A May Runfession or Two

It’s the last Friday of the month, which means it’s time to come clean with some Runfessions! Be sure to check out what our host Marcia and others are confessing!


I runfess that in sharing my race week ambivalence with a good friend over lunch yesterday, it became crystal clear to me that the only reason I was still considering running this Sunday was due to some twisted negative self-talk that I needed to “man-up” (or is that “woman-up”?) and not wimp out. This is not a good reason to run.

I’m all for a good challenge and pushing myself in a race but I runfess that I’m not interested in hobbling through just for the sake of saying I did it – especially if I just risk doing more harm than good.

While I’m disappointed that this whole training cycle didn’t come together as I’d hoped, I runfess that I will not regret sleeping in on Sunday morning and living to race another day.

I runfess that I’m already mapping out fall races 🙂 (Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this!)

So c’mon share…what do you runfess? 



  1. It sounds like you’ve come to a good decision! Any time I feel like a weight has lifted off my shoulder after making a decision like that, I know it was the right one. Enjoy the weekend! And you’re definitely not alone in planning out the race schedule in advance 🙂

  2. Isn’t it amazing how things crystalize and the answer becomes very apparent? Way to listen to your body and make the wise choice! Thanks for linking!
    Marcia recently posted…Holiday Weekend Runfessions and a GiveawayMy Profile

  3. You have come to the right decision and you should be super proud of that! Some people will race when they shouldn’t because of FOMO, but it could end up being a bad decision. You’ll have all summer to run/train and kick butt at races this Fall!
    Kimberly recently posted…Join Me For May RunfessionsMy Profile

  4. Good decision, Michelle. I’m learning to do this more and more. Those 5ks I once ran religiously? I don’t HAVE to run them anymore. And sleeping in is a huge perk! So what fall races are you looking into?

    • I would really like to run the Wicked Half with some of my SkirtSports sisters in September. And there are a bunch of half in October.

  5. I’m with you. The old me would have sucked it up and paid $100 to run that race. The new me was like, is it worth it? I’m not going to race it and I had no one to do it with. That made it easy to skip it.
    Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Runfessions: It’s May…My Profile

  6. You can never go wrong listening to your body and yes, there is always another race on another day! Have a great weekend Michelle!
    Teresa recently posted…May Runfessions: Utah Valley Half MarathonMy Profile

  7. A DNS is a hard decision to make, but it’s so much wiser than risking making things worse. Enjoy your Sunday!
    Coco recently posted…Colfax Denver Urban 10 Miler Race RecapMy Profile

  8. I bet you felt a huge 20-pound weight was lifted from your shoulders….sometimes the hardest part about making difficult decisions is all the thought and analysis that goes into actually saying “yes” or “no.” Once it’s done…it seems so simple 😉 Happy healing 😉
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Shall we RUNFESS?My Profile

  9. Good for you Michelle and thank you!! I had to make a very similar decision for a race this Sunday! It took a lot of procrastination but in the end I know I made the right decision! Looks like I’m sleeping in Sunday too! More races in the future and a healthier body will mean less chance of injury!!

  10. A DNS is tough, I’ve had to do it, but you are so right – when you risk doing more harm it is time to sit it out. There will be more races 🙂

  11. I agree with everyone else – I think you made the right decision. I totally get how that negative self talk happens though. Not exactly the same, but last week I was sick and didn’t want to take my son to swimming lessons, where it’s freezing cold when you get out of the pool. My warped brain was giving myself so much guilt about it for no reason. It’s funny how we beat ourselves up about trivial things sometimes.
    Chrissy @ Snacking in Sneakers recently posted…5 Awesome New Cycling Products! {Great for Gift Ideas}My Profile

  12. My FOMO would have made me do it (and I runfess that I have done that in the past and regretted it), but you are smart for not giving in when your heart is telling you to pass.
    AmyC recently posted…7 Up 7 Down Sprints plus Top 3 Reasons to Use Burst TrainingMy Profile

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