May Runfessions over Coffee

In typical May fashion, this month just flew by, and now we’re standing on the doorstep of June. Marcia has opened the Runfessional and Coco and Deborah are inviting everyone to catch up at the Ultimate Coffee Date, so let’s dive in and chat a bit.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that we made it through all of the concerts, lacrosse games, and other various school events, and have officially entered summer mode in the RWA household! My oldest came home from school Wednesday and the youngest finished his last exam yesterday! That sound you hear is the collective exhale as we survived another round May Madness.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I am starting to feel like Mother Nature is punking me. I spent forever tracking down just the right new furniture for both our deck and patio and, with the exception of Memorial Day Weekend, it’s been too rainy and cold to enjoy any outdoor time.

And, speaking of Memorial Day Weekend, while the weather was beautiful, I runfess the heat during Sunday’s race left me dreading running in the summer weather to come. I spent this month transitioning back to early morning runs, and I runfess I’ve already started to wonder just how early I’m going to have to get up to make the double-digit long runs of marathon training even remotely tolerable.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that after learning a couple of months ago from Coach Marc that he prefers the Hansons Marathon Method (affiliate link!) of training, I debated whether to order the book or just take the training as it comes. Well, I runfess that curiosity got the better of me and I recently ordered the book and devoured it in a couple of sittings. I am now both equal parts excited and terrified! LOL! Sometimes ignorance is bliss!

So what would you tell me over coffee? Any runfessions to share?



  1. Glad to hear that Mayhem is resolved for you! Good luck with your marathon training!
    Wendy recently posted…Runfessions over CoffeeMy Profile

  2. I am so curious about this Hanson’s Method now! I love running and I want to get faster, so many I’ll pick up this book too and see if it helps me. Good luck on your training!

  3. Hooray for having MAYhem behind you! My middle schooler has 2 more days of school and a flute recital and then WE ARE THERE! All the best with Hanson’s training!
    Marcia recently posted…Runfessions Over Cold BrewMy Profile

  4. I did the Hanson method for one marathon. It felt great, and I liked it, but I just don’t have the stamina for it anymore. Good luck with your training. and, by the way, I love the title of your post (I went with the same one!) 🙂
    Laurie recently posted…Runfessions Over CoffeeMy Profile

  5. I totally feel you on the dreading running in the heat. I’m not a marathon runner by any means, but summer conditioning for soccer was always horrible!

    As much as I hate the cold weather, it’s so much more comfortable to run in!

  6. I runfess that I totally agree with you about the heat 🙁 When I trained for Chicago 2 years ago I remember starting my long runs at 6am, which was brutal but I knew it was for the best lol.

    I know multiple runners that have had success using a Hanson’s training plan but I don’t think it will work for me because it requires too many days of running. You know how I love my strength and cross training!
    Kim G recently posted…Join Me For May Runfessions!My Profile

  7. I don’t know much about Hanson’s method of marathon training so will be curious to follow your training. Isn’t this weather just the worst. It better be nice this summer!
    Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…Goals and UpdatesMy Profile

  8. A bunch of us are gonna be 26.2 training together this summer 😉 This was my first May (and April LOL) with a substantial reduction in stress. There was another graduation (the youngest daughter from her CC), but that was easy-peasy compared to all the previous Mays with end-of-year chaos.
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…So…Let’s Runfess AlreadyMy Profile

  9. Yay for making it through May! And for having your oldest home! I know Courtney (eat pray run DC) followed Hanson’s – I think it worked really well for her.
    Coco recently posted…Oversharing At The June Coffee DateMy Profile

  10. I am so happy for June! Time to get on with the summer!

    It’s been in the record highs here, so i know all about miserable summer running. Ugh.

  11. I am with you on making it through May! I normally love May but I was happy to see it go! And I am not looking to the summer temps and humidity!

  12. Oh, I feel your pain with the weather! It has been so cold and rainy here all Spring. Sure hope things turn around for the Summer!!
    Angela recently posted…Hydration: Why It’s So ImportantMy Profile

  13. Congrats on surviving May! 😛

    I’m with you on the weather. Every time I’m not working a weekend, it decides to have thunderstorms over here. Every time the weather’s beautiful, I’m scheduled for a shift. :[ So sad.

  14. We just moved our morning runs earlier as well. Kind of dreading what’s to come!
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Protein Packed Vanilla Blueberry GranolaMy Profile

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