National Running Day!

Today is National Running Day! A day for runners to declare their passion for running (not that we really need one day for that!) and maybe to inspire someone else to join us!

So how will you be celebrating?

With a group run?
Registering for a race?
Purchasing some new running gear?

Me? I just squeezed in a nice easy 4 miler before putting the boys on the school bus. Later today I’ll be attending the ZOOMA Cape Cod preview luncheon hosted by race founder Brae Blackley. I’m looking forward to meeting Brae and the other race ambassadors, and hearing all about the plans for ZOOMA Cape Cod!

And then yes, there’s always the possibility of a little race shopping before the day is done 🙂

What have you got planned for today?


  1. Looking forward to seeing you today! I plan on a track workout tonight with my running group! Love it!

  2. What a great way to spend the day! Enjoy it.

  3. Perfect- enjoy meeting Brae, and getting a little shopping in! Today is typically a non-running day for me, but I added an easy mile after my spin class.

  4. I ran a 3 miler with a new pair of running shoes!! 🙂

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