Comfortably hard

“Comfortably hard” – if you look up the definition of a tempo run, you will inevitably find these words to help define the effort to put forward for these steady pace runs.

Well, the truth is comfortably hard is a moving target…depending on the day; what body parts are cooperating…or not; whether Mother Nature is cooperating…or not.
Some days, comfortably hard can feel like  you’re flying…working at it, but flying – firing on all cylinders. And, other days, comfortably hard is any movement after you drag yourself out of bed for your run.

Like so many aspects of running, what constitutes comfortably hard is relative. It varies from runner to runner, and for each runner it can vary from run to run. Sure you set out with a target pace in mind, but that pace is yours alone. And, sometimes you hit it consistently…enjoy it and take note of what worked. Other times you won’t – don’t beat yourself up over it…also take note of what didn’t work and accept that this was today’s definition of “comfortably hard.”



  1. I always thought comfortably hard was pretty much an oxymoron.

  2. Every word of this post is so true!

  3. You are so right! Comfortably hard can have a different meaning on any given day. I think the feeling of knowing that you did your best (even though it was difficult) gives us a strong sense of accomplishment. That’s what keeps me going! I had never thought of appropriate words for this feeling, and I think “comfortably hard” is quite fitting! Great post!!!!!

  4. Yes, tempo can be a very gray area. BUT–I do love it and think it’s a good fit for learning how to feel during a race.

  5. This is a great addition to recent posts I’ve seen on pacing for running (e.g., mine and then Tina’s at Faith Fitness Fun). You are so right that the main point of different types of runs is the effort that you feel like you are exerting on that day, and that will change from day to day and run to run. I really needed to see this!

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