Keeping my eye on the prize

If you read last week’s wrap up then you know I was contemplating taking a DNS on the Black Cat 10 miler thanks to a very cranky piriformis. The truth is I knew even as I was typing that post that the chances of my actually running Black Cat were slim. But we runners always hold out hope, right?

Well, I eeked out a run on Tuesday, but it was a lot of effort for a short 3 miles with my piriformis talking back most of the way. Decision made – it was not worth it to push it for what was basically going to be a training run.

Once that decision was out of the way, the rest of the week seemed to get a lot easier. I babied the heck out of my right leg, returned to some of my PT exercises, hit the yoga mat, and spent some time on the Arc Trainer. I also managed two more runs – both slow and easy with 5:1 run-walk intervals and finished the week with 12.5 miles. Surprising…and I’ll take it as a win!

So this week will be more of the same so I can get back to training for the races I have planned for the spring. Next up is the Portland 10 Miler in April and then Boston’s Run to Remember Half in May.

Have you ever taken a DNS? What’s next on your race calendar?

I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.




  1. Sorry for the DNS but I can totally understand your decision. Nothing good would’ve come from struggling through 10 miles. I’ve definitely taken my share of DNS’s and will likely have to take another later this month due to this knee issue. Oh well.
    Marcia recently posted…Injured Reserve and My Running World Stands StillMy Profile

  2. Sorry to hear that you had a DNS but better safe than sorry. You would not want to agitate it even more trying to push yourself just because you already signed up months prior. Things change and come up and that’s ok.
    Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…Weekly Wrap…Does Accuracy count?My Profile

  3. Unfortunately I have also had to drop out of races before due to injury or just not feeling properly trained. While it is disappointing at the time. I knew it was the right thing for me at the time
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Wrap A Tri-ing WeekMy Profile

  4. I’ve had a few DNS’s in my days (two major ones last summer), and I had a DNF a couple years ago. All of them were disappointing, but I also had a huge wave of relief wash over me as a result. The two DNS’s were not my choice (result from the surgery recovery), but the DNF was all of my doing…and so painfully obvious the right decision…debating about doing it was actually much more stressful than simply pulling the plug LOL
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Almost Blown AwayMy Profile

  5. I think that you definitely made the right decision. I hope that the extra PT exercises will help with your injury.

    I know you are planning on running a Fall marathon so it’s better to really tend to the injury now and get it under control so that you can have a great training cycle!
    Kim G recently posted…Yuengling Shamrock Marathon Training Recap – Week 11My Profile

  6. It sounds like you made the right move by passing on the race, though DNS’s are always a bummer. I’m glad you still ended up with a solid week!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…New Jersey Marathon Training Week 10My Profile

  7. It sounds like you made the right choice! And it sounds like your body took it well with the added rest and intervals added into the runs.
    Chaitali recently posted…National Women’s Half Training – Week 5My Profile

  8. I think you made a really wise decision – you listened to your body and kept your eye on the bigger picture.
    Shathiso recently posted…Journey to My First Half Marathon, Week 10My Profile

  9. I think you made the right decision Michelle. And, maybe making that lifted a weight off your shoulders? Because, you had a great week of running! You’ll be ready for the next race! Thanks for linking!

  10. Making that decision to DNS is always the hardest ….but it’s always best to listen to your body so that our bigger goals can be achieved. Take it easy ….you’ve got a marathon this fall, right? I can’t wait to follow along with you on that journey!!
    Teresa recently posted…Marathon Training ….Here I go again!My Profile

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