Chicago Week 10 – Zzzs wanted

Week 10 is done and there’s no sugar-coating it – it was a rough one!

The combination of a chaotic and stressful work schedule, an ITB flare-up, and ongoing sleep struggles made for a perfect storm.

Chicago Marathon Training Week 10

Monday — Yoga and a trip to the acupuncturist to try to calm a cranky ITB.

Tuesday — The legs were feeling much better and despite another night of lousy sleep, I was able to get 5 early morning miles done.

Wednesday — 6 miles.

Thursday — My struggle for a good night sleep had caught up with me and I ended up hitting the snooze button a couple of times but still had enough time for a short run and some core work.

Friday — I was up and out the door early for round 1 of event set-up for work so there was no time for a morning run, but I did manage to sneak in 6 miles before the day was done.

Saturday — It was event day for work so I was up by 2:30 am to be out the door by 3 and on the road to the event location. 12 hours of final set-up, event management (including playing race director for a 5K/10K), and event tear-down followed. To say I was toast by the day’s end would be an understatement.

Sunday — Given yesterday’s non-stop pace, I knew it would be asking a lot to hit the 12 miles on my plan. My legs were not on board at all and by mile 4 I started to be concerned that I was going to do more harm than good if I continued. I called my husband to pick me up and by the time he got to me, I’d only hit 5 miles. Never a great feeling to cut a long run short but I think I made the right call.

Total miles for the week – 25.5
Total miles on the road to Chicago – 221.1

I am so glad to have this week behind me! Things should be quieter on the work-front this week, and best of all I have a couple of days off. My two big goals for the week are to focus on my PT exercises for my IT band and to get some much-needed sleep.

How was your week? Do you cut runs short or try to push through?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.




  1. I know it was a rough week but just know that next week will be better! That’s good to know that next week will be quieter at work and I hope that you can get better sleep too!
    Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Chicago Marathon Training – Week 6My Profile

  2. As I said on your IG, I think you were really smart to cut your runs short. There is no point in doing something that you could injure yourself with. Your training is going so well. One run won’t make a difference. Tomorrow is a new day!
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Run Down Appreciating the little things and a full nestMy Profile

  3. It is OK to cut a long run short. Sometimes our body needs it. Take it easy. We’ve all had those days where things don’t go well and we’ve had to stop.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Room set up and it is hereMy Profile

  4. Sorry your long run didn’t go as you’d hoped. I’m seeing so many trends here with a bunch of us…this week – lack of sleep seemed to be a big issue with many (myself included). I hope that ITB shapes up and loses the attitude.
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…This week’s Fitness? All kinds of “F” bombs…My Profile

  5. I learned to cut a long run short after I got a couple of injures to push too much. Better to run some km less than one week of stop.
    Have a good (running) week.
    Black Knight recently posted…August 15th – Feast of the AssumptionMy Profile

  6. I think you made the right decision there. I have done long runs just the day after working at an athletics or xc event all day and they are tough, tough, tough, let alone on no sleep. Hope this is an easier week for you.
    Liz Dexter recently posted…Book review – Shaun Bythell – “Confessions of a Bookseller” @SerpentsTail #NetGalleyMy Profile

  7. You know I’m not shy about cutting a run short these days. My body just turns into a mule–stubborn and won’t go one.step.more. So I get it. Hopefully, the extra rest will give your ITB a whole new attitude. You’ve got a lot of training in the bank and a few missed miles aren’t going to make a difference.
    Wendy recently posted…Can I Still Call Myself a Runner?My Profile

  8. Sounds like a really tough week, especially with that long workday on Saturday. It definitely sounds like the right call to cut the run short on Sunday. I think every training cycle has that one long run that just doesn’t work out. I hope this week goes better and you can catch up on some sleep 🙂
    Chaitali recently posted…Richmond Half Marathon – training week 5My Profile

  9. You made the right call, it’s so important to listen to your body. I’m an event planner as well, I know how those day-of go, you probably walked more than 12 miles that day 😉

  10. Up at 2:30? That’s rough! I bet the rest of your body nominated your ITB to speak up and demand a day off. 😉 Seriously, I hope you catch up on your sleep and your ITB quiets down again.
    Coco recently posted…Gearing Up For VacataionMy Profile

  11. I love how you just snuck in 6 miles. Without proper rest. WOW! I hope that you get the rest that you need.
    De Bolton recently posted…7 things I learned about myself from Empower Summer CampMy Profile

  12. I think you were wise to cut it short. Nothing good comes from pushing through when you’re exhausted and hurting. I hope you can rest up this week.
    Marcia recently posted…Why College Drop Off is Like Marathon TrainingMy Profile

  13. Sounds like you made the right call on the long run. Never fun to cut them short, but listening to your body was the right thing to do!
    Hope you have recovered from your busy week and your ITB cooperates with you!
    Esther recently posted…Tap, tap, anyone there?My Profile

  14. There are so many ups and downs with training! I’m sure next week will be an up one!! Hope you get some better sleep too!!!

  15. Sorry that you struggled this week 🙁 That’s never easy. I’ve cut short plenty of times (more than I care to admit), but it’s always for the right reasons. I hope this week goes easier for you.
    Jenn recently posted…july runfessions: time to have some funMy Profile

  16. Such an awesome week of training! I can’t wait to see how you enjoy Chicago!

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