Training Check-in – Week 7


check in

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like these weeks are just flying by? As of today, there are 76 days until the Philadelphia Half – on the one hand, still a lot of time, but given the way these days are flying by, it will be here before I know it!

So week 7 is in the books and I’m very happy to report it was a much better week! Here’s how things shook out:

Monday:  Leg and core work.

Tuesday:  6 miles on a hilly loop followed by a massage!

Wednesday:  After a 2 week break, my Pilates Barre class is back!

Thursday:  Returned to hill repeats – 6 miles total.

Friday:   I was definitely feeling the effects of those hill repeats, so I decided to skip my scheduled cross-training.

Saturday: 9 miles. The heat and humidity was just crazy – it was like running in a furnace! Knowing that this was going to be a tough run, I decided to go Galloway and switched to run/walk intervals after the first couple of miles. I’d never tried doing intervals like that so I just kind of played with the length of the run intervals –  it was a nice distraction from the heat, helped me to keep a consistent pace and to finish fairly strong.

Sunday:  Much needed rest day.

All-in-all a pretty solid week. My challenge since I started this training cycle has been to put two solid weeks together. So my goal for this week is simple – keep up the forward momentum!

How did week go for you?  Have you ever tried the Galloway Method?




  1. The heat and humidity this weekend was just awful! Galloway sounds like a good idea…I had to do a mix of running and walking towards the end of my 12 miles on Saturday. Glad you had a strong training week!!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…RnR Philly Half Week 9 Recap: Philly 10K and Tough Long RunMy Profile

  2. ooh YES!!
    something I HAVE TRIED 🙂
    lovelovelove the GALLOWAY method.
    a lot lot.
    CARLA recently posted…An 8 year old’s guide to intuitive eating.My Profile

  3. Great week, Michelle! Saturday was ridiculous, wasn’t it? Just ridiculous. It had to have been the last of it, though, right?

  4. Solid week for sure! Sorry about the humidity. Been there done that. It sucks. I don’t hesitate to take walk breaks when it’s so hot.

    • I know you’ve had a lot more of the humidity in your area for sure. I think I was so spoiled by the relatively mild August that this weekend was a shock to the system 🙂

  5. Great week! I do the Galloway method and use the interval setting on Runkeeper to tell me when to switch.
    Courtney @ Don’t Blink. Just Run. recently posted…Run Wild 5K Race RecapMy Profile

    • Thanks! Since it was a spur of the moment decision I didn’t set up the intervals on my Garmin, so I had to keep checking my watch. I’m sure having the intervals pre-set would have made things a lot easier.

  6. yep – i was with you in spirit on that saturday run, lady. UGH! so glad i think we are on the better side, weather wise 🙂
    Courtney @ Eat Pray Run DC recently posted…Navy Air Force Half Training Recap – Week 11My Profile

  7. It was brutal out there on SAturday-nice work getting it done. I waited until Sunday 🙂
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…A Mezze Trio of Veggie DipsMy Profile

  8. solid week! It was humid and hot in DC Saturday too which is why I opted to do my long run on Sunday. No matter I could barely move at work today!
    Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Week 9: Halfway ThereMy Profile

  9. I’m doing the Philly Half in November too! 🙂 Great job running on Saturday! It was way too humid out, I remember cuz I did yoga outdoors for the first time! I’ve never tried the Galloway method, but it seems like it might be something worth trying.
    Sharon recently posted…Half Marathon Training Week 8: 9/1-9/7My Profile

  10. Ok, so there are a ton of mamas in my MRTT group that do galloway and swear by it. I’ve always been apprehensive until a friend of mine who never does it tried it. She did 18 miles and said that she felt like she ran 5 so I was obviously intrigued. I decided to try it for my 20 miler. Ive got to say, the first 12 were ok, but after that I had a really hard time getting going after walking. I may not be cut our for it, or I am doing it wrong. Not sure.
    Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Friday Five: Pre-race ritualsMy Profile

    • I’ve always been leery of it too because I figured my legs would just shut down with that much walking. But like you, I know several runners who swear by it! It definitely helped me get through that hot run. I want to learn more about it.

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