? Anything you want to runfess?



  1. I agree – the OTF at home workouts are hit or miss but I’m trying to make the best of it. A few of the coaches form my studio have done the workouts on Instagram Live which makes them a little more fun, but there’s nothing like being in the studio 🙁

    That photo of the dog made me LOL.

    • A friend of mine posted that dog meme on FB the other day and it cracked me up 🙂

      I’m keeping my finger crossed that we can get back into the studio soon!

  2. same… I am getting stir crazy and can’t wait to go for a walk…sometimes two in one day.

    Online classes don’t thrill me either.

    I did like a LIVE yoga class because I could see the participants and the instructor made it seem more personal.

  3. Ha I am glad that you are enjoying the Peloton classes. I’ve discovered quite a few that I really like. Maybe we will all be in better shape after this

  4. LOL about heating with Peloton! I didn’t get much ST in this week, but I am really curious to try some OTF online workouts. Of course I have nothing to compare it to.

    Bandit would totally LOVE extra walks — especially right now, the weather is just perfect for them.

  5. I agree, there have been several days that I just want to go back to bed and hope that reality goes away. But we’ll get through this one day at a time! I have been trying to get out for a little bit every day if the weather is nice and the fresh air does seem to help.

  6. The home CF workouts we’re doing seem a lot harder than the in class ones, at least from a cardio standpoint! I miss my heavy strength training though. I wonder how much I’ll lose?

    That dog meme made me laugh. I see so many people walking their dogs. Maybe a silver lining will be people losing weight and their dogs doing the same?

    • My neighbor and I were joking that this whole situation has been a huge win for dogs because they get their humans home all the time and a lot more walks!

  7. Ozzy is loving his extra trail time so far! You are not the first person to say that about at-home OTF workouts. It’s a big change for sure. I’ve never been more grateful for my pain cave!

    • Yeah, I think the OTF experience is just a tough thing to translate to an at-home setting. But I give them credit for trying to give people some workout options.

  8. So I really wasn’t drinking much – first, because it interfered with me getting up super early to run, and then since November, because it was not compatible with my medications. Now? It’s game on. I’m having a glass of wine a night and that’s just fine.

    I’m struggling, too. I am doing home owrkouts because my leg needs them, but I wish I was with my tribe.

    • Oh, I’m so with you on the nightly glass of wine! Can you imagine if liquor stores were not deemed as “essential”?! I think people would freak out LOL!

  9. The hubby has been home for two solid weeks now (he’s usually out of town a couple nights a week), so we’ve been going on (almost) daily walks with Max. So far, Max has been on board LOL I have yet to download the Peloton app….I need to get on it!

  10. LOL on the dog. Scooby isn’t really get more walks, but he’s confused by us being home all the time. I wasn’t impressed by the OTF home workout at all. I only tried one, but there was so much demo time compared to workout time. The Peleton app does that much better, but I. guess they’ve had longer to figure it out.

    • Too funny about Scooby being confused – I swear my dog is starting to look at all of us wondering when we’re going to get out of his space LOL!

  11. Haha! I know our dogs are probably confused as to why they’re always being taken out on walks. I’ve actually taken my dog on all my runs – makes me feel better when I have him as company. While I enjoy solo runs, I do miss seeing people from the weekend group runs.
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  12. Oh that dog meme. So funny!
    My yoga mat is finally set up, and it’s time to try the exercises. Eventually
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  13. The outdoors, sunshine and warmer temps here lately have been keeping me sane in this wild season! My kiddos and I continue to homeschool as usual and the outdoor time is helping us to get through the “social distancing” isolation. We miss our friends and community but this too shall pass! Patience and prayer <3

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